Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 301 - Possession

Chapter 301 Possession

Roy stretched out his claws and carefully picked up a dark elf cookie with his sharp nails.

Unlike the time when Rafaro was transformed into a cola liquid, this dark elf cookie was only about half the size of his original body. Moreover, there was a pattern on the cookie, and the vivid cartoon pattern made the cookie look a little cute, feeling like a child’s cookie, making Roy laugh.

The power gap between the dark elven assassins and Roy was too immense, so the transfiguration time of these biscuits was at the highest three minutes.

While Roy was sizing up the cookies, Benia picked up the poisoned bolts blocked by the ice shield on the ground. She put the tip of a bolt under her nose and sniffed. Her expression changed as she said to Roy, “It’s poison dragon saliva! A fatal poison that even demons can’t resist! No wonder these guys dared to use the decapitation tactic…”

Hearing Benia’s words, Roy could not help but frown. He thought that these dark elven assassins were only rats that were good at hiding, but he did not expect them to be able to obtain such fatal poison. He had really underestimated them.

Roy knew that these assassins who had become cookies still had consciousness, so he picked up a cookie and called Fat Tiger.

Fat Tiger walked over in confusion. Roy said, “Open your mouth!”

As he spoke, he threw a cookie into one of Fat Tiger’s mouths!

Fat Tiger got something in his mouth and subconsciously chewed it. The sound of cracking came when the cookie broke. Fat Tiger felt that it was rather fragrant, so he gulped it down.

The other dark elven assassins who had turned into cookies on the ground witnessed this scene with their own eyes and felt an unprecedented sense of fear, making them unable to stop the chills in their bodies.

They were not afraid of death. Among the dark elves, death was something common. However, being turned into cookies by strange magic and then fed to a dog was a method of death exceeding their imaginations!

Especially at this moment, the remaining assassins were all unable to move and could only let their imaginations run wild. When they saw their companion die, they would inevitably feel as if it had happened to themselves. Roy did not say anything, but the dark elven assassins could already imagine the scene of their bodies shattering into pieces…

What would it feel like to be chewed like that? Will I be in so much pain that I want to die? At the moment I’m bitten, will I still be conscious as I am now? If I still have consciousness, what kind of horrible feeling will it be?

Thinking was extremely fast. In just three minutes, the dark elven assassins seemed to have experienced three years. And in these three minutes, Roy had thrown two more of their companions that had become cookies to Fat Tiger to eat!

After all, he could not be biased and had to feed all three of Fat Tiger’s heads.

Just like how Fat Tiger had drunk the cola that was Rafaro before, this was the first time Fat Tiger had eaten cookies, so he naturally felt that it was very delicious. But there had only been three cookies, which was not enough for Fat Tiger. He was a little anxious as he stepped on the spot and whimpered at Roy, salivating as he urged Roy to continue feeding him.

Roy dilly-dallied and then picked up another cookie. There were five dark elven assassins in the ambush for five biscuits, and Fat Tiger had eaten three of them, leaving only two.

Before Roy could throw the fourth cookie, it was time for it to transform back. With a poof, the cookie emitted a cloud of smoke before changing back to the body of the dark elven assassin.

The dark elven assassin was hanging upside down, as Roy was pinching a leg with two fingers. Before he could understand what was happening, he realized that he could move again and screamed in panic, “No! No! I don’t want to die!”

Julia’s sword was pressing on the shoulder of the other dark elven assassin on the ground, who had also transformed back, forcing him to kneel on the ground. But this dark elf assassin did not show any anger or resistance. Instead, he looked as though he had just survived a disaster. He stretched out his hands to touch his body. He felt his flesh and blood body had returned, and his eyes were full of joy.

The two dark elves felt as though they had walked around the gate of Hell and escaped back. They were so excited that they were about to cry, and the consciousness of wanting to commit suicide after failing the attack had long disappeared, completely defeated by fear.

The bodies of dark elves were slender and thin, and the dark elven assassin Roy was holding felt weightless. Although he was struggling with all his might, he could not escape Roy’s fingers and could only cry bitterly, “Please, I beg you! Honorable Demon King, I am willing to sell my soul to you. Please spare my life!” Seeing this scene, Julia and Benia could not help but look at each other and saw the smiles in each other’s eyes.

Dark elves were like this. Cunning, insidious, scheming, and traitorous, these were all labels stigmatizing their race. Regardless of how decisive in killing they were earlier, once their life and death were under the control of the enemy, they would immediately reveal the inferior nature of their race.

“Bring me to your lair!” Roy said coldly while pinching this dark elven assassin.

“Okay! Okay! I’ll bring you there! I’ll bring you there!” The dark elven assassin betrayed his clan without hesitation and nodded repeatedly in agreement. The other dark elven assassin pressed down by Julia’s sword was the same.

Roy shook the pinched dark elf. After shaking all the weapons on his body to the ground, he threw him casually.

The dark elf hurriedly got up and checked his body. After confirming that there were no missing parts, he carefully looked at Roy with lingering fear and then looked at the enormous dog, Fat Tiger.

