Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1281 - Meet the Stone Statue Ghost Kings Again the Old Way

Chapter 1281 Meet the Stone Statue Ghost Kings Again, the Old Way“Hmm?” Lu Cheng stood in front of Yellow Spring Town with his hands clasped behind his back. Squinting, he looked up at the sky. His eyes sparkled as he saw one ray after another fly by.“The forbidden lands in Earth Prison… The skeleton from the Cave of the Fallen Gods and the killer from the Black Temple… Is it true that these forbidden lands can no longer sit still upon learning that the Senseless Lotus has been obtained by someone, just as the intelligence mentioned?” Lu Cheng muttered to himself. Then, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

“The forbidden lands in Nether Prison have been secretly captured by his lordships, and these forbidden lands in Earth Prison will soon become their targets… After all these years, it’s time for the Netherworld to be unified. As long as we capture Earth Prison, the surrounding small worlds are not far from bowing their heads. At that time, the Netherworld will become a big world and enter the stage of the big worlds, and Nether Prison will be the center of this new world…”

There was a look of anticipation in Lu Cheng’s eyes and a faint smile on his face. Of course, it wasn’t that simple to capture Earth Prison. There was a reason why Nether Prison had not taken it after so many years.

“How many jade plates have we got now?” Zhang Xuan held up a jade plate with the number five carved on it. He frowned. He didn’t like five very much.

“Six, I think,” said Lu Yang from the Nether Chef Clan.

“We seem to be collecting more slowly than I thought. At this rate, the other jade plates will probably be obtained by those rubbish.” Zhang Xuan put away the jade plate with a serious look in his eyes.

“We can just kill them all…” the expert from the Fire Demon Clan said as magma surged under his skin. A plume of fire was spewing out of his mouth as he spoke.

“Have we found the number one jade plate?” Zhang Xuan asked.

Among all the people present, Zhang Xuan was the strongest, so they naturally made him their leader. Although they would be competing with each other later, they were in the same camp now.

There were ten jade plates in total, but so far, they had only collected six, much slower than Zhang Xuan had expected. The main reason was that these jade plates were hidden in strange places—some on cliffs, and some even in the dens of spirit beasts. This increased the difficulty of getting them.

With a buzz, a ray faded away in the sky. It meant that the last jade plate was found by someone. Now, the Nether Prison camp had collected six jade plates, while the remaining four were taken by contestants from other small worlds.

Zhang Xuan stood up, smoothed out the folds of his clothes, and then looked straight into the distance with indifferent eyes.

“Very good, it seems that the killing will start early,” he said, his voice filled with cold murderous intent.

The other Nether Prison experts all screamed with excitement at his words, and the expert from the Fire Demon Clan burst into flames, becoming hot and blazing.

“The slaughter is finally about to begin! I’m tired of seeing those ants from other small worlds!” the Fire Demon roared.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The next moment, the ten experts all turned into beams of light and sped away.

Bu Fang put one hand behind his back and held a jade plate with the other. On his shoulder, Foxy rolled her cute eyes and grabbed another jade plate in her little paws.

Jin Jiao said that a contestant could only get one jade plate, so Bu Fang couldn’t hold two at the same time. However, he could let Foxy hold another piece, so he didn’t break the rules. He had discovered this on a sudden whim.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly. After taking a look at the thick forest in front of him, he moved on with Foxy and soon got into the forest, flying toward a specific direction according to the route he remembered.

The rules of the semifinal were to his liking. He wanted to get the Nine-leaf Yellow Spring Grass, but if he went in there carelessly, it might be really hard to get it. However, with the others’ help, he might have a chance to get it.

With a whirring sound, Bu Fang rushed out of the forest. The view in front of him opened up, and in the distance was the entrance to a huge valley, where boulders stood in great rows. Among them, he saw two familiar figures.

“Stone Statue Ghost Kings… We met again,” Bu Fang muttered.

