To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 684 - You Shameless Mistress

Chapter 684: You Shameless Mistress

Shi Mengwan had been living with Qiao Ze for more than a year. Ever since the last time she saw Qiao Ze fight with someone, she had never seen Qiao Ze fight with anyone again.

She knew that Qiao Ze was hiding something from her outside, but she also knew that it was his life. Even if she wanted to change it, she couldn’t do anything about it.

All she had to do was tell herself that she didn’t see it, and she could treat it as if Qiao Ze was living a normal life outside.

They spent the Mid-autumn Festival, the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival together. They spent the hottest summer in Lin City. Shi Mengwan’s studies advanced. She was smart and willing to work hard. Even if she had to stop for half a semester, she wouldn’t be unable to keep up.

In the blink of an eye, it was the National Day again. After the National Day, it was the Mid-autumn Festival.

After Shi Mengwan and the youth lived together, the two of them slowly lived began a more decent life.

Shi Mengwan went to school during the day, tidied up the house and did her homework at night. The youth went out during the day and returned home at night. Shi Mengwan did her homework, and he read.

Shi Mengwan once thought that because the youth had always been a gangster outside, he couldn’t read much.

However, the young man only read history books and biographies of famous people.

In the narrow living room, the two of them sat under the lights while each doing their own things.

The two of them had been sleeping on the same bed at night ever since last year’s cold weather. Until summer, no one said they wanted to change places.

Shi Mengwan actually slept very well, but it was very strange. Every time before she slept, her back was facing the young man, so the two of them maintained a certain distance.

But when she woke up in the morning, she would definitely be in the youth’s arms.

The youth’s hand was placed on her shoulder, and forming a protective posture, he wrapped her in his arms.

At the beginning, Shi Mengwan would still feel awkward and embarrassed, but as time passed, she didn’t feel humiliated anymore.

Especially after a thunderstorm night. The weather that day was special, and it thundered. Thunder accompanied by lightning made the entire Lin City fall into darkness.

By midnight, the electricity had stopped. Shi Mengwan was afraid. She reflexively went to seek the youth’s embrace.

The youth held her in his arms and covered her ears with his hands. “Sleep, I’m here.”

“Big Brother.”

“I’ll accompany you.” The youth had already tried his voice during the voice change phase, and it was a little hoarse. “Don’t be afraid.”

She pressed her face tightly against the young man’s chest. At one point, his heartbeat suppressed the sound of thunder outside.

That steady and powerful heartbeat, one after another, made her completely forget the fear and terror in her heart.

He had the power to calm people’s hearts, and she liked being so close to him. From then on, Shi Mengwan no longer turned her back on the young man and fell asleep.

Unknowingly, the relationship between the two of them became even closer.

Since National Day was coming, Shi Mengwan’s school was going to be on a seven-day break. She wondered if she could go out and play with Qiao Ze for two days.

She had been in Lin City for so long, but other than that time when she went out to watch the fireworks party, she hadn’t really gone anywhere to play.

The youth didn’t object to her suggestion. Qin Mountain was in Lin City. It was famous for having a huge rock that looked like a zither on it.

Shi Mengwan had heard of it before. Some of her classmates were from the vicinity.

This was the first time she had gone out with a teenager, much less to a scenic spot in the city. Shi Mengwan was also very happy.

She had asked her classmates in advance how to get there. She took a few buses to go there.

On National Day, she had prepared some snacks and drinks and went out with the teenager.

The scenery of was was beautiful. Other than the huge rock that looked like a zither, there were also a few other amazing scenes. At that time, the two of them didn’t have a camera, so they couldn’t take any photos.

However, Shi Mengwan smiled very happily and was very satisfied.

Her stamina wasn’t good, so she was extremely tired after climbing the mountain for a short while.

When the youth went down the mountain, he saw the sweat on her forehead. He turned around and motioning for her to get on his back, he bent down.

Shi Mengwan wasn’t willing. “I’m very heavy. I can walk on my own. Dear Brother, let’s go.”

The youth didn’t just move. He lowered his body and insisted that Shi Mengwan come up.

