Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 236 - City Destroying

Chapter 236 City Destroying

Without the soul, the corpse of the slain titan would not be of much use to Roy.

To be honest, Roy felt that it was quite strange. He felt that this titan was a little… How should he put it? Very arrogant! In the Darksiders world, Roy had dealt with six blood angels and hundreds of angel soldiers with Julia. Under such circumstances, Roy and Julia had both survived. It could be said that it was very difficult for enemies of the same level to kill him one-on-one.

Roy had not come into contact with titans before, so he did not know what level this lightning titan belonged to among his people. But it was a mythical race that was equal to angels and dragons after all, so he should at least be at the same level as a high-rank demon. The problem was, where did this titan get the self-confidence to dare to come here alone…

Did these Academy mages misjudge my strength, or were they simply unable to summon more titans?

There was too little information, and Roy did not really understand, so he shook his head and threw this matter aside. Seeing Julia playing with Fat Tiger happily, Roy did not disturb them. He spread his demon wings and flew into the sky to check the city.

After Roy could overlook the entire city, he was a little surprised because he found that it was quite large, and the city’s defenses were quite perfect. From afar, he could see the tall city walls surrounding the city. Not only were the walls very thick, but there was also a faint light of magic power flowing on them. Every certain distance on the city walls stood a pointed tower, which was probably an arrow tower or something similar used for long-range attacks during a siege.

Fortunately, the mages had placed the Dragon Balls in the city, causing Roy to appear directly in their city when he came to this world through the Gate of the Abyss. In this way, it was equivalent to the city’s defenses having been completely useless, and Roy had broken them from the inside. Otherwise, it would have been pretty difficult for Roy to invade this city from outside it.

Looking from above, Roy could see the city gates were full of civilians wanting to escape. The news of a powerful demon appearing in the city had long spread. Be it the battle between Roy and Nathir or the battle between Fat Tiger and the titan, the vast power and influence had frightened the civilians in the city. As Nathir was killed by Roy and Galib escaped, there were no longer any heroes in the city that could organize troops to fight back, making the people panic.

Roy did not care about the escaping civilians, but he noticed that in some strange-looking buildings in the distance, soldiers would appear every now and then. These soldiers were all puppets without consciousness, such as iron golems and stone gargoyles. After these iron golems and stone gargoyles walked out of these buildings, they went toward the square one after another, moving like automatically set programs… Roy guessed that these might be the golem factories and workshops of this city, so he was a little curious and flew over to a golem factory to check.

In the end, Roy saw a production assembly line operated by gremlins. It was magic technology!

There were about a hundred gremlins distributed on this assembly line. They mixed all kinds of metal in different proportions and then threw them into the first alchemical magic formation. The glowing magic formation quickly molded these metals to produce various parts. The gremlins at the back were responsible for taking out these parts and assembling them on a conveyor belt to make them into iron golems. Then the formed iron golems continued to move back, passing through various alchemical magic formations, in which they were engraved with different magic runes. Finally, magic crystals were mounted in their chests for activation.

When these iron golems began to move stiffly, a group of gremlins would carry heavy blade weapons and place them in the hands of the iron golems. Holding these weapons, the iron golems would walk out of the factory and move slowly and crunchingly toward the square. Seeing this scene, Roy was a bit speechless. It seemed that the alarm bell ringing in the city was still in effect. The gremlins here did not know the battle situation in the square, and they were only continuing to produce iron golems according to their duty to provide support for the battle.

No wonder iron golems and stone gargoyles are appearing sporadically…

Roy no longer cared about what was going on. He summoned a gigantic black bolt of lightning and struck the golem factory. Under the powerful lightning attack, the factory exploded into pieces, and the gremlins inside were killed. The assembly line alchemical magic formations that made the puppets were also completely destroyed.

Julia and Fat Tiger rushed over at this time. Roy got them to split up. He had Fat Tiger destroy all the workshops and golem factories in the city. As for Julia, Roy asked her to collect the magic books in the library.

With Julia and Fat Tiger’s help, Roy did not bother about the situation on the ground anymore. He spread his wings and flew into the sky toward the Sky Storm Altar.

