I Love You, Monster: The Blindfolded Wife x The Masked Husband

Chapter 241 Boosters

"I will forgive you if you sleep with me tonight." Davi said. Her tone was serious and she’s talking like a boss.

Sei was stunned for a long while due to the words she said. However, in the end, he thought that she was asking him that because he’s been leaving her alone at night so she wanted him to stay beside her. Thinking about it that way, the man just looked at her innocently. He looked as though he couldn’t believe that her condition in forgiving him was that simple. He was expecting something like a punishment for upsetting her but all she wanted was for him to sleep with her?

Sei was surprised but he soon realized that his wife was just being so nice to him again like always. And it made his heart warmed up.

"Mm, I will stay with you." He then uttered obediently and Davi suddenly turned red. Well, she was trying to be bold. She was testing what would be her husband’s reaction but looking at him being innocent as always and not giving any wild meaning to her words, she couldn’t help but felt embarrassed.

For a while, Davi struggled to find a word to say.

"P-promise me you won’t leave again when I’m asleep." She said forced herself to stay cool and collected while the man looked at her intently.

"I promise." He replied and Davi heaved a sigh of relief. Well, she can’t start her mission if he will sneak out again so she was glad that she made him promised that he won’t leave.

After all, Davi’s plan was to start setting up things first. It was because, Hinari actually advised her not to go straight to the fire zone. Well, due to Davi’s stories, Hinari could already tell that Sei is nothing like those men who will jump into their girl like animals who thinks nothing but sex. She also deduced that the reason why he didn’t touch her yet might be because he was just so into her more than she could imagine, so the tendency of him backing off was huge especially if he has his own complicated reasons. Considering this, she thought that it’s better for her to slowly melt him down until he will lost all his strength to resist without realizing it. And that’s the reason why Hinari made a list of advice that has the right amount of setup that could be considered as the foreplay towards the ultimate seduction. Of course, knowing Davi’s inexperience, Hinari didn’t explained the tactics well to her. She just listed them and told her to follow them when she finally decided to make a bold move on him. Not telling her that the things she listed were moves to turn a man on.

While Davi was in the middle of thinking, Sei began to speak.

"Davi... I have---" Sei was trying to say something when Davi interrupted her. Those serious and honest gaze he threw on her as he speaks immediately made Davi’s heart went wild. And as soon as she felt the strange nervousness, she could already tell what he was about to say. Thus, remembering the tips Hinari gave her, Davi suddenly laid her hand on Sei’s forearm as she looked at him with a sticky gaze.

Davi remembered asking Hinari what’s with touching the forearm when the girl explained to her that the back of the forearm has some very sensitive nerve endings that will definitely sparks something when touched. Thus, Davi who was trying to interrupt him and distract him found it the right move to do.

Thankfully, the move seemed to worked well because Sei immediately clamped his mouth and he froze.


Meanwhile, the old men and the maids in the kitchen were in a rush preparing the foods when Zaki who finally felt hunger walked towards the dining room.

He went straight towards the long table when the old men stopped him.

"Young man, you can’t eat those. The maids will prepare another food for you." The old gramps said and Zaki’s veins popped.

"What the... why can’t i? I’m so hungry now. I can’t wait for another food anymore." He complained and the old man sighed.

"Ohh, you’re being stubborn. Go-ahead then, but don’t complain later. Don’t say I didn’t warn you." The old man said with a mischievous grin, making Zaki felt suspicious.

Curious, Zaki scanned the foods served on the table and his eyes slowly widened.

Celery, watermelon, red grapes, soy foods, oyster, kidney beans, cruciferous vegetables, pomegranate juice, salmon, and spinach dominated the menu and Zaki couldn’t believe it.

"What kind of..." Zaki was about to complain about the foods when he remembered something. He then looked twice on the table and sweat drops could only fell invisibly from his forehead. Well, it was because, Zaki finally realized that all the those foods were known to be foods that boost sex drives, in short, they were libido boosters.

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