Shi Mengwan was helpless. In the end, she got on the youth’s back. During National Day, there were quite a number of people on the mountain. The youth carried Shi Mengwan on his back, but his footsteps were very steady.

When they came down from the mountain, the two of them waited for a long time, but there was no bus. After discussing with Qiao Ze, Shi Mengwan and Qiao Ze decided to walk two stops first and go to a place where there was a bus.

The two of them had just walked one stop when they realized that they might have taken the wrong road. There was still a distance to the real foot of the mountain.

By the time they reacted, there were already a few people blocking their way in front of them.

Shi Mengwan was behind Zhan Haoze. Seeing that those people were frightening, she shrank her body behind the youth.

The youth looked at those people and narrowed his eyes.

“Kid, your followers aren’t by your side today, right? I want to see what you can do today.”

Qiao Ze shielded Shi Mengwan behind him and looked at those people in front of him. The corners of his lips curled up in a mocking smile.

He turned around and looked at Shi Mengwan. “Go over there and hide. I’ll be right there.”

Shi Mengwan was afraid and couldn’t help but grab the hem of the youth’s clothes. Indicating that she shouldn’t be afraid, Qiao Ze patted her hand.

She quickly ran to the side and hid behind a tree.

There seemed to be eight people, but the youth was all by himself. Shi Mengwan was extremely worried.

However, the youth was fighting against eight people by himself. He wasn’t afraid of the punches and kicks that were thrown at him. He countered each and every one of them.

Shi Mengwan’s heart was hanging by a thread as she watched the youth counter-attack. She had also taken quite a number of hits.

Her eyes were red. The youth’s combative skills were accumulated from actual combat. His punches hit their flesh and directly hit their vitals.

Three or four people had already been beaten to the ground by him. The remaining people became angrier and their counter-attacks became more powerful.

The youth wasn’t paying attention and took a few more hits on his body. Shi Mengwan was getting more and more worried.

But at this moment, a few more people appeared out of nowhere. Those people were different from those hooligans from before. Each of them was carrying a club and a steel pipe that was as thick as a thumb.

Shi Mengwan’s eyes widened as she watched the group of people rush towards Qiao Ze and start fighting.

Qiao Ze was able to hold on for a while at first, but after being hit by the club a few times on his hands and body, he started to stagger.

Shi Mengwan knew that she would only cause trouble if she went over, but when she saw someone swing that long steel pipe towards Qiao Ze’s head, she couldn’t help but shout out loud.

“Dear Brother, be careful.”

Her shout made Qiao Ze avoid that hit, but it also made the others notice her direction. Soon, a few hooligans rushed towards her.

Qiao Ze was anxious. Without thinking, he ran towards her direction. But there were too many people and they surrounded him. He couldn’t come over for a while.

Shi Mengwan picked up the stones on the ground and threw them at them when they rushed towards her.

But she was young and didn’t have much strength, except for one piece, the rest were all empty hits. The hooligan who was hit by her was furious. He rushed towards Shi Mengwan and threw a punch.

That punch was blocked by Qiao Ze, who rushed towards her. Qiao Ze protected her behind him. When the other party rushed up, he pushed her and told her to run.

At this time, where could Shi Mengwan run to? In her anger, she picked up the wooden stick that had fallen to the ground and swung it wildly.

That kind of unorganized fighting was completely useless. She was quickly surrounded by a few hooligans.

The youth desperately tried to run in her direction, but it was useless. Shi Mengwan was still beaten up.

Shi Mengwan was a little girl. How had she ever been beaten up? Her body was knocked back a few steps and she fell to the ground.

The remaining hooligans weren’t people who took pity on women. They swung their sticks at Shi Mengwan. At first, she could still protect her head with her hands.

But then she was hit on the head, she fainted. She tried her best to tell Dear Brother to run, but another stick hit her head. She completely lost the ability to resist.

The youth wanted to rush over, but a small thug took out a knife and stabbed at the youth.

“Dear Brother –” Shi Mengwan was burning with anxiety. She tried her best to save Dear Brother, but it was useless. She was hit on the head again, and she began to feel dizzy.

