To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 536 - How Did You Do That

Chapter 536: How Did You Do That

In fact, it had taken him only three days.

Many people talked about the matter and paid a lot of attention to it in those three days.

Fewer and fewer people reposted it and left comments now, but still, some reporters went to the hospital to interview the relevant people involved and dig out the sequel of the story.

Some people came to the gynecology and obstetrics department to see Su Qingsang. They wanted to know what kind of doctor could be so awful.

Unfortunately, Su Qingsang had been on a vacation before this. They couldn’t see her, so some people posted on Weibo that the hospital had already fired Su Qingsang.

But soon, some people disproved that claim. After all, Su Qingsang’s picture was still hanging on the wall in the hospital. She had clearly not been fired.

What had happened at the hospital was no longer big news, but there were still people paying attention to it. The problem wasn’t solved yet.

Lin Gang never changed his words. However, strangely enough, he started to reject interviews and refused to show his face in front of cameras.

As he wasn’t willing to face the media, the reporters from two tabloids started to doubt his claims.

They kept asking him what exactly happened. Unlike before, he no longer sounded affirmative.

The story which had seemed crystal clear before suddenly seemed to take a twist.

Li Hong wasn’t expecting her husband to act like an amnesia patient. She felt that something was wrong because her husband had suddenly started acting in an unusual manner for the past few days.

She couldn’t ask him what happened in front of the reporters, so after they left, she started asking him plenty of questions.

Lin Gang was in no mood to answer her questions. He turned and walked straight away.

Someone witnessed that. It was a young reporter from a live broadcast platform. He immediately asked Lin Gang for an interview and offered to help him.

Lin Gang didn’t accept the interview but told the man to wait until tomorrow. Therefore, the reporter only interviewed Li Hong.

As always, Li Hong complained tearfully about what had happened in front of the camera. The reporter didn’t release the clip of the interview immediately but decided to wait until he got the interview of Lin Gang.

The reporter simply believed that having the couple crying in front of the camera together would deliver a better effect than the woman crying alone.

To his surprise, the words that Lin Gang had spoken in previous interviews rang untrue during this interview.

When he was asked to describe in detail how Su Qingsang had insulted the patient that day, he failed to give any accurate answers.

The information he provided, at last, turned out to be inconsistent with Li Hong’s words. After hearing what he said, the reporter suddenly realized that something wasn’t right.

That night, the reporter visited Li Hong in the hospital while both her husband and she were in the ward.

The reporter talked to Li Hong about what her husband had said and then asked her what exactly happened.

He asked Li Hong why the two of them described what had happened in different ways.

Li Hong never thought that her husband would be clueless enough to still change his words after they had agreed upon what to say.

She complained about it without realizing that the reporter was still there, and her words began to infuriate her husband.

Lin Gang started a nasty fight with his wife.

The reporter filmed the whole process, as the couple quarreled more and more intensely. In the end, Li Hong let the cat out of the bag with anger.

“You were the one who told me to frame Doctor Su. You said that by accusing her of insulting me, we’d get a big sum of money as compensation. Why are you showing me such an attitude now?”

“What do you mean I told you to frame Doctor Su? Didn’t you want the money too? If you weren’t so greedy, why did you try to fake car accidents? If you hadn’t done that, would you have gotten into a real accident?”

“Why did I do that? It was you who told me to do that, didn’t you? You didn’t only ask me to fake car accidents, but also asked me to frame Doctor Su. Isn’t that true?”

Li Hong was infuriated. She never thought that Lin Gang would push the blame to her. “You made me lie for money. If it wasn’t for you, would I have ever made you do something so ungrateful?”

Doctor Su was the one who had saved her life, after all.

“Did you do that because I told you to? Are you going to do whatever I say? Fine. Now, I am telling you to kill yourself. I want you dead now.”

Lin Gang was extremely enraged. He gave Li Hong a hard slap right on the face after saying that, even though she was still recovering from her cesarean.

The reporter, who was still in the ward, widened his eyes in shock. As he watched a potential breaking news story unfolding in front of him, his mouth opened wide.

He was not just an ordinary reporter. He had a large number of fans on his live broadcast platform.

He had been live broadcasting everything that was happening since he came into the ward, including the interviews of Li Hong and Lin Gang, the two of them fighting each other, and that tight slap from Lin Gang.

Things became very clear now.

The two of them had shamelessly framed Su Qingsang for money.

