To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 626 - This Punishment Is Too Severe

Chapter 626: This Punishment Is Too Severe

Su Qingsang, who was sitting down again, was extremely weak. She had been puking for so long that it was unbearable.

Just as she was about to eat, Huo Jinyao pushed the bowl in front of her. Su Qingsang couldn’t stand the smell anymore.

Huo Jinyao’s expression seemed to turn even more sorrowful as soon as she reacted. “Honey, you can’t be serious, right?”

Su Qingsang looked at him in confusion. She sat up straight. After the smell of the chicken soup moved away from her, she felt a little better.

She met Huo Jinyao’s gaze and realized why he was looking at her like that —

“What’s wrong?”

She had vomited a few times and finally recovered. All she wanted to do was eat quietly.

“Honey.” Huo Jinyao lost all confidence. “I really know my mistake.”

“I promise I won’t get drunk again next time.”

Su Qingsang blinked her eyes. After thinking about her future career path today, she planned to work hard.

Not only was she rushing to finish the previous thesis, but she also planned to start working on some of the materials and books that she would only start reading next month.

Therefore, she didn’t take Huo Jinyao’s apology to heart. Now that he mentioned it, she remembered.

“What happened to you yesterday? Why did you drink so much?”

She wasn’t completely angry. She was just a little annoyed that he did not know how to take care of her body.

“Honey,”Huo Jinyao quickly explained, “You really can’t blame me. It was that Li Junsheng. He caused me to drink. He forced me to drink.”

Su Qingsang’s body was still a little uncomfortable. She still felt uncomfortable when she thought of the smell of alcohol on Huo Jinyao’s body yesterday.

“He forced you to drink, and you drank? Don’t you know that drinking too much alcohol hurts your liver?”

“Honey, I was wrong.”

“Enough.” He keept saying he was wrong, and he said it so straightforwardly, but there was no remorse in his eyes. “It won’t happen again.”

“Honey, I promise. There won’t be a next time.”

After saying that, Huo Jinyao picked up the bowl of soup and placed it in front of Su Qingsang. “Honey, hurry up and eat. The soup is getting cold.”

Su Qingsang picked up the bowl of soup and was about to drink it, but she felt nauseous again. This time, she knew that she had nothing left to throw up.

She waved her hand and tilted her face to the side. Her pale face was now filled with disgust and discomfort.

Huo Jinyao’s face fell. “Honey…”

Su Qingsang blinked. After all the commotion tonight, she no longer had the appetite to eat.

She had always been in good health, and she had never felt like throwing up like this. She had a vague guess in her mind. However, she couldn’t guarantee until she was certain.

She patted her chest and recovered from the nausea. She glanced at Huo Jinyao.

“Let’s eat.” She pushed the bowl of chicken soup a little further away. She felt better when she couldn’t smell it.

“Honey,” Feeling wronged, Huo Jinyao said, “Don’t be angry anymore, okay?”

“I’m not angry.” Su Qingsang threw up so much that she lost her temper. She could guess what kind of state she was in now. She didn’t have time to argue with Huo Jinyao about such trivial matters.

“Let’s eat.”

“Then have a bowl of soup first.”

Huo Jinyao was about to push the soup in front of Su Qingsang, but Su Qingsang quickly raised her hand and said, “I don’t want this soup.”

Wasn’t she still disdainful towards him? Su Qingsang glared at him. Her anger had really subsided.

“Let’s eat.”

She scooped a bowl of rice for herself. Although she still didn’t want to eat it. But if her guess was true, this was not the time for her to be willful.

“Wife?”Is she really okay?

Her stomach was very uncomfortable, and every mouthful made her nauseous. This caused her to look extremely pale.

Huo Jinyao looked at Su Qingsang’s expression as he drank his soup. He kept feeling as if a storm was coming.

Su Qingsang forced herself to eat a bowl of rice. She really couldn’t eat anymore. She hurriedly put down the bowl and felt like throwing up again.

Huo Jinyao looked at her and saw that she didn’t eat much at all. She ate half as much as usual. He stood up as well.