Before she fainted, she saw that Dear Brother dodged the knife, but he didn’t dodge the steel pipe from a small thug behind him. His body also fell down.

“Dear Brother –”

She wanted to scream, but she couldn’t. She could only let the darkness take over her consciousness.

When she woke up, she was already in the hospital.

Beside her were Father Shi and Mother Shi, who were worried. They had been looking for her for more than a year. They even posted her on the missing persons website.

She was clearly in Lin City, but her parents didn’t know.

She didn’t know how she got to the hospital. Later, she heard that someone had called the police. When the police arrived, she was already there. Other than her, there were also a few injured hooligans.

Shi Mengwan was rescued by the police and brought to the hospital. The police found her parents and informed the Shi couple to come and pick her up.

When she woke up, it had been three days since she was attacked that day.

She asked her parents where her Dear Brother was? But no one knew where her Dear Brother was. The police even said that there was no such person.

Not only that, those hooligans also said that they had never met Qiao Ze.

Qiao Ze seemed to have disappeared from the world. No matter how she asked and searched, there was no information about Qiao Ze.

The police even told Shi Mengwan that in Lin City, there was no person called Qiao Ze. She didn’t believe it and asked the police to investigate.

She did find a few people called Qiao Ze, but none of the information matched. She could only ask the police to investigate again, but no one believed her.

She didn’t have a photo and couldn’t find a witness to prove her words. Everyone thought she was just a child and didn’t take her seriously.

After that, she was brought back to town by her parents. She had been begging her parents to let her find her in Lin City, but Lin city was so big and even the police said no, so her parents wouldn’t care.

No one believed her words, and no one listened to her. Even if she wanted to find her in Lin City, no one would help her.

Most importantly, after running away from home, mother Shi was scared by her. Saying that she wouldn’t give birth to a third child, she even ignored the fact that she only had two daughters and ran to get a vasectomy. She used this to beg her not to leave home again.

Shi Mengwan was finally helpless. She could only listen to her parents and no longer thought of running to Lin City to look for her Dear Brother.

However, she couldn’t restrain the longing for Qiao Ze in her heart. Every night, every sunrise, every festival.

She would think of the youth who had protected her behind him. Not only did that longing not fade with the passage of time, it became clearer and more profound.

She missed him badly.

But she didn’t expect that when they met again, the two of them would end up like this.

Her Dear Brother had changed his name and was no longer the same person as before. Not only did he not take care of her at all, he even hurt her time and time again.


Zhan Haoze looked at Shi Mengwan, who was sleeping on the bed, with a flash of guilt in his eyes.

He had lost control yesterday, and as a result, Shi Mengwan was sick. Her body was already wet, yet he had acted so recklessly.

In the end, he had made her faint. Even though he had treated her in time, wiped her hair clean, and cleaned her body, Shi Mengwan was still sick.

He called her doctor, and her fever was 39 degrees.

The doctor gave her an injection to reduce her fever, but her temperature didn’t drop immediately. After the Doctor left, Zhan Haoze went to the bathroom and wrung a towel over her head.

The towel was wet and dry, cold and hot. Shi Mengwan didn’t wake up.

During this time, Xiao Ji and Xiao Qiu from her studio called to look for her. Zhan Haoze picked up the phone and didn’t care how they would react when they heard a man answering Shi Mengwan’s call. He directly said that Shi Mengwan was sick and couldn’t go to work for the time being.

Zhan Haoze called Tang Hua again and asked him to send his work here.

After hanging up the phone, he sat down by the bed and his gaze fell on Shi Mengwan.

Her face was abnormally red due to her fever. Her breathing was also a little heavy. Even though she was asleep, her eyebrows were tightly knitted.

“Dear Brother –”

In a daze, he seemed to hear her mumbling. He only heard it clearly when he got closer. She was calling him Dear Brother.

Zhan Haoze’s eyes were deep as he reached out and gently caressed Shi Mengwan’s cheek. Her temperature there was very high, and was much higher than usual.

