Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 483 - The Trumpet of World Purification

Chapter 483: The Trumpet of World Purification

It was not a small world, but the entire Purgatory Space where Heaven was changed at this moment!

The eternally bright sky turned into a night sky with shining stars. Astonished, Roy and the others turned their heads to look at Jubileus. They knew that apart from this goddess with the power of creation, there was no one else who could do this.

When the sky darkened, all the angels in Aesir City looked alarmed. They had been in this Heaven for thousands of years and had never seen a moment of darkness descending. This phenomenon that affected all of Heaven suddenly gave the angels a bad premonition.

At this moment, the Goddess of Light Jubileus was standing in the sky, looking a little disheveled. There was a gorgeous golden cross scepter in her hand, which was her exclusive weapon. With it, she could barely block the attacks of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Clearly, the combat style of the Four Horsemen made Jubileus very uncomfortable. Their four different weapons besieged her in close combat, and she could not effectively resist these weapons with her bare hands, forcing her to use her weapon that she had not used for a long time to fight them.

The powerful power of judgment on the weapons of the Four Horsemen severely interfered with Jubileus’s power. Jubileus’s power of creation, to put it simply, was the power to change the state of reality. She could realize and control any rule and state that she wanted, but the power of judgment of the Four Horsemen could ‘overrule’ her changed state of reality!

They ‘overruled’ the strange gravity created by Jubileus, ‘overruled’ the damage caused by her attacks, and even ‘overruled’ the phenomenon of her using the Eyes of the World to reverse time. During the battle, they cut off her long braids, destroyed her armor, and left numerous unhealable wounds on her body.

Of course, it had not been easy for the Four Horsemen to do this, and the four of them also suffered heavy injuries. It was indeed very troublesome to deal with an Archangel.

In order to fulfill the agreement with Roy, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were going all out…

Not long after waking up, Jubileus encountered such difficult enemies, making her realize that if she did not deal with the Four Horsemen as soon as possible, she might suffer severe injuries and fall into a deep sleep again. So after she forced back the Four Horsemen, her scepter burst out with dazzling light.

In this light, the small world she created quietly collapsed, but it did not disappear. Instead, it continued to expand and eventually enveloped all of Heaven and the entire Purgatory Space.

She turned the entire Purgatory Space where Heaven was into her domain!

The stars in the dark night sky were continuously shining, becoming faster and faster, brighter and brighter. It felt as though countless stars were rushing over from the distant universe, eventually turning into giant dazzling light spots in the night sky.

When Jubileus began to wave the cross scepter in her hand, these giant dazzling light spots immediately began to distort, and strange faces appeared on the surface of the shining stars. The expressions of these faces were either sad, happy, or crying. But in the end, they all turned into angry expressions. They twisted and roared as they dragged long tails in the sky while howling toward the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

This scene might have been difficult to describe, but this scene of the stars rioting caused Roy and the others to be dumbfounded. The angry faces roaring out seemed to have come alive. When they appeared in the sky of Heaven, everyone saw countless large and small meteors. The large meteors could reach a diameter of thousands of meters, while the small ones were only a few hundred meters. With so many meteors dragging tails of flames and roaring, it felt as if the sky was collapsing like an avalanche. The formidable pressure was suffocating.

Thousands of angry meteors smashed down toward the Four Horsemen one after another. Although Jubileus was aiming at the Four Horsemen, in fact, even Aesir City, dozens of kilometers away, was not spared. The meteor shower that covered the entire sky of Heaven not only destroyed the city wall of Aesir City and the buildings in it, but even the Kabbalah, which covered the sky and sun, was not spared. After an enormous meteor brushed past it, the upper part of this gigantic tree broke in two with a crack and fell with the collapse of Aesir City.

All the floating islands in Heaven were blown up by the meteorites in this storm of impacts. Without the support of magic power, tens of millions of cubic meters of soil and rubble began to pour down.

Before harming others, the harm came to them first. The angels’ bad premonition finally came true. Under Jubileus’s power, the doomsday catastrophe of Heaven arrived first.