Su Qingsang couldn’t take it anymore as soon as he got close to her. She couldn’t suppress the urge to throw up. She rushed to the bathroom. She threw up as much as she had eaten just now.

Huo Jinyao’s eyes widened as he watched Su Qingsang’s behavior. He was completely dumbfounded.

What… what was going on?

Su Qingsang had just finished throwing up, so she had no appetite to eat anymore. Not in the mood to pay attention to him, she looked at Huo Jinyao. After nearly an hour of torment, her legs were already weak.

As an obstetrician and gynecologist, she knew that if her guess was true, then these reactions were normal.

However, she was a little troubled. She still had a long way to go. If she was already tormented like this now, she didn’t know what would happen in the future.

“Wife? Qingsang?”

Huo Jinyao followed behind Su Qingsang and watched her wash her mouth before going to her room. He didn’t do anything else and just laid down on the bed.

“Go away.”

She was still feeling nauseated. If he came over again, she couldn’t guarantee that she wouldn’t throw up all over him.

“Wife.” Huo Jinyao felt extremely wronged. “What do I have to do for you not to be angry?”

“I said go away.”

Su Qingsang wasn’t trying to throw a tantrum. She was just a little annoyed. Before, she thought that having a child would be good.

But now that she might really have one, she had a headache. She had seen many cases of severe vomiting during pregnancy. If she was the same type, how would she spend the remaining few months?


Her brows were knitted so tightly that a mosquito could be squashed between them. Huo Jinyao reached out his hand to soothe her. How could he not be worried when she had already vomited so much?

“Don’t you have anything to do?” Su Qingsang was feeling extremely nauseated. She really didn’t want to hear Huo Jinyao apologize again, or hear him promise her, or hear him mention how he was drunk yesterday.

“I want to rest for a while. Can you go and put away the dishes outside?”

“I’m worried about you.” Huo Jinyao looked at her and reached out to touch her forehead. Su Qingsang avoided his hand. “I’m fine. I just want to sleep for a while. Can you go out now and not disturb me? Let me Sleep for a while?”

Was he being despised?

Huo Jinyao watched Su Qingsang roll over and lie down while completely ignoring him. He felt like he received a huge blow.

This blow lasted until when he was about to sleep at night. Su Qingsang rested for a while and felt a little better. She even got up and prepared a bowl of noodles for herself.

After eating the noodles, she went to the study to tidy up the rest of the documents. When she returned to the room, she found that Huo Jinyao’s face was still full of grief.

Su Qingsang ignored him. It was rare that she didn’t feel nauseous and uncomfortable. She went to take a shower and prepared to go to bed early.

Tomorrow, she would have a checkup after going to the hospital. She would check on her condition. If she really was pregnant, she would have to pay more attention in the first few months.

During this period of time, she spent all her attention on her thesis. Occasionally, she would feel tired from the upcoming examinations but simply think that she was fatigued. She didn’t expect that it could also be because she was pregnant.

She was in a good mood. When she laid down again, she took out her phone to check Weibo. It was at this moment that Huo Jinyao reached out his hand.

Su Qingsang slapped his hand away without hesitation. “Don’t touch me.”

“It was really my fault yesterday. Honey, I promised you. Can you not ignore me?”

“Huo Jinyao, stop messing around.”

“Honey.” Huo Jinyao was really about to go crazy. “Can you just tell me how long you’re going to be angry for?”

Su Qingsang looked at his pitiful expression and burst into laughter. She was a little helpless. “Alright, I’ll be angry for one day. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

After she finished her examination and found out the results, she would talk about it again.

“Huh?” Huo Jinyao was dumbfounded. Su Qingsang was afraid that he would be flippant again, so she looked at him seriously. “Huo Jinyao, I’m really not in the mood today, so please stay away from me.”

If he put his hand on her waist again, she was afraid that she would want to vomit again.

“Honey.” Huo Jinyao really wanted to reach out his hand. “Can’t I just hug you without doing anything else?”

“No,” Su Qingsang said straightforwardly. “If you hug me, I’ll feel nauseous.”

