Inevitable Road To Divinity

Chapter 547: The God Of War

Chapter 547: The God Of War

The beasts.

One might think that the beasts from the higher worlds are full of killing intent which is true, but that doesn't apply to everyone. There are commoners who calmly live in the higher worlds! The calm life can even soothe the natural wild instincts of the powerful beasts!

It's not that bad as their 'quantity' is only utilized when the huge danger appears.

That's why, before that happens, the commoner beasts are living peacefuly in their higher worlds while 'fighting' in other ways such as business and stuff!

"Bernand! Back from the city?"

"Yeah! It was calm trip this time!"

"Haha! I am glad then! I hope you earned a lot!"


One of the perfect beasts examples can be Bernand. He is a farmer whose body looks so scary one might faint! Of course, in the higher realms, it's not that common, but there are kids who faint upon feeling his presence.

His race is bear race, but quite big and muscular bear! The human form of his looks very muscular with a cute bear ears atop! However, his whole face and huge posture kinda make these two ears non existent.

Even so, he is a farmer.


The farmer whose family is also nice! The two cute fluffs ran towards him and hugged the father deeply! He is big and looks scary, but their father is the nicest person alive! He helps many people and everyone in the village likes him!

Except the kids who have yet to know him!

Bernand answered the hug like the best father, then raised his kids up! The cute girl and boy hugged his whole face as he approached his wife. Everyone was normal, without any strength or aura that dominates in the higher worlds.

They are a simple family, the farmer family!

"Father, I want to go to the city with you next time."

"You can not! It's dangerous after all."

"But you always come back home..."

"Haha~~ It's because I know you are waiting for me."

Bernand gave his wide smile that yet again would scary many kids, but not his daughter! The small fluff even pinched his cheeks and nose as she nodded. It was a good young lady who listens to her father!

As his wife passed the plates with a meal, everyone clasped their hands and thanked the strongest 'God Of War' for providing their higher world with a security! There aren't any gods or other hidden forces stupid enough to destory their normal lives! All because of the God Of War...

The common, but lovely normal wife...

The two fluffs that were likewise common bear racemen...

The three of them didn't know that the 'God Of War' was sitting in front of them.

That they were a wife and children of the strongest 'known' twelve winged divinity.


"Sex God... It brings a lot of memories."

"Yes, I think he might be that divinity... I didn't feel any sacred techniques related to the bloodlines and the flow of his energies was flawless. He should be that one."

"I will try to contact her then."

The God Of War mentioned 'her' and the black panther was well aware who he is talking about. He shuddered and nodded several times as if asking for permission to leave. The strongest divinity just waved his hand, and the black panther disappeared in a flash using his strongest trait.


The four seasons passed and he had another excuse to leave the house of his.

Bernand... It's not like he only has two children and one wife... He had many, but only the three mentioned before were the special... And they weren't special because his wife was that of common origins nor because the divinity of his children was sealed...

They were special because Bernand felt the love and care from the depths of their hearts... It was so pure, so lovely...

One day, Bernand just hoped to come back to his life before becoming a divinity. It wasn't because his 'strong' children didn't love him much or anything like that, he just had that desire to go back to the old, peaceful times.

Before becoming a divnity, Bernand was truly a farmer.

He had small family too, but they all died as the divinities invaded the beast high world... The battle between divinities had somehow happened in his higher world which was his home! And he, a mere farmer, who could only use his aura to keep up with his huge farm... also should've died.

However, Bernand and his family had a huge refuge before their demise.

They had gone through a lot of battlefields that were ongoing because of their world becoming suddenly a battlefield. People hoped to hide themselves as deeply as possible within the world, so that the shockwaves of the two divinities won't reach them.

And as normal people, the commoners, they had to buy a lot of food.

The food became something too valuable and a lot of people were simply killing themselves.

In fact, killing each other also provided a food...

Bernand had seen a lot of battles, wars and deaths... It was so scary, but he protected his family and his muscular looks had somehow worked too! He had survived a lot, but then, the divinities swept through the world few times.

They circled the world and killed a lot, including his family.

He himself... was on the verge of the death. The wars were something he hated and hoped to get rid off yet the wars he had experienced, the mere wars for the food between commoners... awakend that divinity.

And so, he survived.

He could see the divinities and their flight...

He remembered their faces...

Then thousand years later, he annihilated the two divinities along with their alliances.

Back then, all he had was his family and farm. He had lost his everything, so he made sure that the divinities who caused it... also lose everything.

But now, Bernand had a lot of descendants and wives. The spot of the strongest had influenced many and the raw, pure feelings of the love were pretty rare to feel... Everyone was doing the best for him, but because of the high status, this 'the best' was not something Bernand really hoped for.

However, he found his happiness...

A little happiness.

"Sex Goddess... She should find him the fastest out of everyone and deal with him... Another divine chimera shouldn't appear in the universe..."

Divine Chimera had left quite a deep impression on The God Of War.

A lot people were needed back then.

He himself hadn't move, just watched from afar, as it was simply not his territory. Even so, it was quite an astonishing sight! The divine chimera that manipulated a lot of energies and the sex god's divinity that could be turned into every kind of attribute.

Though the understanding was also needed here.

Anyway, the divinity that could build up a lot of powers in one body! It was already too scary, and what was a price for it? A women! The Sex God had to conquer or devour! His divinity was allowing him to blend into many communities to destroy them!

It was the worst ability of this very divinity.

Bernand himself loved his wives deeply, even though they misunderstood his deepest wishes, so if the sex god somehow penetrated his divine beasts war alliance...

"No, no, no!"

The God Of War took out the black glasses.

He put them on and the world became all black.

With his senses blocked with his divine power...

The God Of War went outside to meet the sex goddess....

Thanks to his preparations, Bernand can talk with the sex goddess, ableit, only for a while.

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