Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 935

Doomsday Wonderland Chapter 935: Trapped in the Fight

Chapter 935: Trapped in the Fight

This place doesn’t look like a café at all.

The floating capsule was motionless, as if in a deep sleep, resting silently on the ground. Bohemia jumped out of the capsule and looked around, turning her head in every direction. In the vast expanse of Exodus, she had never seen such a cramped room that made her feel suffocated. It was gray, simple, cold, narrow, and hard. The only source of light in this room, apart from a small skylight above the single bed, came from two white built-in light tubes.

What were they doing in a place like this?

The thought crossed Bohemia’s mind but she quickly dismissed it. Worrying about others and considering things from their perspective was not her habit. She brushed off the crumbs from her palm, lifted her foot, and walked towards the door.

…The door seemed to blend into the wall, smooth and without any seams. If she hadn’t remembered that she had indeed entered from here, she probably wouldn’t have searched up and down, but she couldn’t find the typical square-shaped door b.u.t.ton that was present in most rooms in Exodus. She gave the wall a strong pat and became a little annoyed. She was used to freely entering even Lin Sanjiu’s room without any obstacles in Exodus.

She could just call Silas to open the door.

She wiped her mouth, tilted her head back, and called out, “Silas” — at least, she thought she did when she opened her lips.

Bohemia was slightly startled and blinked her eyes.

…There was something missing in the air.

She took a deep breath and raised her voice, shouting again — just like before, not a single sound came out of her throat.

It was as if there was a filter in the air, m.u.f.fling her vocal cords. Even if Bohemia shouted with all her might, her face turning red and veins popping, she couldn’t hear a single trace of her own voice.

She even doubted if there was something wrong with her own ears, but the m.u.f.fled sound of her heavy thuds against the wall was still clearly audible.

—What was going on?

In Bohemia’s mind, her screams, mixed with anger and fear, had drowned out all other thoughts. However, in this narrow and silent room, all that echoed incessantly were her heavy and rapid breaths, and the dull “thud, thud” sound of her body colliding with the walls.

She would rather lose a leg than lose her voice.

The fear of being deprived of such a basic means of survival was too overwhelming. It took her a while before she suddenly snapped out of it, turned around, and lunged towards the floating capsule. She didn’t have the “Breaker” type of Special Item, but at least she could activate the floating capsule to break through the door of the room—

Bohemia slammed her fist onto the control panel and buried her head deep in her arms.

This piece of junk metal requires voice activation!

To be precise, it must be activated through Silas before driving it.

No, calm down and think. Maybe the situation isn’t that bad. She was in a safe and familiar place, and outside there were not enemies, but rather a few acquaintances. That was rare in her life experiences. Someone would definitely come looking for her once they realized she was missing—she just had to get out, and she would find a way to regain her voice.

Just need to get out.

Bohemia suddenly looked up at the wall.

The Chicky brothers were always well-informed and knew everything. If she banged on the door a few more times, they should sense that something was wrong. Moreover, this was where they were supposed to come. Maybe if she waited a few more minutes, they would arrive?

Originally, she just wanted to force herself to calm down. But as she entertained this thought for a moment, the redness that had flushed her face from her previous commotion gradually faded.

It had been more than three minutes since she entered the room. If the Chicky brothers were coming, they should have arrived by now, but she couldn’t hear any movement or voices outside the door. And the more important question was… where was she now?

Why did the Chicky brothers come to this room?

And why weren’t they coming now?

Bohemia couldn’t figure it out. Frustrated, she grabbed her hair and pulled a few waves straight. She approached the wall and aimed at what should be the door gap, then kicked it forcefully — although she wasn’t known for her strength, the walls of this cursed box were surprisingly st.u.r.dy and solid. She was a posthuman after all, but she couldn’t even loosen it with her efforts.

But once her anger flared up, she couldn’t stop venting. So she kept kicking, one after another, until her calves went numb and she didn’t want to stop — until the last kick was too strong, she lost her balance and plopped down onto the ground. Instead, she unintentionally brought tears to her eyes.

All the food spilled out of her pockets, and a few cream puffs fell to the ground with a “thud,” splattering yellow crumbs on the smooth gray floor.

Bohemia’s gaze lingered on the cream puffs for a moment, then she looked at her pockets.

How did her voice suddenly disappear?

She slowly reached out her hand, bent down to pick up the cream puffs, and frowned as she examined them for a while.

The five or six snacks in her pocket were all given to her by Lin Sanjiu, so there shouldn’t be any problem. She liked to pack the snacks in a white paper bag and keep them in her pocket so that she could easily reach for them when she wanted to eat. In other words, these snacks couldn’t have been touched by anyone else.

When Bohemia bent down again to pick up the second cream puff, her long hair slipped down, and the damp, curly ends immediately caught her attention.

She stared fixedly at her still-damp hair, frozen in place for several seconds.

That’s right, she didn’t always wear her clothes. If someone had entered her room while she was taking a shower and added something to her snacks…

It was quite a coincidence that right after she was accidentally sent to this prison-like room, the “additive” took effect.

Was it them? How could they calculate the timing so accurately and make everything seem like a coincidence?

Bohemia clenched her teeth tightly, squeezing the cream puff in her fist until it crumbled into crumbs that fell to the ground.

Her face turned cold, devoid of any expression. Slapping her hands together, she rolled up her sleeves and began counting the bracelets on her wrist one by one. Her expression grew increasingly gloomy.


She had over ten bracelets, hiding nearly twenty Special Items, but not a single one of them was useful in this situation!

Silvan had just left, Puppeteer was still unconscious due to serious injuries, and Hu Yanjing was probably busy in the medical room, acting as a nurse. There was no one—within the entire Exodus, besides the suspicious Chicky brothers— who knew that she was trapped in this prison-like room and unable to get out!

Bohemia was filled with anger and frustration, wis.h.i.+ng she could devour the Chicky brothers alive. As she sat on the ground, her face pale with rage, she suddenly felt a tremor under her feet, nearly throwing her off balance.


She listened to the gradually growing sound of an engine humming from deep within the ground, and for a moment, she was dumbfounded.

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