Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

The specter had a long and vivid dream, it wasn’t something horrifying but pleasant and warm . Though she’s not used to such sweetness, what she experienced in this so-called ’dream’ wasn’t as displeasing as she expected it to be . Her rapidly beating heart, the warm touch of his caressing hand, his breathing, and above all, the sweetness of his kisses . Angelina never experienced the thing they call ’romance’ for she deemed it unimportant and unequal to other matters such as cultivation .

The days she passed with him, the unforgettable cute face of the baby she held in her arms, the angelic newborn which smiled every time she picked him up . It was the kind of life any young lady, poor or rich, would wish to live, however, Angelina was different, which is exactly why, from her point of view, everything was but a passing, pleasant dream, soon to be forgotten .

But... ah! She was sorely mistaken, she had no idea that her reunion with the ARK is the beginning of the end . As it should be, the two were to be separated for eternity albeit the destiny that once bound them together .


Angelina jumped off her bed, her body soaking with sweat, her face pale and her heart about to burst out of her chest . She looked at her fingers, clenched her fists then put a hand over her heart... each beat was like a thunderclap to the confused white specter . Though she woke up, she could remember every single moment of her long dream, making her feel momentarily lost .


"Damned Dragon! You successfully and most definitely, non-intentionally, screwed both of us!"

’X’, bound by chains which negated all of his skills, spat on the ground and glared at the large beast next to him, also bound by ominous black chains . They were both heavily injured, haggard-looking and imprisoned in this cell, which reeked of piss and blood, further annoying ’X’ .

In response, Yamak merely snorted and ignored the rambling ’X’, he wriggled his body, trying to free himself using brute force but his attempt was futile .

’X’ and Yamak weren’t the only ones imprisoned here, there were at least five others, bound by chains and injured all over their bodies, rendering them unable to retaliate or talk properly .

’X’ let out a sigh as he saw his ripped tuxedo and the blood staining his expensive shoes . He abhorred dirty places like this and the outcome of his fight couldn’t much worse, literally . To think they ended up being captured and thrown here like helpless rats, the thought of him incensed him even more .


Back in Oblivion, just when Arthur and Lucy were saved by Vyncent, a shooting black star came from the red sky, crashing into the ground, pulverizing everything in its way, including the mad Cthulhu, which were consumed by the stretching black flames .

An ear-splitting wild cry emanated from a vibrating dark blade, then, as if it felt something, it flew East .

At the other edge of this world, the massive entity gazed at the flying Makaze, its pupils constricted for a split second before they regained their usual calmness .

Timos focused his attention on the Dark Blade and only when Evil Wind vanished from its sight did he show a reaction . His tentacles became wilder as they danced in the air then thrashed the land around it, killing every Cthulhu around .

"O’Malum, to think you’ll end up in such a state... your dignity stomped, your name forgotten, what a tragedy . "

The strategist closed its eyes, seemingly reminiscing about the past .

"Again and again and again... countless times have I warned you . Why did you not listen? Why did you use such lame excuses to deny my advices?"

The enormous entity seemed to become agitated as it mumbled to itself .

"Feelings? Those are nothing but excuses to explain one’s actions . What? You loved her? Such a thing doesn’t exist! And even it does... WE should not be able to feel it . Pain, anger, happiness, sadness... those are things mortals claim to feel but we’re different . We’re physically and mentally superior, so why did you degrade yourself? You even went as far as killing Xyktia for her but... I wish you could tell me your thoughts at that time . Did you think it will bring her back? That she’ll love you? Jump in your arms?"

Timos stopped for a few moments, his tentacles finally calming down and his eyes opening, gazing at the scorched world .

"With the birth of elements and the beginning of time, it is true that the Twelve of us drifted apart, however, was it really necessary to turn on each other? We’re ’created’ from the same thing... how is it that some of you became so foolish... so greedy and so blinded... I so wish to know . "


Divine Planet, Cloud City(Capital) .

At the deepest part of the public prison belonging to the Cloud Sea Sect, there laid a large wolf with three tails, its body wrapped by countless chains .

They rubbed against its body, their tightness caused blood to ooze out of all parts of his body . Its large mouth was stabbed by a silver lance, which impaled the beast and rendered it unable to even howl, it could only whimper painfully .

Astrith’s state couldn’t be more miserable, he was robbed of his power, imprisoned and tortured more than one time . At first, they wanted to know more about Arthur, his home planet and so on, however, after they received no answer from the lightning wolf, they drastically changed their tactic .

In fact, they offered Astrith a position in their ranks, promising enticing rewards, including freedom... sadly, the wolf repeatedly refused their propositions, causing them to become more brutal, not caring about his life anymore .

He knew they needed him for something or else he would have been discarded a while ago, so, with an ever-weakening body and sliver of life remaining, the wolf persevered, waiting for the perfect time to counterattack and get out of here .


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