Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 431

Chapter 431: 431

’It’ was like a God, standing high and looking down on everything else . It imitated the couple’s stance but unlike them, it was holding a half-white half-black bow . The bow was as big as this ’thing’ if not bigger, it split the very sky in two and heavily affected the environment .

The ground started shaking, causing everyone inside the secret realm to be alert . As he stared at them, the old man was visibly affected by the sheer pressure of this figure .

Slowly but surely, an arrow started materializing, it was firmly held by its left hand, pulling with all its strength and aiming at the Overgod .

Sensing the imminent danger, the butler didn’t stay still wait for them to finish, his figure vanished as he tried to appear next to the couple and subdue them .

Unfortunately, he was barely able to cross a hundred meters before he was flung off inside the poison fog . He didn’t even see what hit him .

Once he got a closer look, he was dumbfounded yet again . It actually robot, a literal robot . One made from strange metal that had countless changing numbers on it .

The robot wielded a long golden spear which controlled Gravity and emitted a dangerous amount of Earth Energy .

’Hurry up! I won’t be able to last long . ’

Claud, who changed the ARK’s form and took the Spear of Terros, was panicking as time was ticking and battling an Overgod isn’t a feasible feat, he could only delay him for a few seconds, at most .

’T-that’s from the System?!’

Shocked by the presence of the robot, the butler carefully inspected the transformed ARK, and hesitated a bit .

’If they’re high rankers in the System then it’ll be much more troublesome...’

The System Universe isn’t known as the strongest Universe for nothing . The advanced robots and airships they can deploy are not only numerous but also individually strong and that’s while excluding Lv10,000 players too .

When the mind-numbingly big arrow was reached half its completion, the ARK finally crumbled under the old man’s hands . The spear was dim and had cracks while the robot lost both its legs .

It quickly returned to Arthur’s consciousness and went offline to recuperate the heavy damage it suffered .

Wielding both his purple and silver swords, the old man glared at the ’being’ behind the couple and crossed his weapons in an ’X’ form .

The two swords radiated two brilliant flashes, one purple, and the other silver, which soon became enlarged and started flying toward the illusory figure piercing the clouds .

Just by looking at the shattered ground and cracking space around the ’X’ blinding sign that flew toward its target, you could see how devastating it is .

When it was about to hit the illusory being, an ominous aura spread to all direction, completely stopping the advancing sign .

Countless sword appeared in the sky, all pointed at the sign . In the center of these swords was the main one, Evil Wind, Makaze .

Each and every one of these swords was extraordinary, some were even Mysterious-ranked . Each sword has its unique aura and when they all merged inside of Makaze, the dark blade started vibrating intensely before slashing two times .

The dark blade seemed to be provoking the Overgod as a colorful X sign clashed with the one the Overgod unleashed . Although Makaze’s own attack wasn’t weak, it was still lacking compared to the Overgod’s .

Nevertheless, it bought the couple more than enough time to finish their ultimate skill


... Initiating [Cupid’s Arrow]... 98%

The arrow was jet black in color but was covered in Lucy’s special flames . The half-grey half-white flames covered every inch of the arrow, creating a weird scene . The weather alternated between hot and cold . The snowflakes and the unimaginable heat didn’t opposite each other and coexisted peacefully .

As for the condensed Dark Magic which was the main body of the arrow, it was giving off dangerous vibrations which were stronger than the Natural Spatial Laws of the Secret Realm .

The heavy shaking of the whole world alarmed all the cultivators and made them scared . Thankfully, the exit was miraculously opened, allowing them hastily leave .

Only the brave ones chose to stay here regardless of what’s going to happen .

"Miss Eva wouldn’t have got involved with the System if it weren’t for you..."

As he misunderstood their origins, the old man assumed they were high-rankers of the System’s Universe . He angrily glared at Arthur, who smiled back at him and retorted

"It’s madam for you . "

This only incensed the old man, whose aura increased to its maximum, finally planning to dispose of Arthur and forcefully subdue Lucy even if it means breaking her cultivation . If the clan were to get entangled with the System, it’ll get messy even if other powers of the Divine Planet were to lend a hand .

Fortunately, the System rarely interacts with people and doesn’t initiate wars on other Universes, however, its manpower is limitless and that’s why excluding all the secondary powers living there .

Two large illusory flowers appeared above the old man, one was purple and the other was silver . They wrapped around each other and became a beautiful white rose .

Just like what happened with the flowers, the two swords merged into a white longsword . The old man slashed down with his sword, sending a sword blast which demolished everything in its way .

It was such a simple movement yet it intensified the shaking of this small world .

Seeing this monstrous attack fly at them, Arthur raised one of his hand and clutched it, causing him to cough a lot of blood .

He didn’t pay any attention and held Lucy’s hands again once he activated one last skill . The turbulent winds and shattering space abruptly vanished, leaving nothing but absolute darkness, which started contracting into a single point .

Forcefully stopped, the sword blast unleashed by the butler extinguished the contracted darkness but wasn’t unable to stop explosion caused by Dark Rizaki .