If he hadn’t kept craddling her stomach, she wouldn’t have reacted so strongly, would she?

Huo Jinyao’s face darkened immediately. Looking at Su Qingsang, who had already closed her eyes and started to sleep, he felt extremely gloomy.

He was only drunk once, and she was treating him like this? Wasn’t this punishment a little too severe?

“Honey, you can’t go that far, right? Can’t I just hug you as I sleep?”


“Honey –”

“Don’t make a noise. If you keep making noiseS, you can sleep on the sofa or in the guest room.” Su Qingsang stretched out a finger and propped it against his body that was about to get close to her. “Or do you want to sleep on the sofa?”

“I’ll sleep here.” Aggrieved, Huo Jinyao moved back a little and fell asleep unwillingly.


Su Qingsang slept soundly for once. She woke up in good spirits. She felt a little nauseous when she brushed her teeth, but she forced herself to suppress the nauseous.

She was a doctor herself. She knew what was best for her body. When she went outside, Huo Jinyao was already gone. She didn’t know if he had gone to work.

Su Qingsang didn’t have time to care about him now. She was in a hurry to go to the hospital for a checkup. She also needed to start taking extra folic acid and calcium supplements.

Su Qingsang thought of some things to take note of in the early stages of pregnancy and then went to the hospital.

She first took a pregnancy test paper to check. The two bars on it showed that she was indeed pregnant. She began to recall when she last had her period.

If she remembered correctly, she had only come here once since she came back from C City. She hadn’t come back for more than a month.

According to that data, she was about seven to eight weeks pregnant. She would know the specific situation after she took the ultrasound.

The colleague on duty at the ultrasound room at noon was a new girl and it hadn’t been long after she was assigned. Su Qingsang laid down and waited for the image to appear on the screen.

“Doctor Su, you’re pregnant.” The girl looked even more excited than Su Qingsang. “Eight weeks pregnant in utero. The fetal heart is normal. Doctor Su, your baby is very healthy.”

Su Qingsang smiled. The young girl let out a confused cry and pointed at the screen. “Doctor Su, look at this.”

“What?” Su Qingsang looked at the screen. The young girl looked excited.

“Are there two fetal sacs? Why does it look like there’s two fetal sacs?”

Su Qingsang blinked and sat up. She naturally understood what two fetal sacs meant.

“Dr. Su, you’re so lucky.” The young girl’s eyes lit up. “You’re actually pregnant with twins.”

Su Qingsang knew that she was pregnant yesterday, but now that she suddenly found out that she was pregnant with twins, she still felt a little unsettled.

How was that possible? Whether it was her family or Huo Jinyao’s side, there seemed to be no precedent for twins.

No, the cousin of Huo Jinyao’s great-aunt gave birth to twins.

Su Qingsang sat up and placed her hand on her abdomen. It felt very wondrous. She had delivered many babies and examined many pregnant women.

She had delivered twins herself as well, but she didn’t expect that she would be pregnant with twins one day. It was really amazing.

“Congratulations. Dr. Su, you’re really lucky.” The young girl said congratulations again.

Su Qingsang was a little embarrassed, but more than that, she felt happy. “Thank you.”

“Dr. Su, after the baby is born, you have to treat us to a meal.”

“Of course.” Su Qingsang stood up and wanted to leave. She looked at the young girl and asked, “Dr. Chen, can you not tell anyone about my pregnancy for now?”

“Keep it a secret, right? I can’t tell until it’s at least three months. I know.”

The young girl smiled and nodded. Su Qingsang smiled at her gratefully. Then, she returned to her office.

She didn’t have an outpatient clinic this morning. However, she had a small surgery in the afternoon. Su Qingsang placed her hand on her abdomen. She began to think whether she should take a leave of absence now or work until the later stages of her pregnancy.

She wasn’t a fragile woman. As an obstetrician and gynecologist, she much healthier and stronger than the average woman.

She still wanted to climb up the ranks. She still had to hand in the thesis in her hand, as well as the certification.

Su Qingsang didn’t contemplate it for long. When the next pregnant woman who was suddenly sent in needed treatment, she had already made up her mind. She would continue to work.

