Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 562

Chapter 562

"Bloc A! REPORT!"

On the peak of the mountain below the Celestial Tribulation, one of the highest-leveled players was panicking as he watched a disaster befall on the spaceship floating a distance away .

It all began when a deafening gunshot was heard several miles away from the mountain . To begin with, it was suspicious that part of the tribulation headed there but, before it could reach wherever it was going, there occurred a catastrophic explosion .

Whoever did this was a woman, she was holding onto a large silver rifle and the moment she fired, she turned around and swiftly left . Some level 10,000 players tried chasing her away but went back empty-handed, claiming that her speed was simply out of this world . The problem wasn’t the woman, however, but was actually the spaceship, which was hit by the single bullet .

The spaceship was monstrously huge yet a third of it instantly vaporized, triggering all the alarms and destabilizing the whole ship, making it slowly fall to the side .

Due to its massive size, no one of the present people could stop its descent so they could only move away from the mountain . The powerhouses standing on the peak refused to leave and activated their powers to defend from the impact .

As one would expect, when the spaceship crashed into the mountain, it violently shook as if a volcano was about to erupt . ’Twas at this moment that the thunder started roaring and raging, raining down on the peak, showcasing literally heaven’s wrath . Everyone present looked at the mountain’s peak, where 8 blinding stars rose from under the earth and started rotating monotonously .

"It’s the creation of a Celestial Body!"

Nobody knew who but a random person excitedly shouted those words, making the spectators even more eager to see the cause of this tribulation . If it’s a treasure then everyone will fight for it and if it’s a person then they’ll either try to rope him or kill him . Whoever incurs the anger of the Heavens is bound to be someone with limitless potential, a person capable of reaching the epitome of strength .

"It’s a 8-star God Monarch . "

An old monk who hails from the Thousand Buddha sect looked at the flashing stars and commented, fascination could be seen within his old yet lively eyes . A small distance away from the monk, there sat two figures, one was a young man with an innocent but determined face while the other was a middle-aged man with long black hair .

The older one is a supreme existence in the Cloud Sea Universe, one of the four living Sword Gods and a respected individual . As for the youngster with him, it was actually Syth, the only son of the deceased Human Emperor of Astria .

"If you continue training at the same pace, you’ll be able to build 8 stars too . Watch carefully . "

The man instructed his one and only disciple, who enthusiastically nodded his head, not knowing that the origin of those blinding stars is actually his first mentor .

The Sword God was about to talk again only to see a hand dig through the unstable earth and appear on the surface . He was not the only once to notice this peculiarity . At this time, everyone ascertained that it’s not a treasure but a living being who managed to invoke the tribulation .


As instructed by Arthur, Zodiak traveled to the past Riarravar and, after being locked for some time due to the mechanism of the luminous city underground, he successfully obtained Anduril and swiftly left the world . However, this feat was done a long time after his meeting with his benefactor .

In fact, his brief journey in the Imperial Capital can be said to be more intriguing and action-packed . It all started when Forne joined Black Rose as the Purple Seat of Malice, and as he was a good friend of Zodiak, it didn’t take long for the latter to become one of the Nine seats too . To be precise, he dueled the Red Seat and emerged victorious, claiming the position as his own .

At that time, Zodiak immersed himself in research, trying to fully comprehend Dark Magic . He put the matter of the blue-haired girl to the side because he had no leads .

Surprisingly, Emperor G’am Tir, ruler of the Buria Empire, was actually the Black Seat of Death at that time . Along with the Yellow Seat of Patience and Zodiak, after a one year long bitter research and countless failed experiments, managed to create an artifact, or, to be more accurate, an orb . It was made from the souls and remains of dead God and Titan Races .

Zodiak wanted to use it to stop Leiu, however, G’am grew greedy and wanted to use it to conquer more land . This quickly led to a conflict between the two, which was sorted out in a gruesome battle . The fight lasted a whole week and, in the end, the Black Seat was defeated but spared by Zodiak on the condition that he declares himself as dead and secludes himself .

Zodiak also his place as the Black Seat and properly managed Black Rose until one day, he vanished right after handing his position to Forne, who was left confused .

As for the Orb of the Fallen Overgods, it was supposedly kept by the Yellow Seat until, someday, it simply vanished, presumably stolen .


