Master of the End Times

Chapter 566 - Hong Lie’s Thoughts

Chapter 566: Hong Lie’s Thoughts


Bai Li harrumphed, much like how a discontented little girl would. “Exploiters? Fengli is ours, not someone else’s. Who gave them the right to try and exploit us? We ought to just drive them all away!”

Qin Feng was surprised by her tone but ended up laughing from how dumbstruck he was.

“You’re right. We should drive all the greedy people away!”


December came and brought with it snowflakes and a cooler climate that made many shrink their necks and shiver.

Fengli City had only been established for about a year and it was its first time hosting an end-of-year large scale conference.

That day, the originally rapidly expanding Fengli Organization had half of its staff members dismissed. With the internal part of the company facing such a drastic shift, the remaining staff began to become more alert. They had to be more careful about themselves if they wanted a future in this organization.

Shares were changed in the company after Qin Feng injected some of his own liquid assets into the mix and ended up owning 95% of the shares. Some of the original management shares were either lowered in returns or given back to the company. After all, the company had an Iron and Blood policy*.

Qin Feng stood behind the podium of the conference hall, looking at the others below.

These were the ones recruited when the Fengli Organization was first established. They would always stay in the city and become the city’s backbone in the future.

He started to speak. “Among you, there are many who are seeing me for the first time. Of course, I hope that this wouldn’t be the last time you do.”

“Fengli will continue to grow in the future and these contributions might not be yours!”

The sentence was blunt and had no other meaning behind it!

“Remember, if you don’t want to work under me then you can leave.”

“Don’t hold any other thoughts. Those who are capable, who are strong, would naturally have a higher status. Organizations like ours would always have the next generation coming up first!”

“If you don’t want to fall behind, then train yourselves and fight harder! If you’re just watching videos and not working hard then what’s the point of it?”

“I don’t have a lot of time to manage all of you much. Just be more self conscious and I won’t leave you behind!”

Qin Feng exuded a terrifying presence from his body but he did not unleash his strength to coerce these people or use his consciousness to suppress them.

This was all just him.

And it was enough to shock everyone present.

Qin Feng gave everyone another look before withdrawing and stepping off.


He quickly disappeared without a trace. It was only when he was gone that people could recollect themselves.

“That’s our president? The governor of the Four Cities on the North Sea?”

“He wasn’t unleashing any kind of aura, but I couldn’t look directly at him when he was up there. Is that what it feels like to be around someone powerful?”

“Ugh, having the president personally reprimand us is embarrassing! This can be counted as the management’s negligence!”

“Get stronger. Train harder. If we can’t keep up with the president then someone’s going to end up replacing us!”

Everyone had their own thoughts but they were all nervous after being reprimanded by Qin Feng. After thinking about all those who had been kicked out, those who remained did not dare to relax.

Qin Feng remained in Fengli City and only spoke to those in the Dragon Capital via his communicator. After all, things had already been carried on and the contract had begun.

Compared to the other aptitude users in Fengli, there was a place that Qin Feng found more comfort in.

Fengli’s sole laboratory. Most of the people here were scientists who were just ordinary people.

A scientist was an occupation many ordinary people strived for.

Although they would not be as unscrupulous as the life of an aptitude user, it was a lucrative job and if they were recognized then they would be living a good life.

What was more was that this job had the lowest chance of getting randomly killed by people!

By now, Qin Feng’s laboratory had expanded exponentially, there was even a small basement that functioned as an underground research level.

Besides researching mutants, it was also where machinery was being engineered.

“How goes the advanced C-tier beast king experiments?”

“We’re still at a 50% risk factor. We don’t have enough data and we can’t do live experimentation!” The head scientist had been changed recently but that was not important.

“Don’t even think about keeping live specimens!” Qin Feng said in a serious tone. “We’re different from the Dark Coalition. If you want data then I’ll go out and find some for you. Until then, just do your best!”

“Yes, President, Sir!”

Qin Feng went on to inspect the mechanical research wing and introduce to the scientists there the technology that he had picked up while he was in the Perished Lands for them to research on before leaving.

After that, he called his contacts in the Dragon Capital to look for another piece of information.

The Z Organization!

“Back then, I couldn’t find the whereabouts of the Z Organization. Could it be because I knew too little?”

After being reborn as a prodigy, Qin Feng learned that the results of being in a different circle of aptitude users were vast.

Like the Dragon Gate Tower. Without the status of being a prodigy, you could not enter at all and if you missed it then you would have missed a once in a lifetime chance.

Now he had contacts with all kinds of people of different families in the Dragon Capital. The personal network management made things very efficient.

Information took time, so all he could do now was just wait patiently!


On the third day after Qin Feng returned to Fengli City, the news of Tian Yan’s death had been confirmed by Wen Hai and passed into Hong Lie’s ears, a B-tier aptitude user.

“What? You say it’s Qin Feng?”

The president of the Red Sun Corp rapidly blinked his eyes when he heard the news from Wen Hai.

Although he had not been in Beihua City for a long time due to him clearing ultra beasts on the battlefield but since he was B-tier he would eventually end up knowing things that people of his caliber would naturally know.

Wei Hai did not know what was riling up Hong Lie so much but he bit the bullet and said, “Yes, it’s him!”

“Ridiculous!” Hong Lie said angrily, “He’s a prodigy, a prodigy that made it past the Dragon Gate Tower. Do you know what that means?”

“Sir, we, we just thought that he might be dead and even if he wasn’t dead, it was just to get a few things. Who would have thought that he would personally return and kill Tian Yan!”

“Bullsh*t, he’s the president of Fengli. You pull someone’s legs, wouldn’t they kick back? If someone tried to touch you, you think I’d just stand by and watch?”

Wei Hai was still completely oblivious and remarked, “Sir, how can he compare to you? He’s just a C-tier of some backwater state!”

“Shortsighted!” Hong Lie angrily yelled but realized that there were things that he could not tell his subordinate. Such as the fact that while Qin Feng was C-tier, he could still kill B-tiers.

“You don’t need to follow up on this matter anymore, I’ll handle this myself! Remember, don’t try to act smart otherwise in the end you wouldn’t even find out how you died!”

Once he was done talking, Hong Lie used his contacts to seek out Qin Feng so he could make reconciliation.

*Translation: ‘Iron and Blood’ was part of a speech given by Otto von Bismark in September 30 1862. It means a focus on manpower more than anything else.

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