Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 365 - Cataclysm (1)

Chapter 365 Cataclysm (1)

The alliance army’s crusade against Ur-Hekal began, and the first to attack was the hundreds of catapults.

These catapults looked different in styles because various races made them. The orc’s catapults were simple and crude, while the humans were finely crafted. As for the elves, theirs looked slender. But regardless of what race made the catapults, they had enough tonnage and looked gigantic. When the winches pulled back the thick arms bit by bit until they laid flat, the cyclopes or titans waiting at the side would carry boulders weighing hundreds of kilograms or even nearly a ton and place them on the throwing arms.

When these steps finished, soldiers would cut the restraining ropes and cause the throwing arms to spring back suddenly. The arms would throw these heavy boulders out and smash them at the city wall of Ur-Hekal with tremendous kinetic energy.

Almost instantly, howling sounds resounded from the sky as hundreds of boulders spun in the air in a parabola and then crashed into various parts of Ur-Hekal. Thunderous rumbling sounds immediately came from every impact point, and dust and rubble flew everywhere. The screams of the demons were endless.

In this first wave of attacks, a small portion hit the city wall, and more boulders fell into Ur-Hekal. Some of the taller buildings collapsed with a loud bang after being struck. Many of the demons on standby in the city could not dodge in time and were smashed into a bloody mess. The remaining could only roar angrily as they stared at the sky in the direction where the boulders came from and tried to escape.

Soon, the second wave of catapult attacks followed. After the corrections from the first wave, more boulders smashed onto the city wall.

The alliance army’s goal was, of course, to break the city wall. Although there were many catapults, it was impossible to bury all the demons with stone. The final goal of the war was to attack the city.

With the cover of the catapult attacks, the behemoths formed an assault force and approached the city wall. They only stopped temporarily about three hundred meters away from the city wall to wait for the catapults to continue bombarding.

Facing such a massive attack, even Roy was shocked. Apart from commanding the demons to defend, he did not have a better way to deal with it.

Of course, the demons in the city were also using the catapults to fight back. The boulders flying out of the city crossed with the boulders thrown by the alliance army in the air, but they appeared so scattered and sparse. Although the boulders crashed into the alliance army formation, most of them landed where the behemoths were. With such attacks, it was extremely difficult to kill these behemoths known as the kings of war. Instead, after being hurt, they roared again and again.

After the casualties of many demons in Ur-Hekal, the pervasive smell of blood stimulated the remaining demons and aroused their ferocity. The high-rank demons under Roy began to use magic to strengthen the demon army to help them resist the damage.

Not only was the alliance army waiting, but the demons were also waiting, waiting for the city wall to collapse to fight against the alliance forces rushing in…

The city wall of Ur-Hekal was clearly not going to last long. Although this was the headquarters of the demons, and it could be considered sturdy, because Demon Lord Kha-Beleth had entered the True Name Liberation state and transformed into the Inferno Overlord, he had melted a lot of the city wall. Although it had been repaired afterward, it definitely could not compare to the original state.

What happened next was not beyond the demons’ expectations. A repaired section of the city wall was the first to collapse.

When the city wall on the side collapsed in smoke and dust, excited cheers came from the alliance army. This collapsed section was a signal for an all-out attack.

The alliance army’s catapults still continued firing, but the rear troops of the alliance army had already begun to advance slowly. The radiance of magic began to shine in the alliance army’s formation, and the dragons in the sky were circling faster and faster.

After holding on for a few more waves of attacks, the front wall of Ur-Hekal’s city gate finally collapsed in deafening sounds. The fallen rubble even filled up the magma moat surrounding the city. After seeing this scene, the alliance army suddenly blew the war horns. In the midst of the loud tumult, the soldiers of the alliance army all let out soul-stirring roars. Then all the ground forces moved and began charging toward Ur-Hekal.

The behemoths bent down and jumped and ran forward on all fours like gorillas. But the ones who attacked first were the dragons in the sky. They formed a formation and swooped down from high altitudes. The scorching dragon breaths of the red dragons and black dragon sprayed down from the sky and swept across the ground as they flew, and the rolling flames quickly spread all over the city like overflowing water from a flood. Then the flames exploded. Large numbers of demons scorched by the dragon breaths screamed and rolled on the ground, attempting to extinguish the flames. But facts proved that these actions were futile. In the end, they could only be burned into demon skeletons.

