Hellbound With You

Chapter 515 Something unexpected

Chapter 515: Something unexpected

Alicia gasped, further startled by the sudden and forceful action. Her heart slightly wavered the moment she realized she was few inches right in front of Zeres.

Their eyes met. The golden hue in his eyes was moving as if the fire in them were blazing in utter chaos.

They stood there staring at each other with Alicia holding her breath. Was he going to attack her? She felt like Zeres still have some rationality left in him. She could tell by the way he looked at her, giving her a little reassurance that she wasn't in a totally hopeless situation yet.

However, that word yet was the very thing that gave her both assurance and fear at the same time. Assurance because perhaps he was still able to fight back or even overcome whatever influences that was overwhelming him at this particular time. But on the flip side of this very finicky coin, was that fear – that comes from "what ifs". What if Zeres was truly going to attack her? What if he was not acting but truly and wholly being overcame by what was forced onto him. What if she couldn't wriggle herself out of this very big problem that she has gotten herself into?

So many questions, so many doubts, so many thoughts – all whirling about in her head in that split second. But on the outside, she maintained her stance. Keeping emotions off her face, ice-cool and composed. However, only she knows that every single nerve fibre in her body was fired up and all on edge to respond to whatever stimulus that would come her way.

Time ticked by but Zeres didn't attack Alicia. He remained rooted on the ground, gazing up at her before he groaned in pain once again.

It was then that Dinah burst in anger. She was gritting her teeth, seeing that Zeres wasn't listening to her order. Curses were overflowing within her – just dammed up by those lips, tightly pressed together into a straight and unflattering line. Dinah knew that she could only fully control Zeres once he has completely transformed. However, he first needed to transform! That's why she had to make him drink the witch blood now!

With a face twisted in anger, Dinah grabbed her sword and started walking towards Alicia when she suddenly halted. Her head slowly tilted slightly to her left and there was that short pause that gave everyone chills running up and down their skin if they looked at her. Those facing her could see very clearly that a slow and bone chilling smile was spreading across that usually elegant face, turning it into a twisted visage of a hidden psychopath which is currently revealing itself. Alicia who was facing her suddenly had a feeling that she might not get out of this situation totally unscathed – if she even manages to be lucky enough to squeeze herself out of this.

Dinah turned and faced Ezekiel. A dagger flew from her hand towards him. As Ezekiel caught the dagger, Dinah spoke. "You do it, Kiel," she said. "Draw her blood and feed it to him."

Alicia's head snapped towards Ezekiel. Though she managed to restrain her emotions, she could not help but have her eyes widen a little, slightly thrown off – not by the request itself but by the person that was asked to do the deed. But the man wasn't looking at her. His eyes locked towards Dinah.

"What? Don't tell me you can't do it," she added, her brows raised, obviously taunting and provoking Ezekiel into making a move and acting in haste.

When Ezekiel remained silent, her arched brows pushed towards one another and with sudden fake concerned expression, she dragged her gaze from Ezekiel to one of the men in black cloak. "Fine. It seems like our Kiel here is not in the mood for some fun, so you do it for him instead, Darwin."

Before the man named Darwin could take a step closer to Alicia, Ezekiel suddenly moved, saying in a blunt deadpan voice, "No need. I'll do it."

That made Dinah smirk with a triumphant smile.

Ezekiel moved forward, cautiously, as he approached Alicia. The atmosphere turned incredibly tense as their eyes met.

Alicia didn't know what to do or think. She tried to calmly search for something in his eyes to settle her heart but as always, it just wasn't possible for her to decipher anything from those unfathomable eyes. What exactly was happening? Did Ezekiel really had no idea that Dinah would do this to her?

It was hard for Alicia to believe but she didn't have the luxury to think about that anymore. Because here he was again, approaching her like he wouldn't hesitate to stab her. His steps were heavy, slow, but measured – each one seemingly thudding in the same cadence as her heart was beating, which was excruciatingly agonising. Was this the reason why her gut feelings kept nagging at her? It had seemed to be telling her something, boggling her mind – what it was, she did not know, as she had ignored it initially, and chose to trust him. For a split second she wished she had just taken the time to stop and think more about it. But regretting now when the milk is already spilt is truly of no point. Was trusting Ezekiel really a mistake?

Alicia clenched her fists as those words Ezekiel whispered to her just minutes ago when she let him seize her echoed in her head. But still, she shook her head inwardly. Still wanting to believe that she didn't make a grave mistake.

Their eyes remained glued on each other until Ezekiel finally halted before her.

Alicia was holding her breath as she waited for what he would do next, hoping that it would be something unexpected. A good kind of something unexpected, of course.

However, Alicia's hope was shattered the moment Ezekiel lifted his sword. The tip of his blade almost pierced the skin at her throat. She wanted to scream at him but she managed to get by with clenching her jaw and gritting her teeth, glaring daggers at him.

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