When his hand touched her, perhaps it was because Shi Mengwan felt waves of coolness, her furrowed brows even eased up a lot.

“Dear Brother –”

Shi Mengwan felt that she had had a very long dream.

In the dream, she wasn’t forced to separate from her Dear Brother. There weren’t those little hooligans who were looking for trouble, and there wasn’t Zhan Haoze who made her sad and anguisheed.

There was only her Dear Brother who had always been by her side and always protected her.

She dreamed that she opened a studio and set up a company. She dreamed that her Dear Brother had started a business with her. She dreamed that they had always been together since they were teenagers.

She also dreamed that she and her Dear Brother finally got together and entered the stadium together.

However, at their wedding, just when she was about to marry her Dear Brother, Chen Feifei rushed out from nowhere.

“Brother Hao is mine, you shameless mistress.”

“You stole my man. You Are Shameless, you are cheap.”

The wedding became chaotic because of Chen Feifei’s arrival. All the guests who came to watch the ceremony looked at them as if they were watching a farce.

“I’m not. I’m not a mistress.”

She was the one who knew Zhan Haoze first, so how did she become a mistress?

Shi Mengwan was shocked. She wanted to defend herself, but no one listened to her. She saw her parents’ disappointed faces and the shocked faces of her friends and family.

Even her best friend, Su Qingsang, looked at her with pity. “Wanwan, give up on him. Give up on him.”

Those voices and those people’s eyes were like knives, causing her a lot of pain.

“No –”

She woke up screaming, but she realized her limbs were weak. Not only that, but she was also covered in sweat. She looked like she had been scooped out of the water.

“You’re awake?”

A hoarse male voice sounded. She turned around and saw Zhan Haoze guarding the bed.

He didn’t look too good. There was faint stubble on his chin, and his eyes were bloodshot. Upon seeing him, Shi Mengwan also remembered why she was here.

“You –”

The moment she opened her mouth, her voice became hoarse. Zhan Haoze brought her a cup of warm water at the right time, helped her up, and fed her.

She wanted to refuse, but her body, which had just caught a fever, really didn’t have much strength. With an uncomfortable throat, she couldn’t refuse, so she drank all the water in the cup.

The warm water finally made her feel better. She raised her head and looked at Zhan Haoze again.

“Are you hungry? There’s porridge in the kitchen. It’s hot. Let me help you bring it over.”

Zhan Haoze’s voice could be considered gentle. Shi Mengwan looked at him. Before she could stop him, he had already gone to bring the porridge over.

Shi Mengwan was really hungry. Naturally, she wouldn’t know that she had slept for two whole days from the time she had a fever until she woke up.

She wasn’t usually sick, so her reactions were very severe when she was sick.

Zhan Haoze brought the porridge in. He helped Shi Mengwan sit up, scooped a spoonful of porridge with a spoon, and was about to send it to Shi Mengwan’s mouth.

Shi Mengwan tilted her head and avoided his hand.

“Zhan Haoze –” Her voice was hoarse and she looked rather helpless. “Why haven’t you left yet?”

“Eat the porridge first.” The spoon in Zhan Haoze’s hand was still there. “You’ve been sick for two days. You have to eat something.”

Shi Mengwan’s brows were tightly knitted together. In her current condition, she could naturally guess that she was sick. She didn’t forget who was the culprit behind her illness.

“Zhan Haoze, I don’t want to see you. Go out.”

She hadn’t recovered from her illness. From her voice to her face, there was a hint of weakness. When she said this sentence, there wasn’t any intimidation at all.

Zhan Haoze still maintained his previous posture. “You drink the porridge first. We’ll talk after you finish.”

“You go first. I’ll naturally drink after you leave.” Shi Mengwan turned her face away and stubbornly refused to drink.

“You drink first. I’ll naturally leave after you finish drinking.”

Zhan Haoze’s words made Shi Mengwan so angry that she couldn’t help but glare at him. However, even if she had a healthy body, she definitely couldn’t beat him in terms of intimidation, not to mention that she was currently sick.

“You –”

The moment she opened her mouth, Zhan Haoze fed the spoon in his hand into her mouth. She couldn’t say anything. She was forced to swallow the porridge in her mouth.