When he died, Arthur knew he’ll reincarnate but didn’t know what ’reincarnation’ really met . He thought it’ll be just like the first time but he couldn’t be more wrong . After what seemed to be an eternal slumber, he opened his eyes but couldn’t focus on what’s around him as his mind was flooded with new things... memories .

No, they weren’t memories of Zodiak’s but of himself, his young self, before he entered the orphanage . Though he couldn’t remember what he experienced prior to the orphanage, he never questioned anything so when he finally found out the truth, he was really flabbergasted .

It all started when he was baby, the second he appeared in this world, there wasn’t the warm embrace of a mother nor the happy cries of a father . He laying alone on a bed, his eyes incapable of opening and his surroundings empty .

He adapted to the environment and, for the first two months, couldn’t feel hunger, strangely . There was a voice talking him, it was soothing and melodious though it was hard to guess whether it’s a man or a woman . When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a medium-sized room with just enough furniture but an absurd amount of books scattered everywhere .

"Read and learn . "

The voice talked to him while presenting a book, which opened by itself . While flipping the pages, it taught him again, again, and again . For days, weeks, months, Arthur didn’t keep count as his hunger for more knowledge eclipsed everything .

He learned of energies, cultivation, the system, the elements and forbidden techniques . When he was one-week-old, he successfully managed to control Nether Energy and absorb it . After two weeks, he stabilized his minuscule Dantian and strengthened his Meridians . When two months had passed, he already reached the Spirit Realm but due to the small place he was living, he couldn’t try out any skills or spells, and it’s not like the disembodied voice allowed him to wreak havoc in this humble abode .

Five long years’ worth of memories entered Arthur’s head and caused him to remain dazed for a couple of minutes .

"Didn’t I say that, when the time comes, you’ll be the first one to know?"

It spoke to him, the voice now originating from the top of the tree . Arthur, half smiling, lifted his head and looked at this entity which can be considered as his parent .

"Bilgart, is that you?"

In response, the speaker chuckled and replied: "It seems you have finally regained your childhood memories . Congratulations . "

The current Arthur wasn’t a child anymore, he had the appearance of a middle-aged man and all his powers are accessible, including Dark Magic . However, there was an additional thing inside his body, it brought him serenity and filled him with confidence .

"What the System called Lost Magic wasn’t obtained from Dark Magic but from your childhood . It’s the power of creation, the same one all the Twelve had . "

Arthur quietly listened while raising his left hand, from which an invisible aura emanated, shaking the space and cracking the ground underneath his feat .

"As for that, it is purely condensed Nether Energy, the strongest form, I daresay . I believe it’ll be useful . Now then, I’m sure that some of the questions you’re eager to ask are slowly being answered your memories but I don’t mind doing it too . Go ahead . "

Just like his young self, Arthur removed his boots and sat near the calm and beautiful pond, put his feet in the cold but refreshing water before asking:

"So I’m about to enter the second cycle of my life?"

"Yes . "

"Will things be different?"

"That is up to you . "

"How about Zodiak... did he die?"

"Your soul returned to ’you’ which can only mean..."

It didn’t need to continue for Arthur to understand the meaning behind his words . After letting out a sigh, Arthur asked again:

"Did you orchestrate everything?"

"Orchestrate? What a funny word . I’m only a watcher, whatever happened, happens, or will happen, is not up to me . It never has, my dear child . "

"Then what about me? Did you create me?"

"I did . "


"Hm? Would you rather not being born at all? Don’t you want to live with your wife and children? It is a weird question to ask a parent, don’t you think?"

"Parents give birth but in my case, you created me . "

Arthur spoke with a sad tone though his face remained stiff, not showcasing his true emotions .

"I don’t think there’s any difference between the two . The first two humans were created, so were the first demons and dwarves, etc . Just like any living being, you’re able to love, hate, and grief . "

"Then am I considered a human?"

"I intended for you to be a human . So, yes, you are human . "

Then, Arthur maintained a long silence, his mind drifting away . Only after an inordinate amount of time did he speak again:

"I still don’t understand... what is the purpose of my existence?"

"Purpose? There is no need for a purpose . I did not create you to do something specific but to only enjoy life as it is . Love and be loved, my child . "

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