Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1397 - What? Are You Feeling Regretful?

Chapter 1397: What? Are You Feeling Regretful?

“What? Are you feeling regretful?” Lea glanced askance at her. His smile had hardened with the clear warning: “you are dead meat if you dare to say you regret.”

Before Gu Mengmeng could respond, Sandy’s seven wolf partners all went limp and collapsed to their knees. Stunned, Gu Mengmeng’s words got stuck in her throat as she stared dazedly at Elvis and Lea.

Sandy smiled as she gave Gu Mengmeng a shove. “Don’t you know what jealous monsters your males are? Quickly placate them or bring out your female dominance.”

Gu Mengmeng held her forehead. “What female dominance? Don’t you know I am a coward?”

Sandy laughed. “Placate them then. Hurry up or Hodgson and gang will not be able to last any longer.”

Gu Mengmeng smiled as she gave a helpless shake of her head. She reached out to hold Lea’s and Elvis’ hands. “Why are you scaring Sandy’s partners? They never confessed to me before. Moreover, I already have my hands full cajoling the two of you. How would I find the time and energy to invite more trouble? Do you think I have nothing better to do than to disrupt my comfortable life?”

Elvis drew back his domineering pressure and the seven wolves were finally able to stand up. Collin lifted Sandy up, “Let’s go out to take in the sun. You can’t keep hiding in the house forever. At the very most, we will form a barricade and block you and him from each other’s sight, alright?”

Collin had been Gu Mengmeng’s guard before and knew very well it was time for them to give her and her males some privacy.

Although this was the Beast World, where everyone had exceptional hearing abilities and could always overhear their conversation no matter how far they went, it was important for Gu Mengmeng to maintain her dignity. So as pointless as leaving the cave was, they still had to do it.

Sandy nodded and Hodgson took out three thick animals skins and laid them out right outside the cave. Bode also retrieved some fruits that Sandy liked to eat. Hodgson then carried Sandy and placed her on the animal skin, before the males all gathered around to form a barricade around her.

After Sandy and her family went out, Elvis and Lea finally put Gu Mengmeng down. The two of them were grim-faced as they remained silent with pursed lips. Gu Mengmeng stared as the two of them exchanged looks and seemed to be communicating via secret Morse code. She was completely befuddled as to why they had their knickers all in a twist?

Weren’t they all fine when they first arrived? They were talking about Arnold pursuing Sandy, and the conversation somehow ended being about her. But she said she had no intention of getting new partners. So why did those two still look so constipated?

The two of them continued exchanging looks for a long while, before Lea finally spoke up.

He sat upright in front of Gu Mengmeng, in a rare show of propriety. “Mengmeng, actually… you…”

Gu Mengmeng waited for Lea to continue, but his words seemed to have gotten lodged in his throat. A fluent, smooth talker like Lea was actually having difficulty expressing himself.

Gu Mengmeng waited for a long while, but Lea was still unable to formulate a sentence. Hence, she probed, “What about me?”

Lea frowned gently as he gazed at Gu Mengmeng with an indescribable sense of gravity. “Do you not like Elvis and I anymore?”

“Huh?” Gu Mengmeng was astounded. She shook her head vigorously. “Who said that? How is that possible? You are my men. Who else would I like if not you two?”

Lea looked disappointed. He glanced at Elvis before turning his eyes back to Gu Mengmeng. “You… no longer find us fresh and interesting, and am even starting to get sick of us, right?”

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