Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 641

Chapter 641: 641

Unfortunately for Fariya, her seductive words didn’t work on Arthur, who tightened the threads around the succubus’ neck, making her cough and gasp for breath . Only after half a minute did he loosen the unbreakable threads, leaving the woman red-faced and barely able to remain conscious .

"J—jeez... why are you so violent?"

Even after all of that, Fariya maintained her non-aggressive attitude as her eyes seemed to shine when looking at the goblin, or more precisely, the parasite hiding within .

"Stop acting like that . You can fool everyone but me, after all, you’re just a virgin . "

Once she heard the last word, the succubus twitched and her pupils contracted, but only momentarily as she regained her cool faster than ever . A charming smile was plastered on Fariya’s peerless face, her pink tongue ran over her rosy lips before she spoke again:

"I never meant to fool you... I actually need and want your help . "


Arthur didn’t speak and only watched at her with a piercing gaze . His silence allowed the succubus to explain her words more properly and state the reason of her non hostility toward a total stranger .

"You may have noticed that a succubus working for Heaven is not a common thing . " She sat up into a more comfortable position while stretching her slender white legs and calibrating her breathing .

"I’m not guarding this hellhole because I want to, it’s merely to pay a debt... a debt that’s already been paid . "

Her countenance turned a little serious as she mumbled a few incoherent curses before continuing: "I was supposed to guard the second level for forty years but double that amount passed yet they still wouldn’t let me go . " She let out a long helpless sigh while unconsciously clenching her bound hand: "I only requested to leave once but the damned warden shamelessly refused . Knowing his sick personality, I just remained here, waiting for an opportunity . "

Her eyes locked onto Arthur, who said back: "And why are you telling me all of this? Did you think you’ll gain my trust with this?"

"Not at all . You came here for a reason and, undoubtedly, you’ll leave soon . Just... when you’re planning your prison break, take me along . I can be of great help, I even know everything about this place . "

She pursued her lips while smiling again: "Actually, I was going to rely on the prisoners of the last floor but it’s too risky as they’re wildly uncontrollable . "

"I’m not helping you . "

Arthur rejected her almost immediately, causing Fariya to pout and sulk .

"Don’t be so fast to reject . It doesn’t take a genius to know that you’re a parasite, though a bit special than the rest . You can use Buo’s telekinesis so you can also use his Slavery Magic . I’m willing to become your slave until we leave, that way, I won’t betray you or lie to you . "

Hearing this, Arthur was genuinely surprised as becoming a slave isn’t as simple as on Astria . Buo Buo’s slavery magic is strict and if the slave even thinks of betrayal, the master will immediately know . Moreover, it’s permanent unless the master removes it personally so by becoming his slave, it’ll doom her fate .

’To think she’s willing to become my slave just to leave . ’

"Master, she’s really an intelligent woman . She’s fully aware that becoming your slave is much better than staying here, even if you go back on your word and keep her as a slave forever . "

’Do you think she’s worth the trouble?’

"Definitely . There’s literally nothing to lose if she becomes your slave... well, Madam Lucy must not catch wind of this though . "

Arthur marched toward the bound succubus as his appearance returned to the original one, a tall middle-aged male human with grey and dark hair . His eye was pulsating with a blue light as it landed on the devilish figure of the succubus, who didn’t hide her sexy curves or her soft and snow-white skin .

"You’re willing to sell yourself just to leave?"

Fariya scoffed and retorted: "Sell myself? I’d do much worse just to get out . Once they don’t need me anymore, the things they’ll do to a Demon is far worse than you think . Becoming your slave isn’t a bad outcome, in my point of view . "

She crawled closer to the motionless Arthur standing straight and right next to the bed . "So this is what you look like . Mmmh, I must say that my decision couldn’t be more perfect . "

She winked at him but he didn’t react at all and instead, raised his hand and made a small pulling motion with his index, causing Fariya to start groaning from the abrupt and agonizing pain . She felt an ominous energy lurking inside of her body and severely weakening her .