Before she could say anything, the second spoon was already fed to her. Just like that, Shi Mengwan finished the bowl of porridge under half-force.

When she saw the bottom of the porridge, she also recovered some of her energy. “I finished it. Can you leave now?”

Zhan Haoze put down the bowl but wasn’t in a hurry to leave,

Instead, he pulled out a tissue from the bedside to wipe Shi Mengwan’s mouth. Shi Mengwan avoided his movements.

“Zhan Haoze, I really don’t want to see you.”

Zhan Haoze’s hand holding the tissue stopped in mid-air. Shi Mengwan’s gaze was looking at an unknown point in front of her. Her head was still a little dizzy. She was also soft and couldn’t use her strength.

But there were some things that she had to say.

“You have Chen Feifei. Why are you still bothering me?”

Not giving him a chance, she smiled bitterly. “Yes, you want to say that you and Chen Feifei don’t have that kind of relationship. You want me to believe you and give you time, right?”

“But why should I believe you? Why should I give you time?”

“You and she can appear in front of everyone. You and she can stand in broad daylight and receive everyone’s blessings. But what about me and you? Zhan Haoze, what can I do with you? For example, at an occasion like yesterday, did you dare to introduce me to everyone as your girlfriend? Did you dare?”

She finally looked at him. Her voice was slightly hoarse, and her gaze was despondent. “You didn’t dare.”

Zhan Haoze’s brows were tightly knitted together. He opened his mouth to speak, but Shi Mengwan didn’t give him a chance.

“You didn’t dare to let people know that I’m your girlfriend. You didn’t dare to let people know that we’re in a relationship. You can pair up with Chen Feifei, but you can’t stand to see me go out with another man. You humiliate me and hurt me. Zhan Hoze, I’m a human, not a doll –”

After saying so much in one breath, Shi Mengwan’s breathing was a little ragged. She placed a hand on her chest and continued to calm herself down.

“Zhan Haoze, I can treat all sorts of things in the past as my fault, my fault. I was the one who gave you the chance to hurt me again and again. But now, I’ve already paid the price. Zhan Haoze, can you let me go?”

Her face was pale, and she looked pitiful and weak. She was completely different from her usual glamorous and charming self.

Zhan Haoze felt his heart tremble. He looked at Shi Mengwan and couldn’t react.

His surprise was captured by Shi Mengwan’s eyes. She thought that he was still unwilling to let her go, and her eyes were a little red.

“Zhan Haoze, I’m really tired, very tired. I don’t want to continue. Can you? You don’t want me to shed all pretense of cordiality, right?”

It was rare for her to be so stubborn. “I think, if Chen Feifei knew about our relationship, she would probably be unhappy, right?”

Zhan Haoze’s expression changed slightly. He thought of Chen Feifei’s usual methods. What happened to that Ling Xue? If that outcome was repeated on Shi Mengwan —

He suddenly didn’t dare to think further.

Shi Mengwan saw his cowardly expression and knew that he definitely wouldn’t dare to let Chen Feifei know. The corners of her lips curled up and she laughed mockingly.

“You can go.” Shi Mengwan was really uncomfortable. She felt tired and anguished. She retracted her body into the blanket and turned her face away. She didn’t look at Zhan Haoze. “I’m very tired. I want to rest.”

She closed her eyes. In fact, she didn’t want to sleep after sleeping for two days, but she didn’t want to see him either.

The room was very quiet. She didn’t move, and Zhan Haoze didn’t move either. She felt that he was still sitting there, so she felt uncomfortable. She wanted to chase him away.

But she knew that she didn’t have the strength now, and she wasn’t his match.

Many thoughts, from her youth until now, flashed through her mind. From her reunion with Zhan Haoze until now. Finally, it was that dream.

The dream in which Chen Feifei pointed at her nose and called her a shameless mistress.

Her eyes were a little sore and uncomfortable. She resisted rubbing her eyes, but in the next second, she felt an extremely gentle kiss on her forehead.

“I’m sorry.”

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