Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 419

Chapter 419

"Say we accept, what do we need to do exactly? It can’t be for free . "

Artid laughed and replied

"Of course, nothing is free in this world . Once every two months you’ll have to complete a request . As to what request is, it’s usually assassinating someone of high importance . However, these requests give extravagant rewards, excluding the loot you get from the targets . Assassinations aren’t the only requests, you can steal, escort, or protect someone, it varies but they’re not easy, at the least not for the ’run-of-the-mill’ cultivators and that’s where you abilities shine, from perfect disguise to lethal poison and let’s not forget Dark Magic, unseen and deadly . "

He glanced at Lucy and continued

"Although I’m not exactly sure what Madam’s powers are, I’m certain she’s no weaker than you, which is more than enough to assure me . Furthermore, you two are avoiding the old butler from the White Specter Clan so I assume you do not plan on going back ’home’ . "

After saying his part, Artid remained silent, waiting for the couple’s answer . He backed away and left them some time to discuss the matter .

Fortunately, it didn’t take long as Arthur walked up to the young man and stretched his hand, to which the green seat amicably grabbed it and shook it .

"Pleasure joining you . "

Although Arthur’s expression remained deadpan, Artid wasn’t bothered as he said

"Oh no no the pleasure is all mine! Believe me when I say you won’t regret it . Make sure to come to our Headquarters when you’re done here . From now on, you’re the Red Seat of Blood . By the way, Zodiak once took the position of the Black Seat of Death, though only for a short while . "

He handed him a small map which pointed him to where their next meeting will be . With nothing else to do here, Artid prepared to depart only for Arthur to stop him .

"Since I’m part of Black Rose, I can also issue requests, right?"

The grey-robed youngster was a bit confused but he still nodded his head, explaining the process .

"Anyone of the Nine Seats can issue requests and anyone from the organization can complete them, if they meet the strength requirements . Usually, requests issued by one the Nine Seats are hard so they’re only taken by one of the other seats . "

"If it’s like then I would like to issue a request, right now . "

Artid forced a laugh while replying

"Haha well... issuing a request involves some paperwork and it needs to be done in the Headquarters but since you’re new I can help you . "

An evil smirk appeared on Arthur’s face, who sneaked a glance at Lucy before saying

"I want someone dead, preferably sooner than later . It just so happens the target is in this Secret Realm... what do you say, will you help me?"


Twenty or so minutes later, Artid left the mountain, leaving a delighted Arthur, who managed to solve one of his problems . All that’s left is to take the mountain with them . He didn’t know what to do and he didn’t need to as Claud was the one doing everything .

As per his copy’s request, a black cube bigger than the whole mountain enveloped the area, blocking any outside sense and making it impossible to see what’s happening inside .

The strange cube left Arthur’s consciousness and rapidly spun in front of him, causing steam to emanate from the weird object . The ARK started expanding and constantly changed shapes until became a large mechanical hand with countless numbers engraved on it .

As if plucking a flower, the two gigantic fingers pinched the mountain, causing it to vanish into thin air, leaving nothing but a larger crater in its place .

In the endless space inside of the ARK, a red mountain appeared . It seemed out of place in this dimension, which made Claud grumble angrily . He waved his hand, causing the mountain to be sent far away, becoming a small black dot, barely noticeable .


On Astria, the situation, which was completely out of control, was suddenly reversed . An innumerable army of undead was awakened . As for its commander? None other than the Vice-Leader of the MoonStar Sect . The Undead, which populated half of the entire Western Continent, started marching toward the Itas Continent . A very small portion headed toward the MoonStar Sect, obliterating the army of evil monsters .

The invaders stood no chance against the undead, which felt no pain or exhaustion . The army of Cthulhu Race which was about to attack the MoonStar City numbered ten-thousand yet they were slaughtered in one hour . A hundred thousand undead were positioned around the city, protecting it from all sides .

At first, everyone was shaken by the appearance of the undead, however, they quickly calmed down when Anastassia appeared, leading the undead and assuring them of their safety .

Just after the enemy forces were killed, the Xi Clan suffered the same fate . The Clan was slaughtered, sparing none . Although it was a bit too much to kill everyone, Anastassia used this as a warning to other clans .

With her new powers, Anastassia was able to summon Ghost ships which the undead boarded to travel East .

The distance between the two continents was big and the numbers of undead were astronomical so it took three whole weeks to arrive albeit the fast ships .

Five thousand Bone Dragons arrived earlier than the rest, laying rest a third of the Cthulhu hiding in the burning forest .

The Demon Lord also dispatched a few thousand soldiers to assist the MoonStar Sect .

The once peaceful and calm forest of the Itas Continent became a bloody battlefield . Unbeknownst to Arthur and Lucy, the struggle of supremacy for this world began, bringing with it a great change...


Green-Leaf, Amidel’s city, a cloaked figure was randomly traveling between alleys with no destination in mind . A hood was covering her head, hiding her appearance but you could notice her long silver hair .

The once proud and powerful maid, Taliya, was anxious and impatient as she tried her best to locate Arthur, who wasn’t here, unfortunately .

Left with no other choice, the head maid decided to seek Amidel’s help . She knew that the Kangs were an acquaintance of Arthur and they probably can contact him .

The situation on Astria couldn’t be worse so she hastily came here using the device Gutcha once used . The problem was entering the castle, which was heavily guarded . She was but a mortal, trying to bypass their senses is nothing but wishful thinking .


Lissandra, still trapped in that cramped room, was forced to leave as her rations were running dangerously low . The number of Cthulhu coming from the portal significantly increased . She was sure that a great number of them is still residing in this labyrinth so her only way out is that portal . As to where it leads, even she, doesn’t know .

It’s either risking it or dying here, either by starvation or by their hands .

The woman patiently waited and calculated the interval of time in which they appear from within the portal . At the fourth and last day, when she decided to finally leave her hideout, her food finally ran out .

Her clothes became dirty, she had a foul stench emanating from her and her body was uncontrollably shaking . To think a God would fall to such state, it was pitiful, to say the least .

Twenty minutes after a few hundred Cthulhu appeared, Lissandra activated the hidden mechanism and exited the hideout then darted toward the portal .

Her unsteady legs and extremely thin body showed how much she suffered, nevertheless, she resolutely jumped into the portal only to feel a strong dizziness assault her .

When she regained her senses, she saw a world covered in blood . The sky was jet black and the heat was suffocating . The ground was littered with blood and dismembered bodies .

She glanced around only for her face to turn pale as several Cthulhu noticed her arrival . They were momentarily startled before showing their hideous grin .

They weren’t worried she would escape as they greatly outnumbered her . One of them, which had four arms, each holding a long bloody hook, appeared in front of her .

Before she could retreat back to the portal, a hook came flying at her, ready to impale her abdomen . Lissandra, knowing that it was the end, closed her eyes, accepting her fate, as miserable as it was .

However, the pain didn’t come, instead, she felt a large amount of disgusting liquid splatter on her face and body . When she hesitantly opened her eyes, she became dumbstruck as the monster who was about to cut her was nowhere to be seen . It missed its upper body, which was sent flying a distance away .

Before she could process what happened, a person grabbed her body and madly ran to the direction where there were fewer monsters .

The woman fell unconscious a few seconds later but she was able to see the face of her savior, a bearded young man with a very long hair .

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