Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1787 - Cursey Serve the Customers

Chapter 1787: Cursey, Serve the Customers

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What is happening?!”

The crumbling of the Void City’s base naturally attracted the attention of many people. They were stunned, and their faces turned pale with horror.

Then, from the crumbling base, the lower part of a body came flying out, emanating a terrifying aura that almost destroyed the city. Such an aura was… lethal! It was definitely an unusual body part. The fact that it was trapped under the city showed how horrible it was.

Many people guessed that the body part belonged to the Soul God because it had attracted the faceless man, who was very likely to be the Soul God, to make a move. Just like the Chaotic Universe had suppressed one of the Soul God’s arms, the body part was suppressed by Void City. If that was true, it would be really scary!

The arm that was in the Chaotic Universe was delivered back to the Soul Demon Universe by Heavengod Transmigration, and it had led to the appearance of the faceless man. Now, the faceless man was beginning to collect his body parts. This might mean that… the Soul God was about to wake up!

This was not good news for everyone!

In Void City, Bu Fang clasped his hands behind his back with a grave look on his face. If others could think of this, so could he. By collecting his body parts, the Soul God was making his way back, one step at a time. Once he collected everything, he would likely become an existence that none of them could resist… unless the Queen of Curses or the God of Cooking showed up. However, this was highly unlikely.

Whether the Queen was alive or not was still a mystery, not to mention that no one knew where the God of Cooking was. Judging by the bowl of Egg-Fried Rice the Queen had placed on her coffin, it seemed that she intended to have a very long sleep. So it was unrealistic to expect their help.

As for Nethery, who inherited the Queen’s legacy… It was hard to count on her as well. Who knew when she would break out of the Stairway of Star?

Everyone in Void City had thought of that, and their faces were pale and unsightly. They even thought of the consequences of the Soul God’s return.

Void City was now considered to be standing on the opposite side of the Soul Demon Universe. In the past, it was a neutral power and never participated in the wars between different universes, so every universe sent their banished people here.

And now, since Nethery had succeeded to the throne, there was a high probability that Void City would favor the Chaotic Universe and the Primitive Universe. This was not good news.

The Soul Demon Universe was very aggressive, and its strength was extremely fearsome. Moreover, it was backed by the Soul God, as well as the strongest Great Soul Overlord, who was equivalent to a perfected Chaotic Saint. The Void Universe was simply no match for it.

As for the Chaotic Universe… Well, with only a few Heavengods who had just returned, it could never beat anyone.

Everyone left the Queen of Curses’ palace. The three dukes’ expressions were somewhat complicated. Duchess Nightmare was left with her soul now, and she was very weak. However, she was, after all, a Chaotic Saint. After some time, she would be able to reproduce her physical body.

Duchess Tianlian’s injuries were almost healed. Among others, her gaze was the most complicated as she looked at Bu Fang. “There’s no more hope… You guys have no idea who is standing behind Soul,” she said, shaking her head.

Bu Fang gave her an indifferent glance.

“She’s backed by the Soul God! I sensed the Soul God’s will in her! It’s the will of the real, awakened Soul God!” Duchess Tianlian’s voice was anxious and sad. “The Soul God is returning, and the end of Void City is almost here… I want to let Soul sit on the throne so that Void City can continue to exist…”

Duchess Nightmare and Duchess Yunlan sighed at the same time.

“Are you an idiot?” Bu Fang was somewhat speechless as he looked at Duchess Tianlian. “If the Soul God returns, he will definitely destroy Void City… I don’t know what happened back then, but the relationship between Void City and the Soul God must not have been good,” he said.

That gave Duchess Tianlian pause. “Why?” she asked. “Soul is a sweet girl who values relationships. I can sense that.”

The corner of Bu Fang’s mouth twitched. He wondered if this woman had gotten her brain damaged from cultivating too much? “If I sealed your lower body in the inverted mountain under Void City for countless years… would you still be smiling at me?”

Duchess Tianlian froze. Bu Fang’s words woke her up like a slap in the face. ‘He’s right… There had been bad blood between the Soul God and Void City since a long time ago!’

Duchess Yunlan and Duchess Nightmare shook their heads. After that, they left to clean up the mess Soul left behind. They also wanted to take the opportunity to fix the selfish and greedy nobles of Void City.

Bu Fang returned to Cooking God Little Kitchen with Lord Dog, Er Ha, and Cursey. It was an amazing restaurant. A fierce battle had taken place around it, and it was bombarded by the army of Soul Demons, yet it suffered no damage at all. The quality of the System’s product was truly the best.

After stepping into the restaurant, Bu Fang sat down on a chair and took a breather. Many people had come into the restaurant as well, including Houtu, Marquis Lang Gu, Countess Xia Qiu, and Viscount Ash. That gave Bu Fang pause.

“What are you doing here?”

“We need to eat something to help us get over the shock…” Marquis Lang Gu said, holding his fingers like a woman and pointing them at Bu Fang.

Bu Fang did not say anything when he heard that. Instead, he rose to his feet and walked toward the kitchen. “Cursey… Help me serve the customers,” his indifferent voice rang out as he stepped into the kitchen.

Cursey was dumbstruck. The little girl widened her eyes in disbelief, staring at Bu Fang as he stepped into the kitchen. “I’m the clone of the Queen’s will, and yet you want me to be a waitress?!”

She was very angry. She was a person of status! How could Bu Fang ask her to serve others? She would rather die than do that!

