Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 499

Chapter 499

The golden specks of light kept surrounding Saly and after a few seconds, a pillar of light descended from the red sky, striking the crystalline mountain and trying to hit the protected Saly .

Arthur headed directly toward the perpetrator, who was one of the senior monks . As their prayer almost ended, there was one room for one of them to join the battle and try to smoothen the situation . The bald monk held a long wooden staff decorated with what seemed to be golden and silver bells . He was standing a distance away from the other monks and staring at the grey-haired man coming his way .

He didn’t seem worried about the incoming threat, he closed his eyes, held the staff diagonally across his chest and recited

"Amitabha Amitabha! Grant me the strength to purify evil and banish abominations!"

His short prayer was heard and his call was answered as a blinding radiance shone from his staff . He tightly held his weapon and clashed with Arthur, who was holding an enlarged Dark Blade .

A turbulent wave of energy was created from their explosive clash but it was only for a brief moment as Arthur was sent flying far away . Despite his monstrous brute strength and high Agility, he didn’t even last two seconds against the monk . Nevertheless, the hit wasn’t able to defeat him, much less kill him .

His immunity to Physical damage was shown at this moment as he stabilized his body mid-air and lunged himself at the monk . His arm was bent in a strange way but it was instantly healed as if the previous clash never happened . Moreover, there was a golden energy that entered his body, however, it was pushed away but the abundant Dark Magic dominating every part of his body .

It seemed that not even the unique Buddhist energy was able to counter the Dark Magic . With Makaze in hand, Arthur slashed a few times at the monk, sending creepy flying black skulls at the bald old man . The flying skulls were letting out chilling sounds as their mouths opened and closed repeatedly and black fog surrounded them .

In addition, Arthur unleashed a furry of attacks, including dozens of detonators, Void Mouths, and Vermilion fire, filling the sky with all kinds of flames and explosions . His skills had a large area of effect so even the army beneath him suffered greatly as many of the Marshall’s army suffered from the raging sea of flames .

On the other side of the battlefield, Curtis, Radolf, Midolf, and Astrith were still facing off against the pink snake . After suffering the devastating blow of the cannon and Lucy’s golden flames, the beast was severely injured, nonetheless, it was still raging all around the place and causing unimaginable havoc .

Tens of thousands of undead were squashed underneath the monster’s body and its strange pink scales . Right after the orb was swallowed by Makaze, the pink snake had a qualitative and drastic change, its body became smaller until the woman from before could be seen . Her expression was ugly to behold and her two eyes were shining with pink light .

Under the gazes of her enemies, she underwent another transformation, this one much more dangerous than the last . Instead of becoming another variation of a snake, she grew a tail and some of her body became covered in pink scales . She kind of resembled Claudia’s dragonic form and the only difference was the unusually long tail, the missing wings and the wild and ear-splitting hissing she letting out .

"Although I wasn’t able to get the orb, there are still things to gain from this war . "

She hissed dangerously at the several figures blocking her way . Her gaze wasn’t focused on them but on the Saly, who couldn’t be seen as she was surrounded by Arthur’s sword skill and Lucy’s crystalline mountain . If she were to devour the little girl, she would definitely become much stronger .

Heavenly snakes have the unique ability to devour auras and strengthen themselves and this woman was no exception . Previously, she found Saly’s aura delicious but she was much more interested in the orb, which could bring her many benefits . Now that the artifact is gone, her attention shifted to the little girl, who’s hiding a delicious aura inside of her .

Unfortunately, before she could get a taste of the little girl, she has to get rid of the enemies blocking her path . They’re resilient and quite annoying . . . unless she kills them, they won’t let her pass and will keep pestering her over and over .

Like a shooting star, the woman charged at the four of them, her hands spread wide and her tail splitting into multiple long whips, each targeting an enemy . In retaliation, Curtis took the front and used enlarged his shield in an attempt to resist the shield while the lightning wolf howled loudly and used his web of blue lightning to trap the incoming snake woman .

Radolf and Midolf were in a worse state than their fight companions due to suffering many injuries . Although Midolf can use his Life energy to heal his energies, they still don’t have an infinite amount of energy and can’t fight forever, nevertheless, they made the best of what they have . The two stood behind Curtis, held hands and started chanting a weird chant .

Though her size may have become smaller, the woman was like a meteor, hitting her the knight’s shield with an explosive force, splitting in half and almost causing Curtis to vanish . Using his last bit of strength, the Transcendent knight discarded the broken shield and raised his sword to the sky and swung down at the woman in front of him .

The sword hit the woman’s body and momentarily stopped her, however, she opened her mouth and let out a purple miasma, breaking the sword and getting rid of the blond youth once and for all .

Thankfully, the time Curtis managed to buy allowed Astrith to control his massive web of lightning and envelop the woman, rendering her unable to advance any further or attack the chanting mythical beings .

Like a mad dog, the woman continuously banged on the web of lightning, trying to destroy it but to no avail, her attempts were unsuccessful . The wolf floated in front of the snake woman and opened its mouth, spitting several red lightning orbs which entered the net and hit the woman, paralyzing her for a couple of seconds .

Although he managed to stun the woman, she was still able to counter-attack despite being trapped . She used her bare hands to open a small hole in the net then followed with her tail, which was like a python, slithering toward Astrith, stabbing his chest and coming out of his back .

No blood came out of the wolf but its painful groaning was a clear indicating that he was heavily injured . Astrith tried to shake off the whip penetrating his chest but it was like a tight leash, allowing him to nothing but wriggle in pain .

It was at this time that Midolf and Radolf finished their chant, their two figures become transparent then they started merging together . Due to the red and white fog surrounded the two youths, it wasn’t possible to see the result of their merging but you could still see a large silhouette from within the dense fog .

A few seconds flew by and the fog finally dispersed, revealing what hid within . It had a large body covered in jet black fur, three heads with the one at the middle being covered in white fur . It had differently colored pupils and there was a symbol engraved on the beast’s head .

This creature was very similar to the Cerberus guarding the gates of Hell but the aura around it was vastly different . The middle head emanated a soothing aura, full of life, while the other two heads were emitting an aura of decay and death .

The beast roared to the heavens and jumped at the woman, even the web of lightning didn’t obstruct its way as it ripped it using its fangs then attacked the visibly shaken woman . Her countenance became more serious as she gave up on heading toward Saly and decided to eliminate this imminent threat .

Even the praying monks and the one facing Arthur were surprised when this creature appeared . The Matriarch gazed at the large beast which constricted pupils and half-open mouth .

Ancient legends and myths mentioned a creature born from Death and Life . Due to its ferocious nature and corrupt origins, the Gods and Demons of the past actually joined hands and tried to banish it only to fail so they locked it up for a very long time .

No one knew how it escaped or where it went but one thing for sure, it was an existence that should not exist . A being that controls both Life and Death will break the Natural Laws and disturb the flow of energy hence the cruel actions done by the people of the past .

This ’monster’ was called many names but the most common one was’ The Angel of Death’ .

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