When she changed into her scrubs, she looked at her abdomen. Baby, oh baby, I think you will understand your mother’s work and stay in her stomach, right?

Su Qingsang didn’t have much time to think about other problems. There was a fire today. A few burn patients were sent in, and one of them was a pregnant woman.

When they were sent over, the situation was very critical. Su Qingsang, Sun Huiya, and Shen Lingyun were all involved in the rescue of the pregnant woman.

The degree of the pregnant woman’s burn was as high as 30%. However, the child was less than six months old. The pregnant woman was very tough. She was afraid of hurting the child, so she refused to be anesthetized.

Su Qingsang and Sun Huiya couldn’t bear it. Fortunately, the pregnant woman passed out on her own, so they were able to carry out the treatment successfully.

The whole process lasted for nearly five hours. By the time Su Qingsang came out of the operating room, the sky had already darkened. She hadn’t eaten anything since noon.

After coming out of the hospital, Su Qingsang felt tired again. She was really tired. Anyone who stood before the operating table for four to five hours would feel tired, not to mention the fact that she was pregnant.

She was tired and hungry. She began to think that perhaps she should have an appetizer tonight? Also, she wanted to tell Huo Jinyao about this news. If he knew, how would he react?

Would he be happy? Or excited? Or have some other reaction that she couldn’t think of?

She was still trying to think of a more pleasant surprise when she saw the entrance of the hospital. She was the first to be shocked.

When she saw the man standing by the side of the road at the entrance of the hospital with an extremely flashy red sports car parked behind him and a big bouquet of red roses in his hands, Su Qingsang thought that her eyes were playing tricks on her for a moment.

Huo Jinyao took a few steps forward and walked in front of Su Qingsang. He handed the flowers in his hands to her.

“Honey, this is for you.”

Su Qingsang looked at the big bouquet of roses and then at Huo Jinyao. She blinked and asked, “What day is it today?”

“Honey.” Huo Jinyao smiled and walked up to her. He put his arms around her shoulder and said, “It’s no special day. I just wanted to give you flowers.”

It looked like there were at least ninety-nine roses in the big bouquet. In the middle was a heart-shaped bouquet of pink roses. It was very beautiful. But —

“Honey, I’ve asked Yang Wenchang to make a reservation. Let’s go out for dinner.”

Su Qingsang looked at Huo Jinyao. In the end, she was half-pulled and half-hugged by him as they got into his car.

After getting into the car, Su Qingsang looked at the interior of the car and turned to look at Huo Jinyao. “This car is new, right?” At least she didn’t see this car in the Huo family’s garage.

“Yes, I just bought it. Do you like it, honey?”

“It’s okay.” She didn’t have any special requirements for cars, and the car she was driving now was pretty good.

“It’s for you.”

Such generosity made Su Qingsang lean against her back. “Huo Jinyao, what got into you today?”

“Nothing, I just suddenly realized that I should treat you better, honey.”

Su Qingsang looked at him suspiciously. Her first thought was, did he know that she was pregnant?

But it didn’t seem like it. If Huo Jinyao knew, how could he be so calm?

The car parked in front of a very famous building. Before they entered, a waiter came to guide them.

Su Qingsang and Huo Jinyao entered the building and went straight to the top floor. This place was located in the center of Rong City. From this angle, one could see the surrounding streets clearly.

Among them were the places that Su Qingsang, Li Qianxue, and the others had visited when they came to Rong City.

Huo Jinyao walked to a seat by the window and very considerately pulled out a chair for Su Qingsang.

“Honey, take a seat.”

Su Qingsang became more and more suspicious of his attentive actions. She saw Huo Jinyao sit down across from her and call the waiter over.

“Give me a bottle of wine,” Huo Jinyao said. He immediately remembered why Su Qingsang had ignored him for the entire night and immediately changed his words. “Juice, juice please. I can’t drink wine now.”

His actions confirmed Su Qingsang’s guess. She couldn’t help but wonder if the newcomer had sold her out.