Li Hong was still weak. Suffering a few slaps, she lay on the bed with her face ghastly pale. But still, she never stopped accusing her husband and blaming him for everything.

Lin Gang completely forgot that there was a reporter in the ward. All he was thinking about was venting his anger.

The reporter hurriedly called the doctor. He was worried that Li Hong might become very weak. Nevertheless, the camera on his phone was still on the whole time.

It turned out that Lin Gang had falsely accused the doctor. It was shocking to the reporter that he even used violence against his wife.

All the people who had reposted the original Weibo post regretted being fooled by Lin Gang, after watching the live broadcast.

Soon, some of the drivers who had been scammed by Li Hong and Lin Gang started to tell their stories online. They said that Lin Gang and Li Hong were professional car-accident scammers. They had made use of Li Hong’s pregnancy and threatened the car owners for money.

Quite a lot of car owners proved that story. They pointed out how shameless Lin Gang was and how awful he could be just to get money.

After watching the live broadcast and the posts released by those car owners, no one believed in another word Lin Gang said.

His accusation was, of course, no longer effective. He ironically proved Su Qingsang’s innocence himself.

The account that had a huge number of followers on Weibo, which had initially released this news about Lin Gang’s accusation, suddenly fell silent. Then, the original post was deleted.

Many others then deleted the posts they had made about the incident.

As the original post was no longer online, the ones who had reposted it deleted their posts as well.

Soon after, the doctor-patient relationship became a hot topic again. Many patients questioned themselves, asking if they had been too strict on their doctors.

Some even said that people like Li Hong and Lin Gang didn’t deserve to be saved, that they should die.

They would never be grateful for the people who saved their lives. So, why should anyone try and save them?

Another hot topic soon emerged in the hot search list of Rong City—”The Most Beautiful Doctor I’ve Seen.”

Many people complimented their doctors’ appearance under that topic. Some even mentioned Su Qingsang.

Some of Su Qingsang’s patients shared their experiences of being treated by Su Qingsang, testifying that her demeanor was very warm and friendly.

Many compliments like that were suddenly emerging online, even though they hadn’t appeared while Su Qingsang was in trouble.

But anyhow, Su Qingsang’s crisis was over.

The third afternoon following the live broadcast, all Weibo posts that contained bad words about Su Qingsang and other doctors finally disappeared.

The only posts that were left to be seen were purely compliments about doctors. People said that doctors were doing such a difficult job, that they cured people, saved lives, but still had to suffer unfair accusations sometimes.

At last, the central hospital made an official post, saying that they would keep helping patients as they had vowed to, and that they would give Su Qingsang a special mention for her contributions. They also invited the society to supervise the work of doctors and promised that they would do a better job in the future.

That sounded very subtly bureaucratic, but most people didn’t care. Many even gave it a thumbs up.

Within a couple of days, things had changed drastically. Su Qingsang was shocked.

She had been paying closer attention to what was happening ever since the live broadcast.

After all, it was the third day and she had nothing much to do. She wanted very much to know what exactly had happened.

She understood that Lin Gang was the key player in the whole problem, but never thought that he would suddenly change his attitude within such a short time.

“How did this happen?”

She knew it would happen sooner or later, but wasn’t expecting it to happen so quickly.

She couldn’t help but look at Huo Jinyao, as she believed that he had done something about it.

“Just eat.”

Huo Jinyao had come home early today to witness the incident that he had expected to happen.

Su Qingsang raised her head and looked at him with a confused look in her eyes. “What have you done?”

“Just eat. I’ll tell you about it later.”

Huo Jinyao’s voice sounded warm. He wasn’t surprised to see that the problem was solved so easily.

People like Lin Gang wanted nothing but money.

He would sell his wife as long as he was offered a price that was tempting enough. Of course, he would also give the truth in exchange for money.

However, Huo Jinyao or anyone else who worked for him couldn’t be the one to offer him money. That way, Lin Gang could always change his attitude again afterward and claim that he had lied for money. If that happened, Huo Jinyao wouldn’t be able to help Su Qingsang anymore. On the contrary, he would put her into more trouble.

Since Lin Gang loved money so much, Huo Jinyao sent someone rich to talk to him instead.

Wen Fei was someone who claimed that she owned a hotel. She showed up at Lin Gang’s doorstep under Huo Jinyao’s arrangement.

It took Huo Jinyao merely half a day to dig out Lin Gang’s background with all the details.

He found out where the man had attended school and what he did for a living. He found out everything about him.

