Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 531

Chapter 531: 531

"In your case, there are two things weighing you down and rendering the use of the sword inefficient . The first is the absence of a real physical body due to your special, nonetheless, it shouldn’t be that much of a problem if you learn how to manipulate the life force inside it . The second thing is the rip-off system you’re using, looking at it is a joke in itself . "

Arthur listened to Timos, who was explaining a few things, though he still hasn’t agreed to hand over Makaze, the Black Devil assumed otherwise .

"It automatically calibrates the usage of any kind of energy and though it seems helpful, it actually isn’t . This is a lower version of the System created by Tiarius, whoever created it clearly has no clue what he’s doing . Let me show you bad it is . "

The blue window showing his stats appeared before the Parasite . The system was supposed to be malfunctioning yet it suddenly popped without his consent . The numbers started changing and in a few seconds, they all turned into ’0’ but Arthur didn’t feel the least bit weakened .

"It can easily be hacked or altered . "

"I thought only Tiarius can do such things?"

"No, you’ve got the wrong idea about the Twelve . We can all use or create a System but the GameMaster outdid everyone . The same applies to other powers such as Sedos’ light or Xyktia’s necromancy . "

After a brief pause, he resumed: "Anyway, the System you’re using is, in my opinion, a malware . Not only does it hinder your skill usage but it also spies on you and store all the personal information, automatically sending it to some sort of an artificial hive . "

"Tell you what... I can create a personal system for you that doesn’t interfere in anything and only show you numerical values of your prowess . I’ll make it simplified and harmless . Consider it as a bonus . "

"No . "

Arthur blatantly rejected the offer, his expression remaining oddly deadpan . If the current system can spy on him then wouldn’t Timos’ do the same?

"Fear not, dear guest . The system I’ll create is centered around you and your partner . Furthermore, I don’t use Systems as they aren’t ’accurate’ and they don’t factor everything . A mortal, with enough willpower, can do astounding things yet the system will only show his physical capabilities, crushing the person’s confidence or stopping him from doing something he may very well regret . "

Arthur remained headstrong and didn’t accept this alluring ’bonus’ . Just as Timos was about to speak again, a blinding light flashed next to Arthur, it stretched to the cloaked heavens and nestled there, creating an illuminating spider web made of pure silver light .

The parasite turned toward Lucy, the source of this abrupt occurrence . Her long silver hair started floating as if it was being pulled by the sky, her skin became crystalline and her special eye enveloped her with a blue dome that seemed to stop time .

"A breakthrough in both her Physique, Soul, and Dantian . Truly a beautiful sight to behold . " Timos commented as he, like Arthur, was watching Lucy’s evolution . Her aura kept rising but it was contained by the dome of time, stopping the energy from leaking outside .

As Arthur was focusing on his wife, Timos’ voice resounded in his head again: "Now will come the time to see if you truly believe my words . As you can see, your wife is in the midst of a triple evolution and, were it in any other place, it would incur the wrath of the jealous heavens . If nothing interferes, everything will proceed smoothly and she’ll reach a stronger stage, however, her body will only absorb a third of produced energy, at most . This is where you come, acting as a catalyst, forcing her body’s capacity to unknowingly act . "

A frown appeared on the man’s face, not understanding what the entity was talking about . Nevertheless, he didn’t object bit quietly listened, his two eyes fixated on the woman undergoing a massive change .

"The Twelve weren’t born perfect so we were able to evolve but it was very difficult . Only Moriah was able to such a feat but I digress . In the process of any kind of evolution, the body only absorbs the necessary energy to reach a new stage and discards all the rest of the energy which it initially produced but didn’t deem as ’important’ . What many do not know is that an evolution is called so only when someone absorbs all the energy and reach perfection . To do that, the body must be under pressure, it needs to feel threatened so that it frantically inhales everything for the sake of ’precaution’ . "

"Pressure? What kind?"

"Anything will do . Attack her with all your strength . "

As he heard that, Arthur had a dumb look and momentarily was unable to reply . Though Timos made it sound beneficial, he still won’t Lucy, just thinking about it was absurd .

"I can see your obvious reluctance so I’ll do it myself . You can thank me later, invitee . "

Just as he finished talking, Arthur’s body was suddenly immobilized by an invisible force and from high-up in the sky, a thick and long tentacle came flying down, violently striking Lucy .