The last time she was taken away by the police, Huo Jinyao was so anxious that he went to the hospital to get the phone numbers of all her colleagues. He also gave all of them his phone number. This meant that they could call him as soon as anything happened to Su Qingsang in the future.

When she thought of this, she felt that it was meaningless. She felt a little resentful towards the new girl.

Wasn’t it better for her to tell Huo Jinyao about this herself?

“You know about it?”

Huo Jinyao was ordering dishes when he saw Su Qingsang’s expression and nodded. How could he not know? He was frostily ignored for an entire day after just one drink.

If he were to drink again, he probably wouldn’t get to sleep with her for the rest of the week.

“I know, of course I know.”

He had already promised her yesterday, but Su Qingsang still wouldn’t let him off the hook. It was the first time Huo Jinyao realized that Su Qingsang could be so petty.

“Do you know half of it, or do you know all of it?”

If he knew that she was pregnant, did he know that she was pregnant with twins?

Su Qingsang’s expression was a little baffling. If he knew all of it, his reaction was too abnorally calm.

“Of course I know all of it.” Huo Jinyao wanted to surrender. “Honey, can we not talk about this for now?”

Su Qingsang pursed her lips into a straight line. The joy of being pregnant with twins was gone. Upon seeing Huo Jinyao’s reaction, she suddenly thought of something.

For more than a year, Huo Jinyao had almost always taken protective measures. And those rare few exceptions were after she had requested repeatedly.

Not to mention the time Huo Jinyao refused to give her another chance even after they lost control on the sofa.

A terrifying thought flashed through his mind. Could it be that Huo Jinyao didn’t want to have children at all?

Her expression was extremely serious, so Huo Jinyao thought that she was still angry. He quickly ordered the food and poured Su Qingsang a glass of fruit juice.

“Okay, honey, what do you want to say? Let’s talk after dinner, okay?”

Su Qingsang glared at Huo Jinyao. “Let’s talk after dinner?”

“Huo Jinyao, you can say it now. What are you thinking?”

“What do you mean?”

“What are your thoughts about this?”

Huo Jinyao’s expression was a little bewildered. Wasn’t the matter already over?

“Honey, haven’t I already made my stance clear?”

“Make it clear. Do you want to or not?”

Want what? Don’t want what? Huo Jinyao looked at Su Qingsang’s stern expression. He quickly shook his head when he thought about how she wanted him to sleep on the sofa yesterday.

“Of course I don’t want to.” He already knew that he had made a mistake. Of course he couldn’t accept such an inhuman and harsh punishment.

Su Qingsang looked at Huo Jinyao for a long time before she finally understood. The rose, the sports car, and today’s meal were all prelude. All for the sake of not having children.

She was very angry and stood up in a flash.

“Wife?” Huo Jinyao was shocked by her actions. “What are you doing?”

“Huo Jinyao.” Su Qingsang had always thought that he was just saying that he didn’t want children. However, she didn’t expect Huo Jinyao to have such an attitude. “Since you don’t want them, then I have nothing to say to you.”

“No, wife, you –” Huo Jinyao looked at Su Qingsang, who wanted to leave, and quickly blocked her way. “Don’t want them? What do you mean by ‘them’?”

“Children.” Su Qingsang was a little annoyed at this moment. She didn’t realize that the two of them weren’t talking about the same thing. “Since you don’t want children, then what else do I have to say to you?”

“Children?” Huo Jinyao was confused. “What children?”

“Huo Jinyao, why are you still playing dumb if you already know?” Su Qingsang took out the ultrasound report from her bag. “Children, our children. Both of our children. Didn’t you say you don’t want them? Why are you still playing dumb?”

“No, wait a moment.” Huo Jinyao was stunned. He looked at the ultrasound report and blinked.

Eight weeks pregnant? Huo Jinyao’s eyes widened as he read the words over and over again. He almost jumped up when he saw the cold expression on Su Qingsang’s face.

“Y-y-you’re pregnant?”

Without waiting for Su Qingsang to speak, he took a step forward and put his hand on her shoulder.

“You’re pregnant? Oh my god, you’re actually pregnant.”

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