I Love You, Monster: The Blindfolded Wife x The Masked Husband

Chapter 352 Please be small again

"I-It’s Zaki."

As soon as those words left Hinari’s mouth, Zaki, who was standing there quietly, was dumbfounded. He was there, just trying to stay in the shadows so what the hell happened? How on earth did he end up in he middle of this ruckus?

"..." Completely speechless with the sudden twist of events, Zaki straightened the moment his brother’s wife laid her eyes on him. Obviously, he had become her new target and Zaki didn’t know what to do. Davi’s glare at him were like shurikens[1] about to be thrown at him any second causing Zaki to silently curse to the lowest depths of hell. Hinari... of all the names in this world, why did you choose my name? Is this your way of taking revenge on me by banning you from flirting? Just you wait, Hinari...

Suddenly finding himself in this great big dilemma, Zaki slowly took a step back. His steps were cautious as ever as if he was walking on a field full of landmines. There was no way he would let her attack him, not when a certain monster was there watching him closely. Well, it was because Zaki was also sure that Sei would not even let him defend himself.

Zaki then shifted his gaze towards Sei and he cursed again. He scolded himself as a thought passed through his head. Why the hell did he look at Sei when he already knew that this wife protecting monster wouldn’t do a thing to save him? He even looked like he was blatantly saying "DON’T YOU DARE ESCAPE! JUST LET MY WIFE BEAT YOU. IT WILL BE OVER QUICKLY or will it? Either way, JUST STAY PUT!", and the message firmly being flashed across his eyes like a huge banner being waved around.

Damn it Sei! Must you do this to me?! You should be the one receiving her good beating. None of this would have happened if you didn’t scare Hinari in the first place! Moreover, i’m sure she got drunk because of the jealousy she felt because of Lin Jingyi! So you should be the one offering yourself to be beaten right now! Damn. Must I be your sacrificial lamb again?! I can’t believe this! Not only was my own brother selling me out, even my fiancé is betraying me?! Did some witch cursed me or something?

Just as Zaki was battling his very own internal bloody battle, he was also stunned with what Davi did to Hinari. Well, Davi, at that moment, looked like a pretty cool young man executing a deadly move to steal a girl’s heart. She was 2 inches taller than Hinari so the moment she lifted Hinari’s chin with her finger, Hinari’s face was so close to hers, making the scenario just suddenly turned into something seemingly romantic. Especially when Davi’s drunken self was obviously being protective of Hinari with her eyes softening when she looked at her.

In Zaki and Sei’s point of view, Davi’s face was just unforgivably close to Hinari as if she was about to kiss her, causing the two men, most especially Sei, to feel an indescribable emotion in their hearts. What they didn’t know was that Davi was just trying to look at Hinari’s face closely since her vision were so blurry at the moment.

Meanwhile, Hinari, at the moment, was also quite so preoccupied. She felt the cold glare coming from Sei as soon as Davi held her but for some reason, his blazing and deadly aura intensified to the highest level when Davi held her chin up, causing Hinari to jolt in fear. Sei’s aura was exactly akin to a monster that Hinari’s knees began to wobble again and she was close to tears. It felt like if she made one wrong move, she would suddenly find her head rolling on the ground.

God, please someone else save me... Am I really going to die here? I promise I will behave myself from now on... I will be a good girl from now. PROMISE!!

Hinari was so scared she started praying to all the gods and goddesses she knew. She even mentioned all the deities in the novels she had read oit of desperation. Gladly, as if her prayers were answered, she finally noticed why this Monster the Great was getting colder and scarier by the second. Wait... could it be that he was being jealous of me right now? Oh my god! What have I done?!

In the nick of time, Hinari remembered what Zaki told her. He said that Sei was a very jealous type that even gender didn’t matter to him and she slapped herself hard in her mind. I’m sorry, forgive me... I didn’t know that this Monster the Great’s jealousy was this extreme! T^T

Hinari then quickly wracked her brain for a solution to this issue. This was also why she was oblivious to her fiancée’s glares. She quickly held Davi’s wrist and moved her hand away from her chin as she pulled away from her embrace.

"B-but don’t worry, Zaki was just kidding. I can just punish him for saying such an absurd and heartless joke, alright?" She said as she gently pushed Davi back into Sei’s arms. Of course, with that simple move, the deadly atmosphere drastically changed into something a little less deadly and she was able to breathe again.

"O-okay. Make sure to tell me if he says anymore absurd things to you and we will feed him to the crocodiles, okay?" Davi replied as Sei immediately wrapped his arms around her, as if he didn’t intend to let go of her anymore.

"Yes, yes, leave Zaki to me. I will make sure he will never say that he will feed me to the crocodiles again. Please go now with your husband. Your little Shin is waiting for you..." Hinari said with a super fast pace as she quickly stepped back until she went past Zaki in no time.

As soon as Davi heard little Shin’s name, she turned towards Sei and she held the man’s face. She pulled him closer to hers as if she was trying to recognize him.

"Oh! My little Shin! When did you grow up?! No! I don’t want my baby to grow up just yet!" She suddenly yelled while everyone else were frozen in complete shock.

Sei: "..."

As Sei stood there motionless and dumbfounded, Davi raised her other hand and she caressed Sei’s face once again before she suddenly shook her head violently.

"No!! I can’t accept this! I want my little bun back! Didn’t I tell you not to grow up too fast?! Why? I want my Little Shin, I don’t want a big Shin. How can I make up for those five years if you’re all grown up now?! Please, be small again..." As she spoke, Davi slowly got emotional and as soon as she finished speaking... tears fell from her eyes and she cried.


[1]A shuriken is a Japanese concealed weapon that was used as a hidden dagger or metsubushi to distract or misdirect. The edges of shuriken were often sharpened, so they could be used to penetrate skin or open arteries.

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