Fat Tiger was a little unhappy that the cookies were gone, so he bared his teeth and looked fiercely at the dark elven assassins. After seeing the cookie crumbs in Fat Tiger’s teeth, the two dark elven assassins could not help but shiver. The memories of the fear occupied their minds again.

Roy and Fat Tiger’s cooperation completely broke the defenses of dark elven assassins’ hearts. Without needing Benia to help, they obediently brought Roy to their lair.

And along the way, they answered all of Roy’s questions.

Sure enough, this matter did not exceed Roy’s expectations. Some time ago, the dark elves who were injured by the mutants and zombies brought great trouble to the Shadowbrand clan after returning, causing many casualties to appear among the Shadowbrand clan. Finally, when they found that they were unable to cure this infection, Raelag, the war leader of the Shadowbrand clan, immediately ordered the death of all the infected! Even though these people were still alive, it was the same…

This cruel method temporarily stopped the spread of the infection, but at the same time, the Shadowbrand clan suffered heavy losses.

At present, there were almost no low-level troops in this dark elf clan. Only the strong spellcasters and the black dragons and shadow dragons were immune to the infection.

But even so, Raelag did not evacuate his people from the territory of Eeofol and remained in this part of the underground world. In order to make up for the loss of the clan, they had been capturing troglodytes, beholders, and harpies underground to fill their combat strength.

After Roy led his army into the underground, the Shadowbrand clan had actually already discovered them. Because they saw the mutants and zombies again in the army, after receiving the news, the Shadowbrand clan did not dare to come and expel Roy and his army, afraid that the infection would erupt and spread again. But judging from the signs of the army advancing, they realized that this demon army was looking for them, so they had no choice but to send the remaining assassins to kill Roy.

This was actually one of the reasons for the betrayal of the two dark elven assassins. Their clan had already declined and was no longer as powerful as before. Raelag’s obstinate actions had made some people gradually have some ideas…

As for what Raelag wanted to find in Eeofol, the two dark elven assassins could not say. This high-level decision was not something that low-level people could know, so Roy did not ask further after asking twice. Anyway, he had already roughly guessed it.

With the two leading the way, Roy’s army did not take any wrong paths. But even so, it took them half a day to find the lair of the Shadowbrand clan.

This was an enormous underground canyon. From the fractures on both sides of the canyon, it looked new. It seemed that the ground was torn by a large earthquake caused by demons detonating a volcano not long ago. At the bottom of the canyon, a simple city stood there. The dark environment, black walls, savage-looking serpent-head sculptures, and the fences enclosing raptors in the city all showed that this was a city of dark elves.

The city was not large, and it was probably only a small town that could accommodate a few thousand people at most. It seemed that the population of the Shadowbrand clan was not much.

Roy’s army caused a huge commotion when moving, so when they reached the canyon, they heard alarm bells ringing in the city. It was apparent that they had already been discovered. Numerous troglodytes and harpies hurriedly rushed to the low city wall and set up a few ballistas. The raptors in the enclosures were also driven out by some raptor calvary and lined up in the city. But because there were too few riders, it seemed that the raptors were not obedient and always ran around.

Over ten bulky hydras moved to the city gate and planned to guard it, and there were some minotaurs holding axes guarding them. Some dark elven shadow witches occupied the few defense towers in the city.

After the alarm bells rang, many black dragons and shadow dragons flew over from the darkness behind the canyon. It seemed like they were preparing to fight alongside the dark elves.

Black dragons and shadow dragons looked similar in appearance, but in fact, they were two different species. Black dragons were top dragons who used flame dragon breath and dark power, while shadow dragons were dragons with the talent to control shadows. They were smaller than black dragons, and their scales were much darker.

This underground canyon was not suitable for large-scale army deployment, and only a small portion of Roy’s army could stand in front of the city, which gave the dark elves a bit of confidence.

A dark elf riding a raptor arrived on the city wall under the protection of a group of cavalry. He held a staff in his hand, and Roy could feel powerful magic power surging in his body.

Standing on the city wall, this dark elven hero shouted at Roy, who was not far away, “Demon! Even if you’ve found this place under the lead of traitors, don’t even think about defeating me, Raelag! The Shadowbrand clan will make you feel the humiliation of defeat!”

“Oh?! You’re Raelag?” Roy looked at him with interest.

“That’s right!” Raelag replied expressionlessly before pointing his staff at Roy. “I know you. You’re Demon Osiris, right? Moreover, you’re the one who spread the plague.” “Your intelligence work is quite good!” Roy grinned evilly. His body floated in the air as he pointed at Raelag. “Listening to the dark elves, I know what you want to do here in Eeofol! You want to find Queen Isabel of Erathia, right?! Let me tell you, give up this thought. Isabel will give birth to the King of Darkness for Sovereign Kha-Beleth! This world is about to come to an end! The flames of destruction will devour everything! And you and your people will die here!”

Roy was now acting as though he was possessed by an award-winning actor as he laughed maniacally. But the edgy and pretentious lines in his mouth completely stunned Raelag…

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