The breaths of the green dragons and emerald dragons focused on the remaining sections of the city wall. Their acid corroded the city wall and accelerated the collapse of the defenses of Ur-Hekal to provide greater combat space for the alliance army. As for the gold dragons with incomparably hard dragon scales, they directly dived down and crashed onto the city ground. Their enormous bodies rolled back and forth after landing, crushing many small demons. After the gold dragons turned over and got up, they immediately roared and began fighting the demons.

There were also gigantic flame tornadoes in many places in the city. These were caused by the fire phoenixes dancing with their big wings in the sky. As for the griffin knights, they nimbly shuttled through the sky while throwing javelins at the demons from above. These javelins also carried immense kinetic energy when they shot down from the sky. They pierced through some of the demons and stuck them to the ground, causing them to be unable to turn around at all as they roared in pain.

This battle was almost one-sided. After all, the demons did not have an advantage in numbers. So after seeing this situation, Roy and the others took action.

His palm pressed on the ground, and a flame wave of the flowing brightness flames spread out from his arm. The demons that the flames touched were immediately enveloped in a ball of flowing brightness flames. The rocks under their feet turned into liquid and covered their bodies, and the flowing brightness flames refined them into steel armor that wrapped their bodies,

causing many low and even middle-rank demons to have the means of survival.

Roy’s flowing brightness flames spread swiftly, soon covering half of the city and quickly arming nearly ten thousand demons. In fact, this was the greatest effect of the flowing brightness flames. With the immense magic power of a demon lord, it could instantly arm a demon army.

Several dragons in the sky saw what Roy was doing, so they immediately turned around and rushed down at him. But before they could reach him, they saw three bloody mouths coming at them. Fat Tiger jumped up, bit a golden dragon’s neck and other parts, and forcibly dragged it down from the air. Then the two giant beasts began to fight desperately.

Julia and Benia intercepted the remaining dragons.

Benia’s flame whip flew out and wrapped around the horn of a green dragon. She could not pull the dragon down, but she could jump onto it with the help of the whip. After stepping on the green dragon’s forehead, she squatted down and pressed her palm on its head. After a circle of pink magic power light spread, the dragon’s mind became confused in the next second. It turned its head and bit at its dragon compatriot.

As for Julia, she spread her flame wings and flew into the air. Holding her fallen angelic sword, she quickly cut off the wings of an emerald dragon, causing it to fall to the ground. Before the emerald dragon could get up, golden flames burst from the sky and slammed into the emerald dragon.

The moment the golden flames touched the emerald dragon, they suddenly exploded and enveloped its enormous body. The emerald dragon only had time to let out a tragic roar before the incomparably violent flames melted it into a pile of charred bones…

This was the horror of the destruction flames. Its incredibly high temperature was comparable to the temperature on the surface of the sun. The stronger the magic power, the higher the temperature. There was almost nothing the destruction flames could not melt. After killing this emerald dragon, Julia continued to attack the other dragons. Her flame wings were originally pure black, but after fusing with the power of the destruction flames, many golden flame patterns had appeared on her wings, which represented the symbol of the power of the destruction flames. And what she held in her hand was the demon sword of Kha-Beleth, the Jaw of Urgash, which Roy had modified for her. This sword could adapt very well to Julia’s destruction flames. When this demon sword that burned with destruction flames swung, even the dragon scales that the dragons were proud of could not stop her blade at all. It was like a hot knife cutting butter as it was cut through extremely smoothly. Wherever Julia flew, there would be dragons with their wings cut off.

Julia and Benia attracted the attention of almost all the dragons, which naturally gave Roy more time to prepare.

The alliance troops suddenly realized that something was wrong in the sky, so they could not help but look up. The first thing they saw was several light spots!

Their eyes almost popped out. “Is that… Armageddon?!” In just a few seconds, they could clearly see the light spots in the sky. That’s right. There were several massive meteors burning with raging flames after friction against the atmosphere, and each one was hundreds of meters in diameter.

And the impact points of these meteors were undoubtedly in the alliance army formation..

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