MMORPG: Divine Monster Transmuter

Chapter 685 - Late Abyssal Realm

Chapter 685: Late Abyssal Realm

Xiayi City was located within the unexplored areas.

There were no players here, only local residents.

He had only spent about one hour to complete the 50km journey to reach the city gate.

When he hurried over, he followed a road and did not go into areas where there were monsters. That was why they could succeed so easily!

Xiayi City was a large city, and he needed to pay a fee of 50 gold coins to enter.

After Jiang Feng had paid them, he then rode on the Lunar Wolf King and quickly headed in.

While there were not any players here, it was still quite lively.

His appearance had stunned everyone within the city.

But he did not care about the attention he attracted as he ran straight into the Tianji Hall.

Once he entered the Tianji Hall, he did not exchange any items and immediately returned to Earth through the gate, appearing on the altar at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

One week had passed, and Ling Feiyu had yet to receive any news about Jiang Feng. To say that she was extremely nervous was an understatement.

She would go into Divine Dominion almost every day to look for Jiang Feng, mainly to see if he had entered the game. Unfortunately, Jiang Feng had not gone online.

Everyone had lost contact with Jiang Feng, and that made Ling Feiyu very uncomfortable. It was as if he no longer existed.

At night, Ling Feiyu could not fall asleep, so she went to the beach and called Qingqiu to come over.

Qingqiu transformed into his human form and then walked next to Ling Feiyu, asking, “Madam, why did you call me so late at night?”

Ling Feiyu then said anxiously, “Qingqiu, I need to get into the Great World of Tianji to find my husband. Do you have any way of getting in?”

Qingqiu could only shake his head helplessly. “My apologies, Madam. I do not know how to enter. Unless we can have the shell opened up, maybe we can have the mermaid tell us how to enter the Great World of Tianji.”

“Can we force our way in?”

“Impossible. Without a slot, there is no way to enter. If we try to force it, we may then permanently damage the gateway. If that happens, the boss would truly be stuck in there!”

“Feng, where are you?” Ling Feiyu looked at the waves of the ocean under the moonlight. Her eyes were wet, filled with worry and longing.

“Hm?” At this time, Qingqiu seemed to have felt something as his expression turned serious as he quickly guarded Ling Feiyu.

“What is happening?” Ling Feiyu brushed away the tears in her eyes and then asked Qingqiu with curiosity in her voice.

Qingqiu then stared in the direction of the Bermuda Triangle and said with a heavy voice, “I sense that a powerful aura has just appeared in the Bermuda Triangle area!”


As soon as Qingqiu said that, the ocean water was suddenly raised up, forming waves that were a hundred meters tall.

Some of the people were having a walk at night and Ling Feiyu could only watch this moment in shock. Some of them even took out their phones to record them.

“Look! Someone’s on the wave!” Someone called out in English as everyone was focusing on the waves.

Then, on top of the waves, a very handsome man wearing white sportswear stood on top of the ocean waves with a straight back and hands behind his back, quickly heading to where Ling Feiyu and Qingqiu were.

Qingqiu had better eyesight and could instantly recognize the man on the waves, and he called out excitedly, “Boss!”

The man that was stepping on the hundred-meter tall ocean wave was none other than Jiang Feng who had just returned from the Great World of Tianji.

“Ah…” Qingqiu’s words made Ling Feiyu cry uncontrollably.

Further away, Jiang Feng could already see Ling Feiyu crying with her mouth closed.

He knew that within the week, Ling Feiyu had been living her days in torment.

The moment he thought of that, his arms extended forward as he quickly flew straight toward Ling Feiyu.

Splash… Whoosh…

He then stepped on the waves under his feet as he jumped toward and landed in front of Ling Feiyu.

Meanwhile, the hundred-meter-tall ocean wave rolled back into the ocean behind him.

Everyone could only stare in amazement as they saw how easily Jiang Feng did what he did.

Especially Qingqiu. He did not think that Jiang Feng would be so powerful now!

He landed in front of Ling Feiyu and then extended out his hand and wiped away her tears. He then said softly, “I’m sorry, Wife. I broke our promise.”

He did not explain why as he was afraid that Ling Feiyu was going to become even more worried.

Ling Feiyu shook her head and then jumped right into Jiang Feng’s embrace.

He stroke Ling Feiyu’s long hair, and he was just about to say something when he could hear Ling Feiyu’s steady breathing.

Ling Feiyu grabbed hold of him and fell asleep in less than a minute. He was slightly shocked but also felt extremely bad.

“The madam has not been able to fall asleep for the past few days. Even if she did, she would wake up in fear, saying that you have suffered grievous injuries, and can’t make it back,” Qingqiu said.

“Yes, I almost couldn’t come back,” Jiang Feng said softly as he looked at Ling Feiyu in his arms.

After he finished saying that, he then saw plenty of people on the beach walking toward him. He glanced at Qingqiu, jumped into the air, and flew straight to the mansion with Ling Feiyu in his arms.

Qingqiu knew what Jiang Feng meant. He then created a hallucination using his magic so that it would not cause an uproar.

Once he was back in the mansion, Ling Chen had yet to fall asleep. He would ram into a wooden stake without wearing a shirt. The wooden stake had fresh blood dripping from it. One could feel pain by just watching.

“Not bad!”

When Jiang Feng came back, he glanced at both the old and fresh blood on the wooden stake and then glanced at Ling Chen’s more muscular body. He could not help but praise him.

After eating so many Low-Rank Beast Pills, Ling Chen’s power had already reached the power of peak Expert and was almost breaking through to Master level.

“In-Law!” Ling Chen, who was practicing Bajibeng, stopped and walked over to Jiang Feng with a glint in his eyes when he heard what Jiang Feng had to say.

“Continue with your training, come look for me tomorrow!” Jiang Feng said to Ling Chen and then carried Ling Feiyu back to her room. He then carefully placed Ling Feiyu in her bed.

Once he placed Ling Feiyu down, he then left the room and appeared on the roof of the mansion.


Qingqiu landed next to Jiang Feng and asked, “Boss, how did you become so powerful? But it seems that you have yet to be able to use your power freely.”

Qingqiu was right. Jiang Feng’s powers had reached the Late Stage of Abyssal Realm. As he had skipped Mid Stage, it caused him to not be able to use his powers as he could.

That was why he would cause so much of a ruckus when he reappeared from the ocean. The main reason being the Inner Chi within his body that went into overdrive, and he had to release them somehow.

“So those with Combat Rating beyond 2000 have the same power as those at the Late-Abyssal Realm. That means that if there is a large group of players coming to Earth, they could destroy Earth in just a few days!”

Jiang Feng sensed the power within him with a frown as he began to grow worried.

While the players from the Great World of Tianji could not come to Earth, he still needed to make some preparations. If they were able to find a way to reach Earth, then it would be too late to think of anything to deal with it.

“Looks like when I go into the Great World of Tianji, I really have to put some effort in teaching those people from Harmony Village.”

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