In the air, Roy, Sparda, Dante, Vergil, and the others were all desperately dodging these meteors hurtling down from the sky. Looking at the huge meteors burning with flames brushing past them and smashing into the ground, erupting into tremendous explosions, Berial roared in exasperation, “Damn it. Is Jubileus crazy?! If this continues, this Purgatory Space…”

Roy was also suspecting that there was something wrong with Jubileus’s brain. In order to kill the Four Horsemen, she did not hesitate to destroy Heaven. But Sparda calmly replied, “It’s not strange. What do you think Archangels are? They are existences with the power to destroy worlds!”

“But… she’s an angel!” Madama Styx yelled breathlessly. “Isn’t destroying worlds something that only we demons like to do?”

Sparda snorted coldly. “Who said that? Don’t you know that in the doctrines created by angels, the trumpets of the Archangels were once mentioned?”

“When the first angel sounded his trumpet, hail and fire mingled with blood is hurled to Earth, burning up a third of the trees on the planet and all the green grass.

When the second angel sounded his trumpet, a great mountain ablaze with fire plunges into the ocean. A third of the ocean turns to blood, a third of the living creatures in the ocean die, and a third of the ships are destroyed.

When the third angel sounded his trumpet, a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water—the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

When the fourth angel sounded his trumpet, a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.

… ”

The angels who blew their trumpets mentioned in these descriptions referred to the Seven Archangels. The scene described also referred to their terrifying power that was enough to destroy and purify the world. Although Jubileus was not one of the Seven Archangels and did not have a trumpet, she also had this world-destroying power. If you really thought that since she was an angel, she was kind and amiable, then you would be gravely mistaken.

It was not only demons who could destroy worlds, but angels as well…

“What does she want to do?!” Dante naturally understood what Sparda meant and asked loudly as he moved through the gaps of the meteor shower.

“Trinity…” Roy sighed and pointed at the distant horizon. “Look over there, and you’ll understand!”

Everyone looked in the direction Roy was pointing. When they saw the sight in the sky, they were first stunned and then gasped.

Jubileus’s power was not only affecting the Purgatory Space where Heaven Realm was but also the human world! Under the distant horizon, everyone saw vague scenes of the human world. The dark night sky of Heaven was gradually merging with the towering buildings of the human world that began to appear faintly, making these scenes gradually become clearer.

Recalling what Roy said just now, the word Trinity, everyone immediately realized that Jubileus was using her power to transform the Purgatory Space of Heaven, making it begin to merge with the space where the human world was.

In other words, not only the human world, but the Purgatory Space where the Demon World was also beginning to merge! What Jubileus really wanted to fuse was all the spaces of the twin worlds!

Once the fusion was complete, not only would all of Heaven be destroyed, but under the bombardment of the stars, the Demon World and the human world would not be spared either. She wanted to eliminate all the demons and humans of the twin worlds, make these two worlds become one, and rebuild the kingdom of the gods above the ruins!

Yes, there was no need to sound any trumpet nor to fight. Jubileus was fulfilling her duty as an Archangel to purify the entire world!

As the fusion progressed, the humans of the Bayonetta world and the Devil May Cry world discovered the phenomenon in the sky. It was clearly daytime, but a dark night sky appeared in half of the sky. The shining stars turned into angry faces and fell from the sky. The phantoms of angels appeared in the sky, and the phantoms of demons appeared on the ground. All kinds of strange and bizarre scenes came one after another. The weak humans did not know what was going on, so they either shouted and fled in fear or knelt on the ground and prayed desperately.

The demons who had already retreated to the Demon World looked at the meteors that suddenly appeared in the sky with dumbfounded expressions. They watched as they turned from illusory to real and gradually became a true meteor shower. They watched as they howled and smashed into the vast surface of the Demon World, causing massive earthquakes and mushroom clouds. As the demons scattered in fright, they found that there were human phantoms also fleeing in all directions, and these phantoms were also repeating the process of turning from illusory to real…

If someone could see this scene from the universe at this moment, they would discover that two planets that existed independently in the void were beginning to overlap in spatial coordinates. The scene of another planet appeared on one planet, just like a double-yolked egg wrapped in the same eggshell, and the two yolks were still moving closer together.

And the Purgatory Space where Heaven and the Demon World were was the egg white in this eggshell. Now, they had thoroughly mixed together…

It was as though the world had turned upside down…

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