Lin Gang didn’t go to college. He was running a small store near his home.

The business was not bad for the first few years. Sadly, in the past few years, more and more people preferred to shop in supermarkets instead of small stores. Online shopping had grown more and more popular too.

Thus, Lin Gang’s business had been going downhill. That worsened his anger and lust for money.

Since the business was going down, he decided to force his wife to fake car accidents for money.

Some men often came to his store to play cards with him. None of them had a decent occupation.

Lin Gang teamed up with those men to execute the scam. Every time Li Hong faked a car accident, they would show up to threaten the driver.

If the drivers were fierce, the men either took advantage of their numbers to threaten them or let Li Hong play the role of a poor pregnant lady to arouse sympathy. For the gentler drivers, the men blackmailed them using expletives.

They had been doing that for the past two years. However, Li Hong finally had a real accident. Of course, Lin Gang intended to get as much money out of it as possible.

After the accident, someone paid him and asked him to accuse Su Qingsang in the hospital. By doing that, the person said that he could get money from Su Qingsang also. How would he ever say no to something as wonderful as that?

Li Hong wasn’t willing to do that at first. She wasn’t as heartless as her husband was. But in the end, she agreed to do it under Lin Gang’s threat and temptation.

Someone had offered Lin Gang hundreds of thousands to make him tell a lie. But soon, Wen Fei showed up and claimed to own a hotel. How much more could that be worth?

Yesterday, Lin Gang had some fancy, new experiences with Wen Fei. In the end, she invited him into the presidential suite.

His brain almost stopped working at that moment. Wen Fei emphasized that she had no children. That information thrilled Lin Gang.

Wen Fei’s husband was impotent, but he wasn’t.

His problem was that his wife had a daughter, and she couldn’t have another child in the future because her uterus had been removed.

Looking at the young and pretty Wen Fei, and thinking about the old and infertile Li Hong, Lin Gang was very sure about which lady he wanted to choose.

Any man whose brain wasn’t damaged would have the same answer.

Lin Gang made the decision very quickly. However, he didn’t intend to give the money back to the person who had initially paid him to accuse Su Qingsang.

That person had asked him to frame Su Qingsang, and he had done that already. He wasn’t the kind of person break his promise.

However, meeting Wen Fei was a surprise. He had spent only two days together with her, but he strongly felt that she would be the right one to share his life with.

Wen Fei was gentle, pretty, thoughtful, and most importantly, rich.

In comparison to the hotel, the hundreds of thousands that the other person had given him could barely be called money.

Lin Gang made up his mind. He planned to win Wen Fei’s heart. He even started to dream about his life together with her.

Considering the circumstances, he, of course, didn’t want his face to show up online.

For that reason, he stopped talking about what had happened and started to avoid reporters. He didn’t have the courage to talk face to face with any reporters again.

More importantly, he, the man who was about to own a hotel, didn’t care about the compensation money anymore.

All he thought about was living a life together with Wen Fei and being an owner of the hotel with her.

Huo Jinyao knew exactly how to find out the weaknesses of people like Lin Gang.

Lin Gang developed an inflated ego, maybe because he was able to frame Su Qingsang very easily. He believed that luck had finally reached him.

It never occurred to him that the whole thing might be a trap, set up for him exclusively.

Wen Fei’s existence made him dislike his wife more and more.

He told Wen Fei that his wife was dead. That was exactly what he wished was true.

He believed that a perfect new life was waiting for him, so he was displeased by the very existence of Li Hong, his current wife.

Some people got easily carried away by the appeal of money. Lin Gang was one of them.

As Wen Fei had intentionally given him some hints, he was increasingly sure that he would have a future with her.

He believed that he would show up in a five-star hotel every day, and that people would call him “Boss.” A pretty lady would be keeping him company, and he would have a son to continue his family line.

He was drowning deep in that beautiful dream and wasn’t thinking about how unreasonable it seemed.

It could have been the dream of being rich that he had had when he was a boy or the way he desired Wen Fei that made him ignore all the unreasonable facts. Not for a moment did he wonder why Wen Fei would want to be with someone like him.

“Just like that?”

Su Qingsang’s eyes popped, as she looked at Huo Jinyao with surprise. She couldn’t believe the problem was solved so easily.

“What else do you think I’ve done?”

“That’s… How did he believe her so easily?” Su Qingsang found it ridiculous.

Lin Gang seemed so fierce. How did he trust Wen Fei so easily?

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