Rizaki was only able to take out a third of the sword blast before it vanished, leaving only some scattered black flames . Fortunately, Cupid’s Arrow was done and ready to be shot . The couple, hands together, pulled the invisible bowstring and once the arrow’s condition reached its absolute peak, they finally let it go .

It was like a beast got loose, the arrow let out a deep growl which contradicted its lovely name . The sword blast and the arrow clashed and despite the weakened blast, it was still able to block the arrow .

’It’s time to do your job now!’

Arthur yelled at the unresponsive Claud, who got to work the moment Arthur’s berating voice resounded inside the ARK .

The sleeping cube soon got to work, it flew outside of Arthur’s consciousness and wrapped itself around his hand . It changed forms, quickly covering his body then jumping to Lucy .

The two couple were enveloped in some kind of advanced black armor . They looked like some kind of aliens as they were covered from head to toe . Countless numbers were engraved on their new armors .

Still standing in that stance, the couple pulled the string again and quickly let out, this time shooting nothing but the air condensed by the simple string pull .

It’s such a simple and perhaps idiotic way of attacking but due to the cheat power created by the dark armor, that wind ’arrow’ was enough to push its predecessor and break the Overgod’s sword blast in two .

It happened then, an explosion never before seen, it exceeded Star Nova, Rizaki or any of Arthur’s Sword Waves . A blinding flash caused everyone on the Secret Realm to cover their eyes .

The deafening sound only came later as it took the sound waves some time to travel to all directions .

The very fabric of this reality shattered, destroying with it the whole Northern Part of this small world . Surprisingly, the floating island, also known as, the Paradise Garden, remained unscathed and still proudly remained in its usual position .


Compared to earlier, only a few cultivators remained inside the dragon’s lair . A dozen were roaming the large cave and searching for treasures and the rest were still trying to bypass Arthur .

The Space Dragon was almost done with its birth and it was at its weakest state, perhaps any one of the ones present can kill it with enough effort .

The thing with dragons is that they became extremely vulnerable when giving birth, all the Nether Energy dedicated to protecting the body is spent on protecting the newborn .

Half of the baby dragon already appeared, it was very small and had beautiful silver scales just like its mother .

It was then, when people were getting restless and annoyed, did the huge explosion happen . They were getting used to the heavy shaking of the cave but it suddenly got worse, some big rubble was about to fall on the dragon only for it to turn into black ash and quickly dispersing in the air .

The sound of the explosion was enough to shatter what remained of spatial restriction set up but the Natural Spatial Laws .

Everyone could feel their cultivation rise which made them feel incredibly delighted . With their real strength back, they turned their head to Arthur, who stood and put his hand on the sheathed dark blade .

He seemed nonchalant but the suffocating killing intent emanating from his eyes indicated his strong resolution to slaughter anyone who dares to cross the line .

Angelina, who was also surprised by the explosion, knew that it could only be the butler and the couple . After one last glance at ’this’ Arthur, she turned around and hastily left .

What was left was Shu Ru, Emily, the princess, the Flame Crown Prince and another familiar person . This person wasn’t hostile and wasn’t greedy about the treasures, his sole focus was Arthur, who never paid him any heed .

He had bandages covering his body and exuded a rather creepy and chilling aura . It was none other than the nameless Ghost whose target was Arthur .

No one knew his real intentions but he it was clear he wasn’t an enemy . The Whisperer King tasked him to ’try’ and bring Arthur to the Ghost Nation and the ghost didn’t plan to fail .

Just as he regained his cultivation, the ghost didn’t hesitate to cross the line, forcing Arthur to personally make a move .

A sharp dark blade came slashing at the ghost, freaking the hell out of the ghost, who used his soft bandages to successfully block the ominous blade .

The other cultivators tried to grasp this opportunity and steal the treasures but the moment they crossed the line, they were either beheaded or dismembered .

Contrary to them, the Flame Crown Prince and his juniors surrounded Arthur, planning to aid the ghost . Seeing their futile attempt, Arthur burst out in laughed and said

"You better scram in the next five seconds or you’re dead . "

His words were directed toward everyone but the ghost . The Flame Crown Prince wasn’t fazed as fists were enveloped by his sect’s special flames .

The others from his sect didn’t back away as they prepared themselves for a fight .

Shu Ru hesitated for a second before leaving this area . Emily was also about to leave but the prince was rather stubborn .

Isadore’s little sister glared at Arthur and was about to help the Flame Crown Prince only for a dark-haired middle-aged man to appear out of nowhere and knock her unconscious .

As he threw the girl on his shoulder, he signaled for Emily to follow him and quickly left this place . He didn’t even spare a glance at Arthur .

Wrath wasn’t particularly afraid of Arthur but a million-year-old dragon is a whole other matter . Even if it was greatly weakened and can be killed, it doesn’t mean it’s as easy as others might think .

After all, it was a fully adult dragon that lived for a long, long time . Moreover, he got to see a lot of interesting things that must be reported to the Crown Prince immediately .

Whether it’s the fight between the butler and the couple, this Arthur, who traveled through time, and his plans for coming here .

Wrath, one of the seven deadly sins, glanced North, where everything became just a chaotic void, and grinned .

’Ah Zodiak! Perhaps you weren’t lying when you talked about a Great War... I very much look forward to that . ’

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