"Don’t forget that, in addition to the slave mark you’re going to get, this is still inside of you and it’s more potent than Buo’s slavery magic . "

Although still in pain, Fariya giggled and said back: "Yes... you can be inside of me as much as you want . "

Arthur coldly snorted and put his hand above her head before a grey floating rune emanated from his palm and slowly entered the succubus’ head . It didn’t cause her any pain but she could feel a heavy feeling in her consciousness and around her heart and brain . This uncomfortable feeling lasted only for a short few seconds a cool and refreshing feeling surged inside of the woman .

As she became his slave, she was automatically granted the system, and her stats dramatically increase, to the point that Fariya remained shocked for half a minute .

Arthur got most of his power thanks to his sky-high stats, which defies logic . Any person’s stats shouldn’t surpass the one billion mark, what makes them strong are their mastered techniques, powerful skills, pure and unique energy essence, or godly artifacts . In Arthur’s case, he could content again Exalted Gods because his stats are so absurdly high that his body is able to demonstrate strength unlike any other .

Now that Fariya became his slave, she gained 5% of his stats, which is still a staggering amount .

After all that happened inside the tower and the several power-ups and possessions he did, the lowest main stats of Arthur was around 14Billion points and 5% of that is 700 million . For the succubus, it’s like her body became twice or thrice faster, stronger, and more resistant . It’s definitely a huge power-up which now allows her to fight 3rd stage Exalted Gods, possibly even those at the Transcendent Stage .

"Arthur MoonStar? I can’t say I’ve ever heard of such a name . "

Feeling the restraints binding her body vanished, Fariya stretched her limbs and properly sat up . She was looking at the blue notifications windows floating in front of her eyes . It’s the first time she’s ever used the System so she was excited and curious .

Even without needing to check her stats, she easily could tell that she was stronger, making her happy . She abruptly stood up and was about to hug her new master only for her body freeze mid-air as an unstoppable telekinetic force was surrounding Arthur .

"Don’t get close to me or touch me . That is my first order . "

Reluctance showed on the succubus’ face but she still replied: "Yes, master . "

After a brief silence, the woman let out a gasp as she sensed something else connected to Arthur .

"M-master... what’s that?"

She pointed at his chest but her words were obviously about the quad-spirit dormant inside Arthur’s consciousness .

"A spirit . "

He gave a non-satisfactory short reply . However, before Fariya could talk again, a deep voice that seemed to belong to an old man echoed in her head:

"Succubus Fariya, welcome to the team . "

This only deepened her shock as she covered her mouth and creased her brows . She feeling four kinds of energies emanating from the spirit, making her questions this reality .

"As you can see, I am a quad-spirit and a loyal follower of my master . I hope we do get along . "

The only thing Fariya did was slowly nod her head before mumbling something to herself . Her seductive pose and manner of speech were completely gone as she was discovering one absurd thing after the other since she became a slave in such a short notice . Even the tinge of regret she was supposed to feel was non-existent as the power-up and the thought of finally leaving this place relieved her turbulent mind .


"Fuck fuck did you feel that?!"

Midolf turned his stiff neck to the quiet Radolf and loudly spoke, causing his words to reverberated across the gloomy and partially empty floor .

"Pipe down . "

Sadly, the white-haired youngster, who was actually a mythical roc, was surprised by what he felt .

"Master is close! I can also feel another entity linked to him!"

He closed his eyes and concentrated for a few seconds before speaking with an ever louder tone: "My sweet fucking feathers! It’s a damn succubus! We’re fucking doomed!"

He nudged Radolf repeatedly, sounding kind distressed .

"Madam Lucy will pluck both of your heads and... and she’ll feed me to the sharks!"

Facing the hysterical roc, Radolf shook his head and sighed .

"I doubt master will do anything that will betray the madam’s love . He must have enslaved the succubus for a reason... different than the one in your mind . "

"What different! Why would you enslave a fucking succubus? To have her clean the damn house?! Forget it! I’m not leaving the prison . I’m staying here! I’m-"

His voice cut off by a feminine snort which made Midolf seal his lips and close his eyes .

"Will it kill you to speak more quietly? A lady is trying to sleep . "

Midolf didn’t say anything as he pretended to be asleep while Radolf ever-so-slightly bowed his shackled head and apologetically said:

"Empress, please forgive his rude behavior . It won’t happen again . "


A while later, the bound Parasite Empress raised her head, staring at the dark ceiling while thinking of something .

"You can’t be favoring a mere succubus over me... right?"

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