Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 446

Chapter 446

"You only need to press your thumb on the card and it’ll show your stats . They’re all subject to change if you work hard . "

The lady seductively smiled at Arthur while explaining how to register for the Adventurer’s Guild . Apparently, every adventurer has such a card and your beginning stats determine what kind of rank you’ll be . The stronger you are, the higher your rank .

Unlike the previous system, this card shows the stats using the alphabet and it’s not really that accurate . Nonetheless, it’s pretty useful .

This world is similar to Astria, where Magic exists but the technology isn’t as advanced as Earth .

Arthur was the first to try that out . Along with the other two, he was guided to an empty and small room as the first registration needs the person to be focused .

The Joker curiously watched the unfolding events, eager to see their stats too, though the excitement couldn’t be seen on the Leiu’s deadpan face as if he couldn’t care less about such useless things .

The results must be shown to the woman so she can determine the person’s rank, however, other information such as the race and inborn skills can be hidden for the sake of privacy .

Arthur MoonStar

Physique: S

Magic: C

Endurance: SSS+

This is what the lady saw only to be startled . This is a rare result for someone who just registered, nonetheless, she felt happy that such a person joined the Guild . Her attitude became more respectful but the seductive smile never disappeared from her face .

Next one in line was the Joker, who was treated rather harshly by the receptionist lady . His previous actions weren’t excessive but his attire and random lines he utters made him look like a crazy person .

The woman wanted to get done with him as soon as possible so she handed him the card and backed away . He paid her no heed and pressed his thumb on the weird magical card .

The Joker

Physique: SS

Magic: SSS+

Endurance: A-

Flabbergasted, the woman rubbed her eyes a few time but the results didn’t change . Although still disgusted by him, she changed her attitude and tried her best to remain calm . Two of the three have absurd results, enough for them to immediately become S-rank Adventurers .

With heavy breathing, she glanced at the youth clad in black armor and hesitantly beckoned him . The Nameless Knight approached the lady, took the card and pressed his thumb just like the other two .


Physique: SSS+

Magic: SS

Endurance: A+

Arthur’s endurance is probably due to the infinite Stamina he had . Although the cards displayed unexpected results, Arthur didn’t feel particularly strong . Maybe because he got used to the sky-high stats from before, his current strength seemed insignificant .

Moreover, it’s been so long since he felt physical fatigue or hunger .

The other two also excelled in one or two categories . The mind-numbing results caused the lady to fall on her butt and start mumbling nonsensical words .

Only after a while did she snap out of it, bowed toward the three and hastily left the room .

A short while later, a tanned muscular man entered the room, planning to see the results for himself only to find no one . The three disappeared, most likely left .

Neither of three could be bothered to talk to him and they had much more urgent stuff to do . They didn’t come here to flaunt their stats .


"Hehehehe I’m the Magician ’Extraordinaire’, such a stats are to be expected!"

The Joker boasted about his Magic stats, which the highest thing one could get . Arthur was impressed but he didn’t talk to him, as for Leiu, he merely clicked his tongue and retorted

"What’s the use of it if you can’t use it?"

Grinning, the Joker wrapped his arm around the youth’s shoulder while saying

"I never said I can’t use it . "

Leiu shoved him away and proceeded to walk faster, choosing to ignore the overly-talkative lunatic .

"Ahhhhhhhhh I’m starving! Let’s go eat . "

"We’re penniless, how would we pay?"

Although the three were hungry, they didn’t have their belongings . The currency here seemed to be bronze, silver, and gold coins but none of them had a penny .

"Hehehehe don’t worry about that . "

The Joker confidently stated that while making a detour and entering a nearby high-class restaurant . Arthur thought for a moment before following the strangely clothed man .

Only Leiu stood there, gazing at the building the library was at and sighing . Growling sounds came out of his empty stomach, this forced him to click his tongue and enter the restaurant .

The three were warmly welcomed and given a suitable table . The Joker didn’t even glance at the menu, he just ordered everything .

Arthur leaned his head closer to the Joker, who was building a pyramid with his cards and whispered:

"So, how are you going to pay?"

Strangely enough, Arthur found himself comfortable when talking with these two . Normally, he’d be cautious and would rarely talk but here, he says whatever pops in his mind .

"I’m the Trickster, so I’m going to trick them, obviously! Hahahaha"

He pulled a card at the base of the newly-build pyramid and showed it to Arthur . Surprisingly, the pyramid remained standing even after that card was pulled .

