Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1758 - Cursed Goddess Soul Is Shocked

Chapter 1758: Cursed Goddess Soul Is Shocked

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Oh? The Temple of Heavengod Destruction has returned?”

Bu Fang paused for a moment. He did not expect to hear this news. He had come back only to get Lord Dog and Er Ha to Void City, to support Nethery.

They talked while heading toward the Temple of Heavengod Destruction.

“Bu Fang young man, how was Void City? Did you see any beautiful girls? Is there any delicious food?”

Er Ha was very curious. Void City was a famous land of exiles in the multi-universes, so he would be bluffing if he said he was not curious.

“What are beautiful girls? No.”

Er Ha rolled his eyes. Why would he ask Bu Fang such a stupid question? When did this guy’s eyes ever see a beautiful girl? This young man simply did not know how to appreciate beautiful girls. Perhaps in his eyes, there were only men and women.

“So you want us to go to Void City and help Nethery?” Lord Dog said, frowning. “But no one will be guarding the Chaotic Universe once we leave. What if those Soul Demons take this opportunity to invade and capture the Chaotic Universe?”

Bu Fang pondered for a while, then he said, “No, they won’t. The Soul Demon Universe and the Primitive Universe are at war now. They are too busy to come here. I’ll also leave a trump card here, which can hurt even a peak Chaotic Saint.”

At that, Lord Dog breathed a sigh of relief. “In that case… Let’s go. How dare they bully Nethery? Do they really think that there are no mighty experts in the Chaotic Universe?”

Two men and a dog kept walking. Soon, they came to the Temple of Heavengod Destruction, which was located in a remote corner of the universe. They stepped into it.

The temple was in a ruinous state as well. They walked slowly and soon arrived at the deepest part of the building. The power of the Law of Destruction lingered in the air, filling one’s heart with dread.

Lord Dog lifted a paw and sent out his mental force. A few moments later, the temple began to tremble violently and rumble. The ground cracked open, and a golden recipe flew out of it to float over the dog paw.

Bu Fang raised his hand. The recipe drifted over and fell silently in his palm. Profound characters flashed over the golden recipe, looking as if they were wriggling.

“See… Another recipe.” Lord Dog was very excited. The appearance of every recipe was equivalent to the return of a modern-day Heavengod, who represented the top fighting force of the Chaotic Universe.

Bu Fang nodded and carefully read the golden recipe. Suddenly, the recipe turned into a golden ray, flew into his spirit sea, and merged with the recipe there. His eyes grew a little deeper.

He furrowed his brows, and his heart started pounding. He was worried about how to improve his strength, and the appearance of this recipe had opened a door for him. He exhaled, then turned to Lord Dog and Er Ha.

“I’ll begin to prepare the trump card now… We need to get to Void City as quickly as possible. The situation there is critical,” Bu Fang said.

He did not think that the Queen of Curses would attack them. However, it was better to be safe than sorry. The restaurant might not be able to withstand her attack.

Bu Fang estimated that the Queen should be on the same level as the Soul God and the God of Cooking, so the restaurant constructed by the System might not be able to withstand her attack. Therefore, the sooner they returned, the better.

The eyes of Lord Dog and Er Ha lit up at the same time.

“Good. We need to prepare something as well. You go ahead with the preparation of the trump card. We’ll join you later,” said Lord Dog.

After that, Er Ha and Lord Dog disappeared in a flash.

In the Temple of Heavengod Life, the group of female Gods was chatting noisily. Suddenly, Er Ha appeared in front of them.

“Hey, babes, you can all leave now. This king is going out to have some fun.”

“Why can’t my lord bring us?” A female God who looked as soft as water gave Er Ha a plaintive glance.

“Hehe… I’m going to Void City. Do you want to go with me?” Er Ha said, squinting at the female God.

Upon hearing that, her face froze, and she quickly waved her hand. ‘Are you kidding me? Void City? My head is not pinched by the door! I may not be able to come back if I go to that land of exiles…’

The group of female Gods dispersed and left almost instantly. In just the blink of an eye, the Temple of Heavengod Life was quiet again.

Er Ha sighed softly. With a thought in his mind, his body gradually became blurry. Before long, he created a clone of himself and made it sit cross-legged down in the depths of the temple.

Lord Dog returned to the Temple of Heavengod Time and made some preparations. He asked some ancient Heavengods who served him to strengthen their vigilance, then plucked a few strands of his hair and hid them deep in the temple.

When he was done, his eyes lit up, and he left the temple excitedly with his cat-like steps. He was about to get moldy from staying in the temple. Now, he finally got the chance to go out with Bu Fang to cause trouble and, most importantly, he would get to eat Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs!

At the center of the Chaotic Universe, Bu Fang floated in front of a shining object. It was the Chaos Core, the heart of the universe. With a thought in his mind, a terrifying fluctuation spread, and a Chaos Pot of Creation glowing with blinding golden light emerged.

The moment the pot appeared, Bu Fang kept forming Gourmet Arrays with the other hand. The arrays then attached to the pot, gradually calming its restless aura.

