Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 520

Chapter 520

"My dear guest, right and wrong are made-up things, they do not separate us and our enemies . It’s our different standpoints, our perspectives isolate us from each other . Both sides blame each other . There is no good or bad, just two different views that happen to contradict . If that is true then it explains why, in wars, for example, both sides do not feel guilty when they battle each other to the death, unaware that they are pointlessly spilling blood . And, obviously, with the occurrence of wars, countless innocents and powerless peasant die, for no reason, just because they were at the right time and place . Then, why, you would say, that weaklings are always the first to die, to be tortured, or to be used or taken advantage of? Is it because they relinquished the right to acquire power? Nay, perhaps they did not have the ’privilege’ for such right, undoubtedly meant for Kings, most nobles would say . Mayhap, as the elves preached, one must respect nature and yearn for peace to be able to live a good, fulfilling life, regardless of their power, physical or verbal .

Do we blame the ones doing the killing? The ones ordering the killing? Or both?"

Arthur slowly marched along with the other silent three, each minding their business . Vyncent was scanning the area, searching for any signs of enemies . Lissandra closed her eyes and would take deep breaths every now and then, the reason behind her strange actions remains unknown .

As for Lucy, she gazing at Timos’ silhouette, which hung a looming shadow over the whole area . His thick and outrageously tall tentacles randomly danced in the air, the smallest of them was the size of a normal village .

The land around Timos was ravaged, turned into rubble and countless craters . No living beings dared to go near him, no, nothing and no one is able to get close, whether they wanted it or not .

His aura, though restrained, was stronger the closer you get to him . Furthermore, if one of the tentacle were to accidentally hit you, it will only leave a mist of blood in its path .

The one that tried to snatch the Angel of Death could barely called a tentacle, it was a small part of Timos, like a single hair of someone’s head, insignificant and totally harmless .

As he listened to Timos, Arthur let out an inaudible grunt but chose not to comment, deeming it as useless to argue .

"As I said before, you do not need to talk . Listening is enough for me, after all, the basis of every conversation is hearing what the other party has to say . I consider interrupting others as rude... only people who can’t defend themselves or don’t have convincing arguments tend to cut-in, only wanting to be heard yet refusing to listen . Idiocy, but I digress .

My precious invitee, I don’t blame you for the death of my children, however, I do not condone your means . Believe it or not, this ’base’ you considered as an impasse, something that blocks your path, didn’t need to be so mercilessly destroyed, causing more harm to this broken world . Everything can be solved using words, even with non-sentient beings . You can’t communicate so you use violence? That’s absurd and unsophisticated . True, you don’t feel guilty but that doesn’t change the fact that you did something unnecessary . "

’Don’t lump me with those freaks who kill anyone and everything . I’ve made the best choice in my current situation, the choice which requires less time and energy . Their deaths were not necessary but obligatory . Even if they weren’t in my way, they would have been killed for what they did to humans . ’

Arthur heard a low chuckle, which sounded like the growl of a beast .

"Oh... so you want to be some kind of vigilante? Vanquishing the ’evil’ and stopping the reign of terror . Roaming the land and getting rid of all the filth in the world . If it’s like that then what’s your reason? Protect humanity? Self-satisfaction? Atoning for past sins? It’s always something within those lines . "


Arthur didn’t reply, or, more accurately, couldn’t . Partially, Timos’ words were true, he could have spared most of the Cthulhu but he didn’t . Why? Because he felt angry at them, for what they did to the humans, elves, and all other races who fell into their hands . For him, the Cthulhu were an evil race, end of the line . From his perspective, there was no need for any explanation, not for Timos or anyone else . Though, it’s not like anyone would demand such a thing for they don’t care, they don’t give a damn about the Cthulhu, or anyone else . People only care about themselves, their benefits .

It wouldn’t be surprising to see humans allying with Cthulhu as long as they receive good rewards . Some have morals, firmly believing in justice but they’re few and far between, and, in some cases, fanatics who do twisted things to achieve what they assume is ’true justice’ .

"I don’t like what you did but I cannot judge it as a ’wrong’ or ’evil’ thing . It’s something done out of necessity, to survive . Now, let me speak about something else that bugs me a bit . "

After a short silence, Timos continued

"Your petulant individualism . Do you think it’ll achieve anything? Even beings such as myself never dared to always act alone, much less you, my dear guest . Relying solely on yourself, thinking that your impudence and overbearingness is enough to push away those around you . I can see who you hold dear and who you do not care about, it’s pretty easy to notice through your actions . Over time, those feelings you so dearly cling onto will slowly yet surely disappear . Not on their own, of course . It’ll be you who will crash everything, that is, if you continue to conduct yourself so... so incomprehensibly . "

’Now that you’ve said your piece, can you shut up?’

Annoyed by the endlessly talking Timos, Arthur snapped at him . He didn’t to be educated by a monster who pretends to be intelligent using his pitiful eloquence .

"I will, if you answer one question of mine . "


Timos regarded Arthur’s silence as acceptance so, without beating around the bush, asked:

"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"

Arthur didn’t give an immediate reply . He spent an inordinate amount of time thinking before saying:

"There’s no such thing as to be born good . The experiences you live through determine whether you’re good or evil . Your actions prove your nature . "

"Then, how do you explain the existence of my children? You said that none can be born good then it’s right to assume that, also, none can be born evil . Why is it that my children were called evil, defective, abominations . "

"Because they are . Their actions proved what they are . "

"Their actions, yes . Them? Not so much . There’s no denying they’ve became ’evil’ but they weren’t outright evil . There must have been a process that led them to be like this . This process, either natural or caused by someone’s machination, is, from my perspective, the true evil . The mastermind . "

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