Last Wish System

Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Yale traveled quite slowly due to the needs of the two wolf cubs .

Staying in continuous fast speed travel wasn't the best for them, so Yale decided to take his time traveling .

He had thought of putting them on the Storage Space, but since they were still too young, he didn't want to leave them alone there unless there was no other choice .

Anyway, Yale felt that with his help, both cubs would improve quite quickly . After all, Yale could control how much their fate was influenced by him .

All universes related to the Council of Gods had that rule because the Council of Gods made it, Yale's universe was affected due to the relationship with the Supreme Garbage, but that superior universe had it from the beginning .

However, that rule was made to prevent that a lot of kids turned extremely powerful due to the help of others, but there was a loophole left in the case that someone related to the Council of Gods wanted to use it, and that was controlling the fate .

That was a secret that only the members of the Council of Gods knew, so those without that piece of knowledge didn't dare to try because they felt that it would be breaking the rules .

Yale could control it before ascending and without knowing about it, but his universe was affected by another universe, and it wasn't a native rule, so if the system hadn't informed him, thanks to Alter Yale, that there was such a loophole, he would have felt that there was no way he could remain at the side of the two cubs .

Usually, wolves would count as pets unless they reached immortality, so it wouldn't feel weird if other saw them with Yale, but Yale knew that since he was the one who reincarnated into wolves, that didn't count . If he weren't controlling fate to avoid harming them, they would suffer from it .

Yale needed four months to reach another city with his lowered speed, but that city belonged to the same country as his disciple's city, so there was still a lot of distance to travel .

"Welcome, Master Liye . "

The governor of that city and all the important people there went to receive Yale at the moment they saw him . Yale's fame was spread to a lot of countries, but it was obvious that the country where his battle with that criminal took place was the country where his fame was the highest .

However, Yale didn't notice about his fame because he just felt that it was his disciple who told everything to other cities in the country, so he felt normal that they knew about him .

Yale didn't stop for more than a day in that city, and the same applied for all the cities he visited next .

It was only after three years that Yale finally left the area of that country, but he was quite upset with the slow growth of the two wolf cubs .

He guessed it was something due to the difference of universes but guessing it wouldn't change anything .

The cubs grew more active than before and played with each other as much as they could when Yale stopped, but their intelligence was still limited at the beast level .

Of course, both cubs were attached to Yale and would cry if they couldn't see where Yale was even if it was less than a minute .

Yale felt that they were cute, but they were still less cute than Wyba . Yale didn't believe that there was a cuter wolf cub than her .

Each time that he thought about Wyba or the others back on his universe, Yale felt nostalgic .

He didn't know how the time flowed in both universes, so he didn't know how much time passed on his universe .

It had been more than three years for him, but for the other could have been a shorter or a longer time .

Three years wasn't a long time, but those three years could have been just a day for the others of maybe several million years . Yale already knew about it from the time he had his incarnation on the lower universe .

Not knowing how much he forced the others to miss him was what made Yale feel the worst . It would be alright if they waited for a short time before Yale could manage to find a way to go back, which he believed impossible unless at least he attained godship, but if they needed to wait several millions of years without learning about him, he knew that they would suffer .

Sadly, Yale had no way to know how the time worked between both universes, so he couldn't reach an answer .

Moreover, the flow of time between universes wasn't fixed and could change, which made that knowing that difference was even more difficult .

At the moment that Yale stepped out of the country of his disciple, there had been already several million years on his universe .

The great war between the universe and Yale's final battle turned into a legend, but Yale was seen as a figure to worship even at that time .

The strength of the universe improved greatly after Yale left because the people as old as Alrein as Astel were healed, so on these million years, several sixth level immortals appeared .

If they needed to battle against the universe of the Supreme Garbage, they would win without suffering any losses .

Among those who made a breakthrough were the wives of Astel, Alrein, and the Battle God, which wasn't surprising since they were already very powerful before being harmed and their time injured honed their minds a lot which made their breakthrough easier .

Shiba and Lina were also among the new sixth level immortals, but they had been slower than most of those from Alrein's era .

Some years after them, Ange also reached that level . If it hadn't been because she was far younger than Shiba and Lina, she would have surpassed them with her training speed .

That day, all the sixth level immortals were in a meeting to congratulate Ange for her breakthrough .

However, the one who provoked the most shock with her breakthrough to sixth level immortal was Wyba, who was the first in becoming a sixth level immortal after Yale left .

At that moment, she was only weaker than Alrein and Astel . She wasn't at the peak yet, but she wasn't too far from it . Of course, that distance was still difficult to cross .

Following Yale's nickname, Wyba became known as the Wolf Goddess and worked to preserve her brother's name no matter how many years passed from his departure .

Wyba knew that Yale was still alive because she would die if Yale died, so she wanted to ensure that others knew how great her brother was before being forced to leave .

It was also her breakthrough, which made that Lina, Shiba, and others that knew Yale started to train harder to try to catch her speed, but they couldn't .

Ange was the only one who could keep with that fearsome speed, but she was weaker than Wyba from before, so keeping the speed wasn't enough to surpass her .

No one knew that Wyba changed the Path that Yale gave her to make her own Path . However, that could only be used by Wyba herself .

Not even Aiwai was compatible with that Path .

Aiwai and Eini were both fifth level immortals and seemed to be near to their breakthrough, but they were quite shocked when Ange surpassed them in making that breakthrough, so although they were usually invited to the meetings as guests, they declined that time to focus on their training .

Gerken was in a similar situation, but since it was his disciple who made the breakthrough, he swallowed his pride and was standing at the side as a guest to congratulate her .

"People, now we gathered to congratulate Ange for her breakthrough, but there is also another topic we must speak about . "

Alrein's words weren't surprising to anyone because he also used that kind of meeting for topics that weren't supposed to speak about .

"Regarding the upgrade of this universe, we reached a bottleneck . We are near to make it, but at the same time very far . This kind of breakthrough is extremely difficult to do . "

Alrein had been working with Astel non-stop for those millions of years to upgrade the universe without asking for anyone else's help, but they finally reached a point in which they couldn't continue together if they wanted to surpass that bottleneck quickly .

"We need more people helping us to give energy to the universe to make it advance . We will all benefit from it, but it is too difficult for just the two of us . "

That time Astel was the one who spoke .

"I decline . I just want to meet with my brother again . Even helping you who knows how many million years we might need to wait . I prefer to just train until becoming the seventh level immortal and go to search for him . "

Wyba had the same fear than Yale . She waited for millions of years, but she feared that Yale had waited even more time than her . She didn't care about the universe, she just wanted to travel with her brother again .

Alrein already guessed Wyba's answer although he hoped that she would accept, but at least everyone else agrees to help .

Only sixth level immortals could help, so the guests could only train harder to make that breakthrough .

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