’5♣ Cape of Deception . ’

An illusory white cape appeared for a split second before it transformed into rainbow light . The beautiful multi-colored radiance caused a pouch full of coins to appear on the table, surprising both Arthur and Leiu .

The Joker smirked and opened the pouch, showing the ’real’ gold coins to the other two .

"... It’s real?"

This time, it was Leiu who asked . He stretched his hand and felt the pouch and the content inside of it . It was definitely real but the question is; how did he do that?

"Of course it’s real, for now, that is . "


After enjoying a hearty and delicious meal, the three left the restaurant and headed to the library, a place the Joker objectively refused to go to, saying that it’s ’a boring place’ and ’it’s only for bookworms . ’

Still, he didn’t want to be left alone so he was forced to accompany them .

Meanwhile, the cashier at the restaurant, who was happy after he was paid by the Joker, looked at the shiny cold coins, pleased that they paid much more than the actual cost of the whole meal .

Unfortunately, his joy lasted for a short while as the gold coins suddenly disappeared and what replaced them was a white card with a Joker flipping at him .

Enraged, he banged his fist on the table and hastily left the restaurant, hoping to catch them but by that time, it was far too late .


Unlike their companion, both Arthur and Leiu were interested in this world and wanted to know what’s going on . So, the second they entered the library, they started searching for history books .

Meanwhile, the Joker dozed off in a secluded corner after telling them to wake him once they’re done .

The two meticulously read every History book, which didn’t take them much time as the library was small, to say the least . There were barely fifty books, most of them about combat or magic .

"Find anything worthwhile?"

Arthur asked the nearby Leiu, who stared back at him and said

"Yes, apparently, this world is called ’Riarravar’ and there are two continents . What about you?"

While flipping the pages of an old book, Arthur said

"The oldest event mentioned here dates back to three thousand years ago . There’s a mention of some calamity that destroyed half of the Eastern Continent . "


After reading for three more hours, the two woke up the Joker and left the library . The sky turned black and the weather became colder, so, the three had to go to a local inn .

While enjoying roasted meat and some ale, the three chatted amongst themselves .

After gazing at Arthur for five whole minutes, he snapped his fingers and said

"I remember you now!"

Confused, Arthur tilted his head, not understanding what the Joker was on about . They already met in the past and they even fought so it’s was strange that he didn’t remember him .

"Well, not ’you’ but another you . From another timeline!"

As if he didn’t want to remember anymore, the Joker stated:

"Arghh he was one crazy fucker... I’m having goosebumps!"

Since this topic opened again, Leiu said:

"I also know both of you . "-Leiu

Hearing the quiet one talk, the other opened their ears and listened .

"Back when I was doing some trial, I saw both of your lives... I think . "

Then he pointed at Arthur and said

"You also handed me my sword... so I owe you a favor . "

Even more confused, Arthur decided to keep his silence for now until he understands more about this situation .

’Did I meet other versions of them? Or did they time-travel like my future ’me’?’

They didn’t dwell too much on that topic as there wasn’t much to talk about . Moreover, there was another important matter they had to discuss

"So, what do you think we should do?"

"I’m itching for a fight, I say we go hunt some monsters!"

He was ignored by Arthur, who’s question was directed to Leiu, the reasonable person out of the two .

"We may be sent back after some time but I think there’s some kind of objective to leave this place . "

Arthur nodded his head, agreeing to what the youth said:

"I also think so . We weren’t randomly picked, we are somehow connected and it’s definitely tied to this world . Though, I’m not sure what we’re supposed to do . "

The Joker butted in again and said:

"Perhaps we should kill someone . "

"Plausible . We can go to a bigger town or a city, and see if we discover anything abnormal . "-Leiu

Arthur shook his head and explained:

"We appeared here out of all places, there must be a clue . Our best choice is to look for anything strange that happened here recently . "

The Joker retrieved his deck of cards whilst saying

"Lemme check . "

He spread the cards face-down on the table then closed his eyes .

’Is he a fortune-teller?’-Arthur

Slowly, he started flipping the cards but every single one of them was showing an ’X’ in red color .

"Mismatch . Mismatch . Mismatch . "

The Joker kept repeating that until a green circle card appeared .

"Ha! It’s this!’

He covered the card for a second before removing his hand only for the circle to be replaced by a picture, almost like a miniature painting .

The picture depicted a half-destroyed old church . A few seconds later, the card disappeared, leaving two confused people and one slightly excited Joker

"I guess that’s our destination . "

"On what basis?"-Leiu

"Heh one of my abilities is to glimpse at the future . "

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