Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 421

Chapter 421

"Hybrid dragons are those which have parents with different Races . They’re usually weaker than pure-blooded dragons but have access to the abilities of both parents, however, they’re despised and are always cast out from their tribes . "

"Correct . What about the Buria Empire . "

The Joker’s cold and stern look pierced the little girl, who waste no time in answering every question he asked .

"The Buria Empire came into being five hundred years after the Void Era, it was ruled by Emperor G’am Tir, a human . In just two hundred years, the empire managed to expand its borders and dominated a third of the Cloud Sea Universe . The might of the empire caused outside forces to ally together in retaliation, fearing that the greed of G’am Tir would push him to expand to other Universes . The Empire soon crumbled after the Emperor was assassinated by The Black Seat of Death from Black Rose . "

The Joker happily clapped his hand while asking again

"And what’s the identity of the Black Seat of Death?"

"Zodiak, a traveler from the future, who acquired that position by killing his predecessor . He’s also the one who created Dark Magic, the power daddy uses . "

"Well, he didn’t ’create’ it but he’s indeed the one who made it how it is today . "

After pausing for a second, the Joker turned toward the green board and wrote something using an ancient language .

"What does this mean?"

The girl struggled to read the weirdly-shaped word and managed to answer only after a minute, to which the Joker didn’t say berate her as usual but patiently waited, not bothered by the long time it took her to comprehend such a complex and archaic word .


He nodded his head and wrote ’Titan’ right under the previous word .

"What are titans?"

This time, he didn’t expect her to answer as it’s the first time she heard of the Race . He taught her the archaic language before introducing her to the titans to make it easier to understand a lot of things later .

"Titans are one of the strongest Races that existed before and after the Void Era . If you ask me, they were an arrogant bunch but they weren’t evil or bad, unlike the God Race . They had enormous bodies and unmatched physical Strength, I’ve even seen one particular Titan who had a body with the size of half of a solar system but, unfortunately, it was dead, so I couldn’t fight it *sigh* . Anyway, the Titans’ numbers decreased after the Void Era and only a few dozen of them remained . Back then, with the disappearance of Gods, people were afraid that the Titans would take the reign so they hunted every last one of them, not sparing even the ones who willingly surrendered... at least that’s what every history record would say but I just happen to know one last titan whom I’m hiding as he I owe him a favor . Anyways..."

The girl focused on what he said and carefully noted the important parts . And so... inside that room that resembled a classroom, the lesson peacefully continued without any disturbance .


Outside of Leiu’s manor, in that supposedly ’small courtyard’ or so it was described by the Joker, Astrith was finally done fighting Milkan .

"As Master Arthur’s companion, you need not just loyalty but sufficient strength to protect his family and aid him when necessary . You’re a being born from Lightning, a beast who was given consciousness and evolved thanks to the Celestial Tribulation but that doesn’t make you special . Look around you, everyone nowadays is special and has plenty of unique abilities . If you remain the same, you’ll only be a hindrance, a nuisance to Master Arthur . When the time comes, you’ll only be able to stand there and watch, unable to complete your destined duty . "

Milkan, the large and creepy looking beast opened its mouth and talked to Astrith, who became several times larger and grew an additional tail which had a different color than the other one . This tail was made from red lightning and emitted a Heavenly aura, very similar to the tribulation .

"Enough, Milkan, I didn’t summon you to lecture him . "

The Nameless Knight appeared next to the dark beast, signaling him to stop . The beast lowered its body and kept its silence .

"Did it go well?"

"I did my part, you should get Onyx to finish the job . "

Milkan uttered those words before vanishing into the darkness, leaving a pondering Leiu . The young man glanced at the silent Astrith then mumbled

’Heed my call! StarSpeed Leopard, Onyx!’

Just like with Milkan, another entity was summoned next to its master and companion . A black leopard with some bloody red lines on its body, its two eyes resembled two shining stars . When you look at the beast’s eyes, you’ll see the universe itself within, a wondrous and mysterious feeling will surge inside of you .

"Time is of the essence . I’m counting on you, Onyx . "

The leopard respectfully bowed to the knight while speaking with a deep and chilling voice

"I shan’t disappoint you, Master . "


Some would say there is no such thing as coincidence in this world . The only thing is hitsuzen, Hitsuzen... A naturally fore-ordained event . A state which all other outcomes are impossible .

Maybe it was through a fluke, or perhaps the meddling of fate or the machination of time, whatever it was called, it managed to create a weak link, which may or may not reverse the tides and create new future paths . The meeting between a lowly, mortal demon and an esteemed prince, two who are completely different, in every sense of the word .

The curiosity of the prince and the anxiousness and impatience of the demon allowed the two to stumble upon each other, though only for a brief, instantaneous moment .

A cloaked silhouette, which bumped into a disguised prince in a secluded alley and there’s where their tale began . A scholar once said ’We do not create our destiny; we participate in its unfolding . Synchronicity works as a catalyst toward the working of that destiny . ’ And some would partially believe these words after witnessing certain events in their lives .

What a tale it was, one that brought with it a desired change, one that was born through a simple accident .

On that ’fated’ day, Isadore Marfront and Taliya met...


’If I spoke about Reincarnation, would you think I’m crazy? If I spoke about past lives, would you believe me? Then what about eternal love? Ever-lasting Romance which many noble ladies dream about? Nonsense, is it?’

A man sat before a well-decorated grave and talked to it .

’They shunned me, exiled me, called me names but you know what? I didn’t care for I knew I was right . Yes, I am but a mortal, a weak and fragile mortal but sometimes, a mortal can achieve things no other God could . Ah what I would give to see your smile again, to feel your touch and hear your sweet voice . ’

Tear tricked down his pale face, he leaned on the grave while thinking to himself

’I know... I know I failed you . I wanted to prove them wrong, I-I was too foolish and blinded but... I truly loved you . I caused your death and my punishment shall be death too . ’

He retrieved a sharp dagger and brought closer to his neck before uttering those last words

’What I saw does not include us but I believe! I believe we’ll meet again and at that time, I’ll never let go of you . ’

Then, without any hesitation, he slit his own throat . Blood gushed like a fountain from his cut neck yet the man didn’t care, he leaned on the grave and closed his eyes, a sad smile on his pale face...

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