I Love You, Monster: The Blindfolded Wife x The Masked Husband

Chapter 341 Quick duel

Surprised by Davi’s words, Lin Jingyi’s eyes widened again as she looked at Davi. She clenched her fists tightly, slightly crumpling the documents she held, as her face turned even more scornful.

’T-this bitch... what is she trying to do? She just wanted to show off, right? Does she want me to stand here and watch her lecherous and shameless advances?! How could my dignified boss let a flirty woman like her lay a hand on him? Didn’t he used to dislike women? What did this leech do to him to make him become like this?!’

As Lin Jingyi burst and cursed within her, Sei was staring at his wife with a questioning look. However, when he glanced at the small amount of documents left, he didn’t think too much more about it and he simply agreed with Davi’s suggestion, causing Lin Jingyi’s expression to drasticay worsen. She gritted her teeth hard and she looked at Davi contemptuously as her fingers were digging onto her own skin.

"Okay, continue." Sei then finally said and Lin Jingyi could do nothing but press her lips tightly, let go of a deep quiet breath before she started talking again. But at the same time, she continued cursing and swearing inside her without stopping.

’You’re trying to make me angry, testing my patience in front of my boss to try and make me explode and embarrass myself, huh? Nice move leech. That’s what a typical scheming woman would do... I’m sure this leech is nothing but a flower vase... she doesn’t even look rich... she is just a fragile incompetent weakling who has nothing but her body and face at her disposal... I will definitely never let a lowly woman like you win against me! Never! You’re no match for me... You better prepare yourself for war... I will make you pay for a hundred fold... just you wait...! This battle is just beginning.’

Moments went by and Davi who kept massaging Sei’s back lightly and gently as she listened intently to Lin Jingyi, finally raised her head again. She looked at the woman standing across her and as soon as she saw the change in the intensity in her eyes, the way Davi looked at her also changed a little.

The seemingly blank look in Davi’s eyes somehow slowly changed into something a bit fiercer. As though she was a quiet predator who just saw a prey worth crushing for.

Truth be told, it was true that Davi was testing Lin Jingyi. Well, she never dealt with anything like this before so she was being extra careful. Thinking about herself five years ago, Davi couldn’t help but feel that the old her was truly naïve when it comes to dealing with things like this. She remembered herself running away until she ended up drunk. She now knew that the way she acted before when she felt this so called jealousy, was childish. That was why she wanted to face things properly from now on. She knew that sooner or later, she would face this kind of situation. However, as inexperienced as she was, she didn’t actually know what to do since the only thing that Hinari told her was ’don’t just sit there and do nothing’. Thus, Davi could only rely on her own judgement. Gladly, because of her experience back in those days, she was now sure that it was never the right move to dodge a problem like this. Running away was never an option so Davi decided to take this woman head on, on her own terms.

Her intention was never to make the woman jealous or anything. What she had in mind was simply to take this woman down and crush all her hopes about being able to take her husband away from her.

Of course, Davi couldn’t deny that she felt this unpleasant feeling of jealousy that moment she saw just how close the woman was to her husband. However, her trust with Sei and her toughened mentality helped her to stay calm despite what her heart was feeling. Thus instead of focusing to her emotion, Davi immediately focused her attention to Lin Jingyi.

Actually, that moment Davi entered the room, Davi already saw that obvious intention in Lin Jingyi’s eyes and because of that, Davi immediately started to treat her as her target. She quickly observed her and upon realizing the extent of her delusions, Davi chose the most savage method of execution.

She didn’t attack her in one go, rather, she slowly targeted her arm and leg first but as expected, Lin Jingyi wasn’t someone who would easily fall and accept defeat. Davi somehow realized that this woman wasn’t easy to begin with so she didn’t let her go. She just felt that if she let her go now, Lin Jingyi would definitely come back, retort and fight like crazy, just like how the desperate and wounded soldiers did when they were on a battlefield. Davi knew this woman would do everything to fight back no matter how hopeless things may be and she would do so like a madman, and that was why Davi decided to strike her now. Not because Davi was afraid or anything. She knew Sei would never betray her but Davi didn’t want anymore unnecessary things that might affect the peaceful flow of their relationship. Well, Davi have had enough. They’re finally all together again after all the sufferings, so she won’t let anything, no matter how small or big it was, to ever shake their relationship again. She will never give anyone a chance to do anything.

Moreover, Davi just doesn’t have anymore time to waste dealing with this kind of trouble so she didn’t want to let this issue drag on. After all, she wasn’t a fan of a long drawn out battle. She much preferred a short and quick duel so she wanted to end this right here, right now, because there were lots of other things that were more important for her to focus on.

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