Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 574 - Reversal! (2)

Chapter 574: Reversal! (2)

Yu Da narrowed his eyes. “President, what do you mean?”

Xue Xi looked at Gu Yunqing and said slowly, “Speaking of which, I have to thank you for discovering this evidence.”

Gu Yunqing was stunned when she heard this. She asked in confusion, “Why?”

Xue Xi said, “Yesterday, when you were beating them up, you recorded a video. In the video, Yu Da said something.”

Today was the day Xue Xi spoke the most. After she stopped the words in her mind, she slowly said, “Through verbal comparison, I realized that he said that he wanted to be a warrior like Green Arrow.”

Everyone was stunned.

Yu Da was also nervous. “What’s wrong with that? Who among us doesn’t have a dream of becoming a hero?”

Xue Xi nodded. “You said before that you liked Iron Man, but you changed it to Green Arrow. I didn’t understand it at that time, but after checking it, I realized the difference between the two. Iron Man is part of an organization, but Green Arrow is punishing evil and doing good by killing people for revenge.”

Yu Da seemed to have broken down. “What nonsense are you spouting? This matter was done by Fang Fang. The case is so simple. Why are you making it so complicated?!”

Xue Xi lowered her eyes. “Actually, after the incident, I’ve been very puzzled. When Fang Fang brought Liu Zhao upstairs, Liu Zhao had been pushed by someone. The distance that she fell to the ground was not right. I specially calculated and realized that there was a difference of 0.5 meters. For such a small difference, as long as Fang Fang was stronger, she could have just lifted Liu Zhao and then threw her forward. Unfortunately, other than being invisible, everything else about her seems normal.”

Liu Zhao had been lifted and thrown forward; if she’d simply been pushed by someone, the force would have been different.

This doubt had existed since the beginning, but the error was too small. Although Xue Xi remembered it, she did not take it seriously.

At this moment, she looked up. “So, last night, I restored the surveillance footage from that day.”

Her words stunned everyone.

Yu Da’s face darkened. “What… what did you say?”

Xue Xi took out the USB drive and Jing Fei hurriedly passed her a computer. Xue Xi put the USB drive in and opened the first video.

In the video, events were determined through infrared rays. Fang Fang brought Liu Zhao upstairs and threatened her crazily at the edge of the rooftop. Liu Zhao waved her arms in the air and she fell.

Xue Xi looked at Jing Fei. “Back then, when the incident happened, the surveillance cameras on the rooftop were destroyed. This is the video you restored, right?”

Jing Fei nodded. “Yes.”

Xue Xi lowered her eyes. “You were the one who recovered it, and I also managed to restore it. Moreover, the video was not complete and there was no scene showing Fang Fang turning around to leave. However, we did not think deeply and determined that it was Fang Fang who’d killed someone. However, yesterday, when I sensed that something was amiss, I restored the video again. Hence, I discovered that there is a second one!”

This sentence stunned everyone.

Yu Da became even more agitated. “What nonsense are you spouting?”

Xue Xi looked at him and said calmly, “You purposely damaged the surveillance video. When we recovered it, the first video was taken as evidence. However, there is actually a second video.”

She opened the second video.

This video was a real one. There was no infrared setting in the video. Everyone could only see Liu Zhao being dragged upstairs by something unknown. She was frantically testing the edge of the roof and shouting Liu Jia’s name.

At this point, it was all the content of the first video. After all, Fang Fang was invisible and could not be seen in the video.

However, Liu Zhao was pushed down next.


A miracle happened at this moment!

Liu Zhao was not pushed down but was pulled back by some force. She fell to the edge of the roof and panted heavily. She was clearly frightened.

Everyone was shocked!

After Xue Xi edited the video, she realized that the other party did not push Liu Zhao down but pulled her back.

The invisible Fang Fang stood at the side for a while before turning around and leaving.

Xue Xi stared at the video and said, “So, Fang Fang had already left. How did she kill anyone?”

Jing Fei was stunned. “How can this be? Is this the original video?! So Fang Fang really didn’t kill anyone!”

Fang Fang covered her mouth and suddenly cried. She shook her head. “Sister Xi, why are you doing this? Can’t you just let me die?”

