Last Wish System

Chapter 425

Chapter 425

Yale, Lina, Shiba, and Eini were in the air about the shore that led towards the most dangerous ocean in the world .

Yale had already finished conquering the western continent soon after he reunited with everyone, and everyone who didn't want to accept him was wiped out without mercy, so Yale was planning to return to the eastern continent .

Previously, Yale's group chose the other ocean because it was safer, but after Yale became an Essence God and improved his World's Authority that ocean, which even law God avoided, wasn't a threat at all .

Moreover, that ocean led directly to the Revgen Empire where most of Yale's friends lived, so it was better to choose that route .

"Master, I already traveled through this ocean . The energies are violent, but it isn't a problem for an Essence God to cross it . However, I think that Eini can be harmed if she comes with us . "

A mere Law God could end suffering in such place, and Shiba didn't want that his girlfriend was harmed, so he was hoping that Yale or Lina would put her in any of their dimensions .

"This ocean won't be dangerous at all soon . "

Yale smiled before speaking again .

"World's Authority . Convert energy in the designed area to an item . Essence-class ore . "

As he did back in the Elven Kingdom, Yale issued three commands and the violent energies on the ocean converged to turn into a chunk of ore, but that time the chunk was big enough to create a huge axe .

"As I expected, it is impossible to convert it all at one time . Follow me . I will be transforming all that energy into resources . "

Yale didn't plan to let so many resources to slip from his hands .

The only reason for his father to not clear the mess at the ocean was to leave it there for Yale to use later on, so Yale was doing just as his father intended .

Without enlightenment, it was hard for Yale to create Essence-level weapons without materials, and even with enlightenment, he had just improved a weapon rather than create a new one, so for the moment, he wasn't confident in creating weapons at that level without materials .

However, Essence-level weapons were extremely important to enhance his battle prowess, so he planned to forge several ones .

Although Yale knew that they wouldn't reach the level of the Essence Slayer Sword, they would still be top-class weapons .

The other three didn't comment Yale's actions nor had any greed for those resources because they knew that it was something that Yale's father left for him and it would be improper asking for a share .

The group advanced across the ocean while Yale was converting all the violent energy on the way to resources that could be used to create weapons .

Advancing like that turned the journey longer than they expected initially because to take all the profit of the energy they couldn't just advance in straight line .

They needed a whole year before reaching the Revgen Empire, but for people like them who had lived extremely long lives, a year wasn't a lot of time .

"I finally finished converting it all . This had been far more exhausting than I guessed at the start, but the profits are huge . "

Using the World's Authority to obtain resources from energy was far more tiring than just using it to transform an area, which would just transform everything in that area .

Yale didn't want to erase the ocean because he just wanted to use those violent energies, so he didn't choose the easy way .

"I will craft some weapons now . If you have any request tell me . I have enough resources . "

Although the other three knew the quantity of resources that Yale had obtained, they also knew that they were valuable and that it wouldn't be easy to obtain so many resources again, so they hesitated about accepting or not Yale's offer .

"Accept my offer . We will all travel together from now on to look for the Battle God, so improving the fighting prowess of any of us is improving the prowess of the whole group . "

Lina wouldn't leave Yale's side even if he asked her to do it, and the other two also said that they wanted to help Yale to find the Battle God after they heard that it was to rescue Yale's father .

After hearing Yale's words, they all ended-up accepting his offer and the three of them paid attention when Yale started to create the weapons .

They all know that Yale's blacksmithing was special, so they wanted to try to learn a bit about it while looking .

Of course, Yale didn't mind at all, and he would be glad if they managed to improve by looking at the process of his blacksmithing .

After all, one of them was his girlfriend, the other his sister-in-law, and the last one his best disciple .

Calling Shiba his best disciple wasn't exaggerated because as far as he knew, Shiba was the only of his disciples who managed to become an Essence God .

Moreover, although Yale didn't know when did Shiba reach that level, he knew that Shiba was just an ordinary mortal a bit more than thirty thousand years ago, so even if he were to consider that Shiba reached that level recently, the speed was already very fast .

Shiba didn't belong to any faction nor had any divine talent, so Yale knew that Shiba could become an Essence God so quickly was practically all due to his own effort .

Although he obtained the legacy of Yale's past life, Yale knew very well that what he gave to him wasn't something that could let him become an Essence God in a short time . Even in his past life, Yale wasn't an Essence God, so there was no way that the legacy could have such an effect .

For what he heard, Shina and Eini had similar ages, but despite having a good background and overall better talents, Eini had yet to become an Essence God; it wasn't that she was slow, Shiba was the one who was too fast .

Yale crafted several weapons of different types for himself because he wanted to train until becoming an Essence God in all the battle-focused Essence created by his grandfather .

He also created some weapons for Shiba, Lina, and Eini based on their requests .

Shiba usually used a big sword and a small one to combinate heavy attacks with quick ones based respectively on the Earth Essence and the Wind Essence .

Lina asked for a sword similar to her previous one, but she also requested as spear since Yale urged her to ask a second weapon because it wouldn't be fair if Shiba received two and Lina only one .

Eini requested for a whip and a bow . Both were more difficult to craft than other weapons because the whip needed to be flexible and hart at the same time while the bow needed to be capable of transmuting energy into arrows or else without good quality arrows, the bow would be a waste .

Fortunately, Yale already made a bow and a whip for himself, so he had a stock of materials with those properties and fulfilling Eini's request wasn't hard at all for him .

It wasn't an exaggeration saying that the group's power increased by many times thanks to their new weapons .

After storing their new weapons, they went towards Revgen's place and let everyone leave Lina's world and Yale's Storage Space to have a final party before Yale's group departed to look for the Battle God .

Revgen was glad to see that almost everyone returned safely . He felt bad for Swordmad, but given how dangerous was the travel, he felt that it was already lucky enough that only one of them died .

Those who weren't from the Revgen Empire would be sent to their places another day by Revgen himself because since Yale ended sealing completely the eastern continent and obtained the ownership of the world, Revgen didn't need to be as careful as before .

Although he wanted to reincarnate to solve some problems, he knew that Yale's mission was to save his father, who was Revgen's master, so Revgen didn't try to delay Yale's journey because he could reincarnate at another moment .

Only Aiwai, Wyba, Ange, and the two wolves returned to the Storage Space after the party . The rest were all left in the imperial palace since they wouldn't be tagging along in the trip to look for the Battle God .

After all, they all knew that their power was still too weak, and the only reason Aiwai's group was going with Yale was that they were family . Moreover, Ange and Aiwai were already Law Master, and Wyba almost reached that level, so they were still more qualified than the rest .

Before leaving the imperial palace, Yale gifted a lot of Law God-level weapons to Revgen . However, he didn't offer any Essence God-level weapon because without an Essence God being present, a Law God with such a powerful weapon would invite disaster .

Lar and Aizu weren't willing to be left behind by Yale, but they knew that they would only turn into hindrance by going with him and that it would harm their own growth, so they restrained themselves .

Moreover, since Yale had a girlfriend, they felt that if they were to pester him too much, he would end hating them, so they decided to slow their pace, but they hadn't given up .

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