Hellbound With You

Chapter 540 - Shut up

Chapter 540 - Shut up

Alicia watched Alexander hug his wife. His face buried in the nook of her neck and everyone could see his still trembling shoulders.

Tears silently fell from Alicia's eyes again, realizing that they were all saved from the impending doom that must have happened had Abigail not open her eyes ever again. She was goddamned relieved and glad that those two were back in each other's arms again.

Was it really over now?

She still didn't understand what just happened but the answers and explanations that she wanted could wait for later. Because right then, even she felt like passing out. She saw the prophetess ran towards the beaten Ezekiel and she prayed that that prince better still be alive and kicking. He still had so many things to explain and she still need to punch him at least once.

"Your highness!" the prophetess fell on her knees and when Alicia saw that Ezekiel lifted his hand and lazily waved it to the prophetess, indicating that he was fine, Alicia breathed out a sigh of relief that she didn't know she was holding in.

Her eyes then caught Riev's body and her heart ached and then, she dragged her eyes towards Zeres. Alicia forced herself up and dragged herself towards the silver-haired man lying on the ground.

Once she reached him, she just stood there, looking down at him. His silver hair scattered on the ground. His angel face was so peaceful. As if he was only sleeping.

'Poor guy… you've suffered a lot, Zeres. I'm sorry you had to suffer in this life too.' She could only whisper inwardly as she knelt beside him. It pained her that this man had to suffer such a tragic end twice. It wasn't fair. He deserved better. He didn't deserve a tragic end.

Lifting her hand, she was about to brush the stray strands of his silver hair from his face when the man suddenly winced. Alicia froze. He's alive?

"Ah… it hurts…" he groaned. The shocked Alicia failed to react for a moment. Wait!

"Z-z-zeres!! Y-you're alive?!" she exclaimed. She didn't even realize that she blurted those words out.

The man forced his eyes opened just enough to see her and shut it close again. "T-that's so rude, queen…" he said between his gritted pain. He started to twist, clutching his shirt. He looked like he's in so much pain.

"H-how come?!" Alicia blurted again.

"D-don't know but… you're really rude… ah, it hurts…" he forced his broken words and he twisted to the other side.

Alicia finally snapped. She was goddamned confused and shocked. Someone had better have an explanation ready or all this will drive her insane real soon!

"Hurt? Where? I don't see any wound!" she said as she frantically checked his body. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

"I think… it's poison…"

He coughed and blood flowed down the corner of his lips. His skin began to be tainted with a greenish hue.

Alicia gasped in surprise. How did he get poisoned? And this poison was from witches. There were no more witches who could create poison like this in age! So how come –

A realization dawned on Alicia. She remembered that back then, Zeres died because of the poison he extracted from Alexander's body. Could it be that Zeres was still alive right now because he was still alive when his mother gave him the dragon blood? That's why Dinah immediately turned into bones because Dinah was already dead when she consumed the dragon's blood?!

Zeres' groans became weaker. The poison spread so quickly that his skin had gone fully green. His breathing hitched and was becoming shallower. He was dying!

"Damn it!" Alicia swore. She had to save him. She could. If it was thousands of years ago, it was impossible to save someone if the poison already spread to this extent. But now, she could. However, she had no more strength left to bring out her magic.

No. She had to save him. She would have been dead by now without Zeres. He'd save her and not just once. So how could she let him die? How could she watch him die? She was unable to save Riev. If she failed to save Zeres as well…

Alicia shook her head and closed her eyes. She must save him. Those words echoed in her head over and over again and a weak green glow appeared from her eyes.

Please. Let me save him. She uttered inwardly. Her body was way past its limit. She felt like her body was dehydrated and empty, no more strength nor power. But she still forced herself, desperately. As if to squeeze more water from an already dry piece of cloth. It felt impossible but she tried, gritting her teeth.

"No… s… stop!" she heard him spoke. But Alicia ignored him. "Don't do this… I… it's too late… it's okay, Alicia…"

Zeres' broken pleas continued but Alicia still didn't listen – rather, she couldn't listen as her focus was so deep that her mind had closed off all distractions. His weak trembling hands gripped her wrist in the hopes of stopping her. However, the jerking motion of Alicia's arm had him rolling away from her in pain.

Alicia's concentration broke and she opened her eyes in anger. She forced herself up and straddled the man, locking him under her. "Stop struggling you, idiot!! Can't you see I am trying to save you?!!" She didn't even know how she still had the energy to yell.

"Please. Don't. The poison will –"

"Who do you think I am? I am the witch queen!"

"E-even if… it's useless… too dangerous for you… you can't sacrifice… yourself for me… it's okay… I'm already –"

"Shut up and let me concentrate or I'll smack you so hard you'll be wishing you were dead instead!!! This is not the ancient times so I can save you without killing myself!! Understand?!" she yelled at Zeres, rolling her eyes in exasperation. He just wasted precious time when she could have healed him.

Zeres looked surprised and a little doubtful if what she said was true. But he didn't have the luxury to even speak or even think anymore. The pain was killing him. This familiar pain that once killed him was eating him alive all over again.

The glow of green shone even brighter on the surface of his skin. Alicia could feel the power. She was surprised. Where did this power come from? Did she already recover? No. That was impossible! She almost felt as if someone was transmitting her energy.

When the magic was working and Zeres' groans became louder, Alicia opened her eyes. It was then that she realized, her energy wasn't coming from herself, it was coming from Zeres. How did this happen?

She could see silver lights emitting from Zeres' body and entering hers. In exchange, the magic coming from her hands got stronger. Alicia had never seen nor experienced anything like this before, not even in the memories and knowledge of the past queens that was stored in her. It was truly shocking. She didn't know this was even possible. Was it because Zeres was a silver-haired witch like her?

Abi and the rest came towards them, upon seeing that she was trying to save Zeres. However, they stopped at a distance and did not try continuing in their approach as they didn't dare disturb Alicia in her endeavours until Zeres' pain slowly subsided – evidenced by the lessening groans of pain.

The green glow grew into a dome-like shield around them before suddenly shattering and the green liquid that had been gathering in Alicia's palm flowed like honey to the ground. Everyone was still and deadly silent, observing what had just happened, when Alicia crumpled – right on top of Zeres.


[I've read all your comments and I cried again. *Sigh*. Thank u so much hellbounders. I love you guys. Know that you guys are the reason why I'm still writing.]

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