Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 426

Chapter 426: 426

Cardinal Zeves glared at Arthur, angry and enraged that he’s comrades died like that . His hate toward this evil person grew stronger by the second .

As for Arthur, he couldn’t care less about what he did . He faced the old man and held the dark blade in his hand . He wasn’t going to waste time trying new skills or whatever as it clearly wasn’t the time for it .

He could feel the chilliness coming where Lucy was which means she used Silent Moon . It’s far likely that her fight was over which means he should finish his too .

’Ahh it’s been such a long time since I used a sword skill . ’

He grabbed the blade’s hilt with his two friends and slowly raised it . Zeves wasn’t standing there and watching the opponent prepare his attack, he retrieved a short silver scepter and started mumbling again . He didn’t summon the white being as it was easily killed by Arthur, who only needed one swing to finish it .

A dark silhouette crept behind the old man and was about to crash onto him only to hit some sort of a golden shield which appeared for a split second before disappearing .

Another silhouette, this one very similar to Arthur, attack the old man’s left side while the other creepy creature, which was created by using the corrupted Holy Arts, attacked from the right .

No matter the clone or this creature born from Dark Magic, they weren’t able to touch the old man, who never paid them any attention .

The black flames enveloping Makaze suddenly disappeared as a thick amount of Sword Essence condensed in its tip before being unleashed by Arthur, who sing down the blade .

The old man, who was focusing on Arthur, who startled to see the world around him turn into complete darkness, he was able to neither feel, hear, or see anything .

[Assault of Darkness] is a unique skill that can affect even Overgods so Zeves wasn’t an exception as became trapped in that world of darkness for a few seconds .

When everything went back to normal, a grotesque and ugly black skull was flying straight at him . He raised his silver scepter and mumbled

"O’Light bringer! Grant me your protection!"

The Cardinal was enveloped by a golden barrier which grumbled the moment the dark skull made contact with it . The old man crossed his arms and received the full blow as the skull crashed into him, pushing him a hundred or so meters .

Although it didn’t kill him, it still did considerable damage as his robe was ribbed apart and blood leaked out of his lips . He waved the scepter, causing a Holy Light to envelop him and heal his new injuries . Unfortunately, the light healed exterior injuries but couldn’t get rid of the Dark Magic, which already invaded his body and started consuming his energy while slowly killing him .

Annoyed by the presence of this ominous magic inside of him, the cardinal clicked his tongue and tapped his index on his forehead while mumbling a few words .

By the next second, a black miasma was being expelled from his body . It was the Dark Magic, which, for the first time since he acquired it, was being countered .

Arthur sheathed the blade and bent his knees with one hand holding the hilt while the other holding the dark sheathe .

[Golden Lone Sheath] was a skill that required precision and focus . Arthur’s lone eye flashed with blue light, resulting in a momentary time-stop .

Evil Wind emitted a dark gold radiance which transformed into a fatal attack that arrived upon the enemy in a split second, leaving him with no time to dodge .

In retaliation, the old man raised his scepter again, conjuring a pillar of light which clashed with the golden radiance .

Unfortunately, Arthur wasn’t done as he consecutively executed [Golden Lone Sheath] four more times . He didn’t remain there to see the results of his attacks, his figure vanished as he possessed the White Tiger and activated [Transmutation] and [Eternium] .

Busy defending against the multiple golden arcs flying at him, the old man failed to notice a looming dark shadow fly in the sky, its wings flapping in the air, causing the wind to rage and the space to shatter .

The dark tiger opened its mouth and spat a mysterious grey orb barely the size of its fangs, the orb’s speed was slow yet steady . It made its way toward the unsuspecting old man, who glanced at the tiger but didn’t act as he continuously recited the incantations for his skills .

Then, the busily moving hands of Zeves halted mid-air as his body plummeted due to the increased Gravity . Arthur returned to his original body and unsheathed Makaze, ready to finish this fight with the first wave of [Thousand Waves] .

Between the approaching grey orb, the five golden arcs generated by [Golden Lone Sheath] or the Gravity Magic which made his body unstable, Cardinal Zeves wasn’t able to resist all of them .

In the end, he deemed the grey orb the most dangerous one, he felt dense Death Energy inside of it . Unfortunately, before he could retaliate, a thick thunder descended from the cloudy sky and hit his body, scorching his hair and stunning him for a few moments .

Facing only the automatic golden shield that usually protects the cardinal, the grey orb ’devoured’ the golden shield and entered the old man’s body, making him freak out .

He blocked the five golden arcs but the uncomfortable feeling that surged inside of him once the grey orb entered his body made him panic as his heartbeat accelerated .

He could feel it inside of him but no pain whatsoever assaulted him which left him wondering the purpose of the orb . Just as he lifted his head to glare at the enemy, the cloudy sky turned jet black .

A chill run down the old man’s spines and before he could understand what’s going on, something devastating and ominous hit his body, literally cutting his body in two pieces, then four, then eight, until there was nothing but empty air .

The Cardinal Zeves couldn’t even cry for help or see the attacks .

’First Wave, Black as night, Calamity Descends!’

This attack was one of the strongest in Arthur’s arsenal, moreover, the enemy was greatly weakened . In fact, the grey orb was nothing but a high-level illusion . This illusion was only meant to momentarily distract the old man and from the looks of it, it worked wonders .

The reason Arthur completely annihilated the Overgod’s power is because he can regenerate quite fast, especially if he leaves this secret realm .

’Don’t rejoice yet, Dark Magic counter Light Magic and that old man isn’t considered a powerful Overgod from what I’ve seen . There is a huge disparity even between Overgods . For example ’X’ is amongst the top Overgods while this one is a newborn, at most . ’

A few seconds after the fight ended, Arthur appeared next to Lucy, who stood in the middle of a frozen land, simply gazing at the struggling woman, who was bloodied and attempting to stand up .

The 4th Grade bullet marvelously did its job as it froze the woman countless times and each time she breaks free, she would receive more injuries, excluding the ones naturally caused by the lingering Yin Energy .

She hasn’t even used other bullets, the ones that could slaughter cities . There’s also the Golden Crow fire she acquired in the Paradise Garden, the Magma Magic, the Nine Star Yin technique, etc...

In this Secret Realm, no one is able to threaten them, or so thought the couple . Just as she was about to finish the woman clad in armor, several pillars of light appeared around them .

They were quite a distance away but they were easily noticeable . The area was now empty with the exception of Wrath, who was still leisurely sitting in front of the entrance . Even Angelina was forced to retreat for now .

There were twenty pillars of light, each emitting pure light energy which pierced the sky and caused five pentagons that laid on top of each other .

The pentagons covered the whole sky, forming some kind of a seal that entrapped any one within . Arthur frowned upon seeing this but wasn’t that worried . He could feel a slight pressure emitting from above but it wasn’t that dangerous .

Very soon, a blinding figure appeared in the center of the pentagons, its height surpassed fifty meters as it looked down at the couple . It wasn’t human as it had no facial expressions, it was literally an entity born from light energy .

’What’s this supposed to be?’-Arthur

’Hah! A fake manifestation of their supposed ’God of Light’"

Unlike the Overgod, Arthur could sense the immense strength of this ’God’ . While grinning from ear to ear, he looked at his wife, stretched his hand and said

"Shall we dance?"

She softly smiled back at him and held his warm hand .

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