Master of the End Times

Chapter 732 - The Wrath of an S-tier

Chapter 732: The Wrath of an S-tier

Nonetheless, they had no choice but to report this to the Dark Coalition’s S-tiers.

The Amazon Alliance had lost their S-tier three decades ago. No one knew where he went. Many believed that he was dead.

Thus, in all these years, the Amazon Alliance fell under the control of Devil’s Eye. They now answered to Eye Devil—the leader of Devil’s Eye. No one knew the real name of Eye Devil. However, they knew that he was a powerful man. And to these people, power was everything; this was why they submitted to him.

Meanwhile, Eye Devil was quite calm after receiving the news.

This man looked quite young—about twenty years of age. He wore a simple, white robe that was decorated with golden flowers. This robe was not any mere robe—it was a god armor.

Eye Devil’s body was radiating with light, warming anyone who was standing nearby.

His eyes, however, were completely black in color—he had no sclera at all.

“Alright.” Eye Devil replied softly before raising his hand and shooting out a ray of light energy, ripping a dimensional tunnel in the space in front of him.

He did not even bother to activate a spatial waymark—all he did was tear a dimensional tunnel in front of him using his light powers.

Thus, he teleported straight to the Amazon Alliance’s headquarters in just one step. Then, he raised his head and looked at the sun that was rising in the sky. A huge eye ball then emerged from the clouds, scanning the entire area as though it was searching for something.

Then, it finally locked onto its target and fired a beam of light.

Meanwhile, Qin Feng was meditating in the wild. He had disrobed his Sacred Armor—it was an armor that was made from the pinnacle of technology of the Soul Tribe so it had great self-reparation capabilities. This time, however, it was greatly damaged; so, it would need at least ten days to fully repair itself.

Thus, Qin Feng changed into a normal combat suit and meditated to recover his internal energy.

Suddenly, Qin Feng had an eerie feeling that someone was watching him. At first, it was just an occasional eerie feeling. Then, this feeling got more and more intense.

Qin Feng raised his head and saw a ray of light shining on him, seemingly coming from the sun.

After a short moment of thinking, Qin Feng understood what this meant.

“Ah, Devil’s Eye. They have finally come out to the open!”

Then, he could sense that an overwhelming, destructive force was crashing straight at him. It was so powerful that Qin Feng did not think he had any means to counter it.

“Bai Li!”

Qin Feng cried out loudly using his consciousness.

“Spatial Passage! Now! Bring me back now!”

Sensing the urgency in his voice, Bai Li immediately activated her spatial powers.

Although both of them were quite far away from one another, to Bai Li this was just moving from one spatial point to another. As such, moving him from a great distance was not a problem for her.

In an instant, a circle of silver ray emerged from beneath Qin Feng’s feet. Then, Qin Feng fell straight into the Spatial Passage that appeared beneath him.

As soon as he got into the Spatial Passage, the powerful light attack landed where he was standing.


The attack punctured a massive hole, one that was hundred meters wide, at where Qin Feng was standing earlier.

The hole was so deep that it reached the natural water source under the soil! In a matter of minutes, the hole had turned into a lake.

Eye Devil, on the other hand, was surprised by this turn of events.

The huge eyeball stared at the newly created lake with disbelief. He knew that his attack did not kill Qin Feng earlier despite the great destruction it caused.

This had never happened before. It was quite impossible for an S-tier to miss his target like this.

However, Eye Devil was not going to let his prey go so easily.

The huge eyeball started to look around again.

It was not actually “looking” but rather “locking onto” its target using consciousness.

Thus, Eye Devil was able to “see” that his target had fled all the way to the Huaxia Alliance’s turf—to Fengli City!

The eyeball was able to locate Qin Feng in his villa.

Sensing that he had been locked on, Qin Feng’s face turned grim.

No way. Was he coming this way?

Qin Feng rushed out of his villa and looked to the skies. And then he saw a ray of light energy darting toward him at great speed.

Bai Li, too, realized what was going on. Her stunningly exquisite face looked serious and grim as she looked at the sky. This was her and Qin Feng’s home. She could not allow anyone to harm it.

Thus, Bai Li raised her hand! A plate of silver ray appeared in the sky before morphing into a huge, dark Spatial Tunnel.

As the golden light ray got closer, the whole city was blinded by this overwhelming energy. Then, suddenly, a massive, black “hole” appeared in the air, relieving them from the blinding light.

It took a few seconds for the citizens of Fengli to realize what was going on—they were under attack!

Meanwhile, the golden light ray landed on the Spatial Passage, which absorbed it completely. However, a crack started to form around the black spatial hole. Glitters of light escaped from the crack as it split wider by the second.

Qin Feng, too, raised his hands now, concentrating his consciousness like never before to summon all his dark energy from his Diamond Starglobe. Then…


“Dark Flash!”

Although this was just a simple dark ability, Qin Feng knew this was the best method to counter the light attack. All he needed to do was focus all his dark runes and intensify his Dark Flash.

Thus, in an instant, Qin Feng’s Dark Flash darted to the air as it rapidly expanded to at least fifty-meter wide.


Bai Li’s Spatial Passage had now been completely broken by the light attack—just in time for Dark Flash to rush up to take it on.


A powerful shockwave swept across Fengli City’s airspace. The whole city’s alarm system was sounded before the city began to shield itself with its barrier.

The shockwave was so powerful that it lasted for a minute.

Eye Devil frowned.

He was an S-tier.

And his attack—an S-tier’s attack was blocked twice.

This was, to him, a humiliation.

Thus, he ordered his eyeball to shoot down a third golden ray!

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