“Hmm… If you perform well, you will get three Death Spicy Strips every day.” Bu Fang’s voice drifted out of the kitchen.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please come with me. Just tell me what you want to eat, and I’ll write them down.” Cursey put on a cute smile and nodded at the nobles of Void City.

‘Three Death Spicy Strips? Hehe… I, Cursey, will be the best waitress!’

Er Ha, who was slumped in a chair like a dead fish, was displeased. “Bu Fang young man… Do you need more waiters? This king is very hardworking. You can’t find any better person for this job!” he shouted at the kitchen, his eyes gleaming.

A long time later, Bu Fang’s voice came out of the kitchen, “Scram.”

After a hearty meal, Viscount Ash and the others left satisfied. Ever since they learned that there was a bowl of Egg-Fried Rice on the Queen’s coffin, they no longer restricted their appetite. What excuse did they have for not eating good food when even the Queen put a bowl of rice on her coffin? In their eyes, chefs suddenly became the most adorable creatures in the world.

Void City had recovered very quickly. The dead bodies of Soul Demons were gotten rid of. As for the bodies of the nobles, the three dukes held a grand funeral and then sent them into the starry sky.

Peace seemed to have returned to the Cooking God Little Kitchen. Bu Fang spent his days cooking. Lord Dog and Er Ha stayed in the restaurant as well. Life was good when there was good food and drinks.

Cursey had settled into her role as a waitress. She was powerless to resist the temptation of Death Spicy Strips. Between the Queen’s dignity and the spicy strips, she chose the latter without hesitation. If the Queen learned about this, she would have jumped out of her coffin and pinched Cursey to death with her fingers.

The Soul Demons were quiet after returning to their universe. Those who remained around Void City were all wiped out by the experts of the Void Universe.

The war between the Primitive Universe and the Soul Demon Universe continued. Occasionally, Houtu would come and have a meal in the restaurant, only to leave hurriedly after finishing it.

Lord Dog enjoyed his Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs every day. His body, which had grown thinner after he became Heavengod Time, was gaining weight again.

Foxy had been having a good time lately, too. She was Heavengod Destruction, so Bu Fang was never stingy to feed her good food. He had been stuffing all kinds of delicious dishes into her mouth. He had even brought her to a ruined universe once and gave her a Chaos Pot.

However, her stomach almost burst apart after eating it. Then, she was constipated for three days. During the three days, she was low in spirits because she could not eat any meatballs. She could only lick the porridge Bu Fang made for her with her tongue.

Shrimpy, as usual, was spitting bubbles every day. It would not move unless the enemy moves…

Meanwhile, Er Ha had gone out to roam Void City. There were many noblewomen in the city, and he had been mixing well with them.

Cooking God Little Kitchen became more and more popular in Void City, and more and more people came to line up in front of the restaurant every day. The challenge of dark cuisine continued, and the winner would receive a gourmet dish that contained a wisp of Chaotic Energy.

However, so far, no one had been able to finish Bu Fang’s dark dishes. In the multi-universes, his knowledge of dark cuisine was second to none. After all, he had become famous with stinky tofu.

He still visited the Heaven and Earth Farmland from time to time. After the battle, his apprentices had transformed a lot. It had been too easy for them to improve their cultivation base because of him, so they had become the strongest people in their respective territories.

However, after experiencing a battle, they were no longer lonely. They knew about the higher realms and stronger enemies. As a result, their dedication to cooking grew stronger, and they were putting more effort into strengthening their cultivation base.

Bu Fang was pleased.

The farmland was sunny and breezy. The Immortal Tree, towering into the clouds, had grown into something unusual. What surrounded it was no longer immortal energy but Chaotic Energy. Perhaps, it could no longer be called the Immortal Tree, but the Chaotic Tree!

On the crown of the Chaotic Tree, the Senseless Lotus was quietly blooming, its pure white petals swaying gently in the wind. A faint fragrance was wafting out of it.

Bu Fang stared fixedly at it. Mu Hongzi told him that the Senseless Lotus could save him once by fending off a crisis for him, but he had not used it. In fact, since he began to cultivate, he had encountered many crises. However, he had solved them all himself without using the lotus.

“Perhaps… I would never use it. Well, it’s best to never have to use it.”

Bu Fang exhaled deeply, then turned and went into Niu Hansan’s wooden hut. Soon, all kinds of crackling sounds rang out of the wooden hut, filling the peaceful creatures in the farmland with astonishment.

At dawn, Bu Fang returned to the restaurant. After preparing for the day’s challenge of dark cuisine, he began to practice his cooking skills. Even at his current level, Bu Fang did not slack off on his practicing.

Although his cooking skills had reached the top in the multi-universes, he knew it was far from enough. He did not even touch the edge of the God of Cooking’s realm, so he had no right to be proud and indulgent. His cultivation base, too, had not reached the level that he could be proud and indulgent.

The cultivation base of a Saint of the Great Path was formidable, and he was far stronger than when he was at the Light Wind Empire. However, it was far from enough. The Soul God could kill a Saint of the Great Path with just a puff of his breath.

Bu Fang kept reminding himself to cook and cultivate hard. He was looking for the opportunity for a breakthrough.

He opened the restaurant door and started a new day of business. The customers waiting outside began to swarm through the door.

Suddenly, Bu Fang was slightly taken aback. He saw Houtu, and her face was extremely unsightly…

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