The two Stone Statue Ghost Kings were the Yellow Spring Great Sage’s pets and were responsible for guarding the Yellow Spring Grass and the entrance to the valley. They were very strong. When he was here the last time, Bu Fang had not confronted them and used a clever method to sneak into the valley. That was why he was not very clear about their strength.

However, since the Yellow Spring Great Sage asked them to guard the entrance, it meant that they were certainly not weak. Moreover, there was a powerful Torch Dragon in the valley! The dragon had the true bloodline of the Divine Dragon, which made it extremely formidable. When he was here the last time, only Lord Dog was able to suppress it, and Nether King Er Ha could only turn his head and run.

Nevertheless, since Er Ha’s strength was not too strong, Bu Fang was not very clear about the Torch Dragon’s cultivation base.

A gust of wind blew over. In the valley, Yellow Spring Grasses were swaying, emitting a rich spirit essence. Bu Fang’s eyes glowed when he saw them.

Yellow Spring Grasses were divided into nine levels. For every extra leaf, the grass’s quality was upgraded. Starting from six leaves, they were extremely difficult to grow artificially, and the top-grade Nine-leaf Yellow Spring Grass was even rarer and could only be found in nature. Basically, it could not be farmed, which was why the Yellow Spring Great Sage was so careful to protect it.

Bu Fang’s target this time was the Nine-leaf Yellow Spring Grass. He wanted to make the best wine, and that must use the Nine-leaf Yellow Spring Grass. He already had the Nine-petal Flower of Helplessness. If he added the grass, the Yellow Spring Helplessness Wine he would make would be absolutely delicious!

The thought of it made his mouth water, and he licked his lips.

However, the entrance to the valley was guarded by two Stone Statue Ghost Kings.

“I guess I’ll have to do it the old way…” Bu Fang’s mouth twitched slightly as an idea came to him.

Last time, Bu Fang cooked Marble Wok Fish, which caused the two Stone Statue Ghost Kings to fight and shatter each other. This time, he planned to do the same thing. He felt that the two fellows would fall for it again. If he was not mistaken, both of them must be foodies. Since they were foodies, things would be easy to handle.

Foxy stood on Bu Fang’s shoulder. Holding a jade plate in her paws, her small eyes were darting from side to side, while her two tails were twitching back and forth.

“Do I still cook Marble Wok Fish this time?” Bu Fang said to himself, “No, what if these two Stone Statue Ghost Kings became clever and can’t be fooled? I think… I’d better choose a new dish this time…” He narrowed his eyes, stroked his chin, and nodded.

Looking at Bu Fang, Foxy took the jade plate in her mouth, then imitated him by putting her paw under her chin and nodding.

Bu Fang was amused by her. He rubbed her little head.

With a thought, Bu Fang entered the Heaven and Earth Farmland and asked Niu Hansan for a good piece of fat beef. A few moments later, a grieving cow moo echoed through the farmland. Then, Niu Hansan came running from a distance with a piece of beef and handed it to him.

Bu Fang gave Niu Hansan a strange look. However, he didn’t ask anything. These were all Niu Hansan’s personal business. He didn’t need to get into them, so he left the farmland right away.

The little fox jumped to the side with the jade plate in her mouth, her big eyes fixed on Bu Fang.

Bu Fang produced the White Tiger Heaven Stove and put it on the ground. He also got out the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife and the Black Turtle Constellation Wok. After that, he took out the ingredients one by one and washed them all with Heavenly Mountain Spirit Spring Water.

There were not many ingredients this time, but they were all very special and unusual ingredients. To make the dish, Purple Garlic was a must, along with Son Mother Ginger, fat beef, and Green-and-red Exploding Flame Pepper. This kind of pepper was produced by Niu Hansan using the grafting method.

In addition to these, there was another ingredient, which was a kind of mushroom. In Bu Fang’s opinion, it was very similar to the Enoki mushroom in his previous life but had great spirit essence and very high quality. Despite their difference, he chose to call it Enoki mushroom.