There was a flash in the void as Lord Dog and Er Ha arrived at the same time. They glanced at the Chaos Pot of Creation in horror. Its aura was so terrifying that it made their hair stand on end. Both of them were equivalent to peak Chaotic Saints, yet the pot still frightened them.

‘Bu Fang boy is not too strong, but he sure has many tricks up his sleeves…’ Lord Dog thought to himself. ‘Food should be delicious, yet he makes it into something so scary. He deserves to be the best trouble-making chef ever…’

Layers of Gourmet Arrays floated in midair and supported the Chaos Pot of Creation from below. Then, a wisp of Bu Fang’s divine sense drifted out, turned into a tiny man, sat cross-legged under the pot, and closed its eyes.

“It’s ready. Now, whenever the Chaotic Universe is invaded, the Chaos Pot will judge it and threaten the enemy…”

“Half of the Chaotic Universe would vanish if your pot exploded, right?” Lord Dog looked suspiciously at Bu Fang.

“As long as it can scare off the enemy…” Bu Fang said with an expressionless face.

Lord Dog and Er Ha did not have a better idea. In fact, even they would not choose to detonate this Chaos Pot.

Now that everything was ready, it was time for them to depart for Void City.

“Let’s go. I can’t wait for this.” Er Ha’s eyes gleamed. “Should we bring an army of one hundred thousand men to back up Nethery? Didn’t you say there was no one behind her?” he said.

“Are you not scared that the spatial passage will be burst by so many people?” Bu Fang said. Unless he was given enough time to construct a spatial teleportation array, he could not transport so many people at the same time.

Er Ha smiled embarrassingly.

With a humming sound, they left the Chaos Core and came to the Temple of Heavengod Time. They exchanged a glance. The next moment, Bu Fang raised his hand. His mental force poured out as white light spots rapidly emerged, spread, and quickly formed a passage in the void.

The passage wrapped up Bu Fang, Lord Dog, and Er Ha. Then, they soared whistling toward the sky. A rumbling sound rang out, and the vault of heaven was shaking. Many Heavengods in the Chaotic Universe looked up at the white beam of light rushing toward the sky. The looks in their eyes became very complicated.

A loud noise echoed out. A huge savage beast, together with the man riding it, were crushed into a heap of blood and gore by a mighty force. The man’s soul floated into the sky, and it was ripped into pieces as well.

Houtu’s hands were behind her. Her eyes gleamed with white light, and her aura was powerful. No men of the Cavalry of Death could get close enough to hurt her. Her cultivation base was not weak since she was a peak Saint of the Great Path, and it took only half a step for her to become a Chaotic Saint.

This level of strength was not bad, but it should be very fragile in the face of the Cavalry of Death. However, Houtu managed to withstand several charges from the men.

Pi Dong and Pi Xi exchanged a glance and saw the grave look in each other’s eyes. The next moment, the twin brothers charged. They galloped past many savage beasts as they went toward Houtu.

In midair, Soul watched with an indifferent face. Houtu was a much bigger threat to her than Nethery. She could not spare her, for she did not want any variables to exist.

Pi Dong and Pi Xi were both Chaotic Saints, and when they joined hands, they could fight against a marquis. They were a very important fighting force under Soul.

Houtu’s face grew graver when the brothers joined the battle. With the level of her strength, it was very difficult for her to fend off two Chaotic Saints.

The twin brothers landed with a crash and unleashed three arrows, which were shooting toward Houtu from different directions. Before they arrived, a mighty aura and pressure fell and shattered the Cursed Goddess Palace.

The horrible power frightened the nobles watching in the distance. Were Pi Dong and Pi Xi really going to kill the Cursed Goddess? How could Houtu, a Saint of the Great Path, withstand the brothers’ killing blow?

The three arrows seemed to come from the depths of the universe, bringing with them power strong enough to destroy heaven and earth. It gave Houtu goosebumps.

Suddenly, she focused her eyes. Then, with a flip of her hand, a primitive-looking leather bow emerged in her palm. As soon as the bow appeared, heaven and earth began to tremble!

Without hesitation, Houtu produced a silver arrow, placed it on the bow, and pulled the string. The roar of a divine dragon immediately echoed out. The next moment, the silver arrow was unleashed, and it went straight toward the twin brothers’ arrows.


Pi Dong and Pi Xi steadied themselves. “What’s that?!” They squinted. Chaotic Energy wrapped around Houtu. The bow in her hand emitted an overbearing aura, causing their bow to tremble. It shocked them. They had cultivated the bow for several ages with their blood essence before it could be used, yet it was trembling in the face of Houtu’s bow?!

In midair, Soul focused her eyes. “That’s… The Bow of Bliss? The Primitive Universe’s divine artifact?”

Suddenly, she jerked her head up and looked at the sky in the distance. There, the void burst apart, and the beam of light, which had vanished earlier, emerged once again, falling straight down at the restaurant.

What shocked her was not the return of the light beam, but the aura inside the light beam.

“Haha! Void City, Er Ha is here!” A loud laugh and a powerful aura spread in an instant.

Soul’s pupils constricted with shock. “Two duke-level experts? And both of them are here to help Nethery?!”

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