Fortunately, the tentacle was stopped by the blue dome, nonetheless, it didn’t cease attacking Lucy, slowly pushing her away but inflicting no injuries .

"Can you see? No matter how much you attack her, it won’t cause any damage . This is the uniqueness of a triple evolution . "

The silvery light around Lucy was being madly absorbed by her crystalline body . Her hair shone brightly and her eyes, one azure, and the other blood-red, ever-so-slightly opened, falling on the incoming tentacle which was thicker than the trees .

Mid-way through, her right arm, which was healed not long ago, started changing appearance . The snow-white skin was replaced by Scarlett scales, six-inch long claws appeared on her fingers and a big spiky blood-red shoulder guard spawned . Her whole arm suffered a drastic change as it was raised in the air and clashed with the incoming tentacle .

The impact between the two force caused the place to slightly shake and the sky to be covered by a golden flames .

"Marvelous, too marvelous! A devil arm . You’ve exceeded my expectations, girl . " Timos sounded delighted as he spoke to the silent Lucy, his tentacle finally retracting and disappearing into the dark sky .

Dozens of seconds later, the devil arm vanished and the blue dome was sucked by her eye . Lucy stared at her right arm and clenched it a few times before standing up and looking around until she located a worried Arthur .

"What’s wrong?"

Seeing her in perfect condition, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head: "Nothing . Congratulations!"

In response, the woman flashed a smile at him then checked her body . She activated her Yin cultivation technique only to see 9 ice lotuses rotate around her, this meant that she reached the last stage of the Nine Star Yin Technique . Furthermore, when she manipulated her Mana and focused on her Dantian, 7 blood red stars materialized, indicating that she jumped from a Sovereign to a 7-star God Monarch . With her current prowess, fighting an Overgod on equal terms is possible .

As she nestled in her arms, Lucy could hear Timos talking to her and Arthur .

"Your partner benefited greatly from the drop of Primordial Energy but I can’t say the same for you . She overtook you in less than a day so the best thing you can currently do is not let yourself get behind and become a hindrance . Although you didn’t believe in my words, I think the results are enough to prove my honesty . Her Devil Arm is something I saw only once and the owner was actually Medtris herself which means that the Demon Blood that runs through her veins is somehow tied to the Demon Queen, not that I care though, I’m just pointing it out . "

To this day, Lucy and Arthur didn’t know how Lucy is not a pure-blooded White Specter . Her father was human and her mother was a White Specter yet she was half-demon, which is totally illogical . Moreover, Katrina didn’t explain the circumstances of Lucy’s disappearance, or more accurately, she wasn’t given the chance to . "


"Is it still not talking?"

Marshall Albert asked his subordinate while reading a few documents .

The soldier bowed and replied: "Sir, it refuses to utter a word . "

The Marshall waved his hand dismissively while saying: "Then plan a public execution . We can’t have an unrestrained beast lurking inside our prison . "

This piece of news traveled far and wide and in less than a week, all of the Divine Planet were aware of the execution . No one dared to object the Marshall’s actions, after all, he was a powerful figure of the Cloud Sea Sect .


"No! Let me go!"

Saly, her hair now black due to the pigolo’s Dark Magic, loudly protested as she held a tiny piece of paper . The news of Astrith’s fate reached her so she became hell-bent on saving him, refusing to hear reason .

Delia, her face flushed, restrained the little girl while saying

"We can’t risk exposing ourselves! They’re only using him as bait . The real target is you!"

Unfortunately, the blond woman wasn’t able to hold down the furious Saly, who successfully freed herself only for a big silhouette to appear and smash the petite figure on the ground .

Ominous threads of black light wrapped around Saly’s limbs, restraining her . She could only grit her teeth and glared at the hideous face looking down at her .

"Let me go!"

Gutcha stared at her without saying a single word, his mind preoccupied with something else . Although Saly was oblivious, their current situation was dire, perhaps even desperate . With the addition of the Cloud Sea Sect, there are many others powers hunting them down, wanting to get their hands on Fenrir .

If they could harness Saly’s powers, it would easily make them rise to the peak and become a dominant force . So, it came to no surprise that there was no lack of pursuers . They had to relocate every few days and it even got worse in the last period as there a group of black-clothed individuals following him on the clock . Fortunately, they remained passive but that doesn’t mean they’re allies .

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