He opened his mouth. A plume of white flame gushed out, went under the White Tiger Heaven Stove, and began to burn ragingly, making the whole stove emit high heat. The Spring of Life in the Black Turtle Constellation Wok soon came to a boil. He put the mushroom into the water, blanched it, and put it into a blue-and-white porcelain bowl.

After that, he poured some oil into the wok. When the oil reached the right temperature, he added the diced Purple Garlic and Son Mother Ginger into it and began to stir-fry.


The sound of stir-frying rang continuously. Soon, a strong fragrance spread and went into the nostrils. Holding the jade plate in her mouth, Foxy narrowed her eyes, and her nose twitched. The smell of Purple Garlic was really delicious.

After stir-frying, Bu Fang took out a small jar made of blue-and-white porcelain. It was not big, and its mouth was tightly stuffed.

“I can finally use it…”

A flicker of excitement came into his eyes as he looked at the jar.

“It’s a chili sauce I made in my spare time with a yellow pepper that grows in the Heaven and Earth Farmland. It doesn’t taste as good as the Abyssal Chili Sauce, but it’s necessary to make this dish…”

The chili sauce was very spicy. Most importantly, it had a sour taste, which was its essence and the most crucial part of the dish!

He scooped up a spoonful of yellow chili sauce and added it into the wok. The oil immediately splashed and sizzled, and a potent spicy smell wafted out.


After adding the yellow chili sauce, Bu Fang began to move the wok and stir-fry until a delicious smell filled the air.

In the distance…

The little fox watching from the side opened her mouth, drooling. The jade plate in her mouth fell to the ground with a thud, and the noise attracted Bu Fang’s attention.

“Foxy, hold the jade plate properly. I’ll let you taste the dish later.” Bu Fang curled his lips when he saw the little fox’s drooling look.

The little fox quickly picked up the jade plate on the ground and kept nodding.

In the distance…

Zhang Xuan made a straight cut with his sword and hacked a Wandering Soul Realm expert in half. A strong smell of blood immediately filled the air.

“Oh… I sensed the aura of a jade plate suddenly appearing in that direction…” The Fire Demon’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked in the direction where Bu Fang was cooking.

Zhang Xuan took out a jade plate from the body and tossed it a few times. “This is the seventh jade plate. There are still three left, one of which is the number one jade plate,” he said.

“The bald donkey is holding one… I guess the remaining two are with the stinking chef from the Immortal Cooking Realm,” said a man with three black horns on his forehead.

“Let’s go… It’s time to kill that stinking chef who has no idea of death or danger,” Zhang Xuan said coldly as he shouldered his heavy sword.

The next moment, the group of Nether Prison experts flew in the direction of Bu Fang.

The sauce gave off a strong aroma after being stir-fried by By Fang. Although the yellow chili sauce was not as pure as the Abyssal Chili Sauce, it was made by Bu Fang and tasted very good as well. It was very suitable to be the seasoning of certain dishes.

As for why Bu Fang did not use the Abyssal Chili Sauce, it had some limitations despite its excellent taste. It could not be used on some dishes, just like what he cooked this time. If he used the Abyssal Chili Sauce, the dish would not taste as good as yellow chili sauce.

He poured some Spring of Life into the wok and diluted the sauce. Soon, the orange broth began to boil. He then added a piece of crystal fruit of life, which melted immediately and turned into a rich spirit essence.

He covered the wok and let the broth boil. Then, he took the fat beef. It was a perfect piece of beef. The marbling on its surface was like an exquisite piece of art, which made Bu Fang grin.

He picked up the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife. The next moment, the knife fell hard as if it was coming from the sky and cut the beef into pieces. He used the Cutting Immortal Style to process the beef.

“Hmm?” After cutting up the beef, Bu Fang’s heart gave a sudden jerk. He looked up into the distance. A menacing aura was approaching at full speed from that direction.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

“Sure enough… Although the aura only appeared for a brief moment, they still picked it up. Well, it’s good that they’re here… I was worried they won’t come.”

Bu Fang breathed out a sigh and put the cut beef into the wok.

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