Roy did not know what this place was earlier. But since the lightning titan attacked him from here at the beginning and after seeing the huge magic formation on the altar, he immediately realized that this was a place to summon titans.

He had to destroy it. Roy rubbed his chin and pondered. He could vaguely guess that it might not be easy for the Academy heroes to summon titans to help, or else there would not have been only one titan that had appeared. But in any case, it was unknown when another titan would come to find trouble with him if he left the altar here.

After waiting for a while, when Julia and Fat Tiger sent the news to Roy that they were done, Roy landed on the altar and summoned Frostmourne. He held the hilt of his sword with both hands and stabbed the sword tip into the ground.

After the sharp blade easily pierced the ground, Roy began to output an immense amount of his magic power!

Crack! Crack! Crack! A sound that made the ears tingle came. As the magic power poured in, the ground of the altar began to freeze from the tip of Roy’s sword, and black ice continued to spread.

Before long, including the hall built around the altar, the enormous Sky Storm Altar was frozen into a black ice ball floating in the sky!

The Magic Power Virus contained in the black ice began to absorb the magic power in the Storm Altar continuously. The faint magic power light in the magic formation quickly extinguished, and then a massive tremor came. As the magic power maintaining this floating structure became exhausted, the entire Sky Storm Altar began to wobble.

When the final floating force disappeared, the entire altar was caught by the gravity of the ground and began to fall! Although it was only at an altitude of one thousand meters, it was unknown if the entire altar hall weighed thousands of tons or tens of thousands of tons. Such a heavy building falling from a high altitude had extremely terrifying momentum!

Most of the civilians had already escaped, and the few remaining stragglers, who had been reluctant to part with their property, were still dragging their families to the city gates. When they heard the loud howling in the sky, they looked up and immediately turned pale.

The Sky Storm Altar was the pride of the people of Ulambus. But now, they were horrified to see that this pride enveloped by a layer of an ominous black substance was crashing down toward the city with an aura of destruction!

“It’s over…”

These two words surfaced in the hearts of everyone who saw this scene. But there was not much time left for them to think. In just a few seconds, the Sky Storm Altar blasted into the city of Ulambus!

The moment it hit the ground, the entire city seemed to have encountered a magnitude 12 earthquake. As the earth quaked, the powerful shock waves generated from the collision swept through most of the city. Hundreds and thousands of houses and buildings vanished in an instant. Many people did not even make a sound as they greeted the embrace of death. The surging smoke and dust quickly spread throughout the entire city and lingered for a long time. In the sky, Roy looked expressionlessly at the destruction below. He waited for the dust to disperse before going down. Then he took out the Soul Attracting Flag and began collecting the souls scattered in the city.

However, the number of souls Roy collected in the end was not much, only about two thousand. But each of them was a good quality soul. After all, what the owners of these souls saw before their deaths was an extremely terrifying scene… “Why is it so little?” Roy was a little surprised at first, but then he thought of those iron golems and stone gargoyles. The kingdom of Bracada was a country ruled by mages, and they liked to use puppets to fight. Maybe it was because of this that there were not many people in the country.

The Sky Storm Altar fell, and of course, it could not hurt Julia and Fat Tiger. So Roy, Julia, and Fat Tiger met up in the ruins of the city.

On Fat Tiger’s broad back were dozens of huge bookshelves that Julia had taken out from the library. They were almost all the books in the city’s library. Roy looked at them and nodded in satisfaction. He waved his hand and stored these bookshelves into the system space. “Let’s go and get out of here.”

He had no intention of taking this city for himself. After all, he did not understand the situation around this city at all. In case this city was in the middle of Bracada, and he occupied it, it was very likely that he would have to face the siege of the entire kingdom of Bracada. At that time, Roy might not be facing just one or two titans but a group…

Although Roy, Julia, and Fat Tiger were all very powerful, they were still lacking in numbers in terms of how this world fought.

Perhaps I should summon some low-level demons to act as soldiers? Roy thought. If I want to kill Xeron, I’m afraid it’s necessary to start a war…

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