Bottle and the others also looked at Yu Da in shock. “Since Fang Fang didn’t kill anyone, why did you edit such a misleading video? Why?”

Yu Da’s face was tense and his face was dark as he stared fixedly at Xue Xi. “You, why did you do that?! Fang Fang is willing to die for me! Why did you do that?!”

Die for him…

This sentence made everyone come to a realization. Jing Fei said in shock, “You killed her?! You deliberately edited such a misleading video to make Fang Fang take the blame?!”

Jing Fei acted as though he had solved the case. “So that’s how it is! Yu Da, you’re too hypocritical! You claim that you’re the mastermind and that you instigated it just to make Fang Fang feel guilty and make her take the blame for you! How can you be so sinister?!”

Yu Da suddenly burst out laughing and stared at Xue Xi fiercely. “Xue Xi! I really misjudged you! I didn’t expect you to be so smart! If it weren’t for you, Fang Fang and these other idiots would have been played by me!”

Bottle was shocked. “Yu Da, you… How can you be such a person?!”

Yu Da shouted, “What’s wrong? Isn’t it right for us to punish evil and promote good? We have been secretly doing shallow jobs for others or helping them steal things. What kind of justice is that?! The true justice is to attract attention! We have to become a hero like Green Arrow, whose very name makes others turn pale!”

Jing Fei roared, “You’re really narrow-minded!”

Bottle, Water, and Flight were all stunned. They looked at Yu Da as though they had never met him before.

Only Fang Fang shouted, “It’s not like this, it’s not like this! Yu Da, shut up!”

She sobbed and choked.

Beside her, Gu Yunqing’s face had been pale ever since Xue Xi entered. When she heard her mention that she had restored the video, her legs went weak from fear.

However, at this moment, she took a deep breath and shouted as though she had found her life, “So that’s how it is! Fang Fang is innocent. Looks like Yu Da killed her!! Judge Zheng, announce the verdict!”

Yu Da also laughed wildly and said, “Yes, announce it. I’ll never regret my actions!”

He stared at Fang Fang and said syllable by syllable, “Never.”

Fang Fang was stunned.

Zheng Zhi did not expect such a turn of events. He could only say, “If that’s the case, then Yu Da is the mastermind. Not only did he design the murder, but he also intended to frame others. This is an additional crime and he will be sentenced to death!”

This sentence made the scene quieten down. Only Fang Fang’s crying could be heard. She was sobbing and shouting, “It’s not like this, it’s not… Yu Da killed someone because he promised me that he won’t let my hands be stained with blood!”

Yu Da sneered. “Why are you still so naive? I was just coaxing you! In order to make you willingly bear the blame for me! Fang Fang, you’re too stupid! You’re being played by me without even realizing it!”

Fang Fang still shook her head, but she could not speak.

After Gu Yunqing heaved a sigh of relief, she turned to look at Xue Xi and mocked, “That’s all there is to the so-called club romance, right? Xue Xi, I really pity you. Also, Fang Fang, you guys are too dumb… You’re being toyed with by Yu Da and yet you’re still putting on a pretense here. Even at this juncture, Fang Fang, you’re actually willing to be used by others.

“And you, Xue Xi. You’re so worried about the club’s matters. Are you very satisfied with this result? Ha!”

Just as she finished mocking her, Xue Xi suddenly turned to look at her and slowly said, “Do you think this is the end?”

Gu Yunqing’s face froze!

Everyone choked and looked at her again.

Jing Fei was stunned. “That can’t be. Sister Xi, could there be a twist in this matter?”

Xue Xi nodded and lowered her eyes. As she looked at Yu Da, tears welled up in her eyes.

What a fool.

So the friendship within the club can be so deep?

She suppressed her sobs and slowly raised her head. “This matter should have ended here. Yu Da killed someone and deliberately edited the video to eliminate the confusion and frame another person. All of this is reasonable and justified, but I can’t figure out someone’s actions. It was only when I saw the second video that I understood!”

She turned to look at Gu Yunqing. “This person is you!”

Gu Yunqing took a step back in shock and shouted, “What nonsense are you spouting?”

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