A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1002

Chapter 1002: Chapter 1002, the sixteenth young master!

Wang Baole didn’t wait too long. On the third day after he returned to Mars, outside the new solar system, which had become twice as large as before, a crimson-red ripple of flames appeared in the starry sky.

The ripple appeared abruptly, as if it had appeared out of thin air. As it spread, the ripple split apart on its own. When one looked at it with the naked eye, one could see countless ripples spreading outwards.

At first glance, it looked as if a stone had been thrown into the calm surface of a lake. However, because the ripples were formed by flames, they looked more like a sea of fire that was spreading out continuously. After a few dozen breaths, the Sea of fire that was spreading out began to churn, an illusory figure slowly formed from the center of the Sea of fire.

As this figure appeared, an earth-shattering aura that seemed to be able to shake the starry sky erupted from his body, causing the Sea of fire to churn even more intensely, the surrounding starry sky also began to show signs of cracking, as if it could no longer hold on.

It seemed… that the figure that was slowly condensing was of too high a status, which was why when it appeared, it caused the starry sky to tremble. Even the solar system was distorted. Clearly, if this terrifying existence had malicious intentions.., then it would only take a single thought for the Solar System to dissipate!

However, it was clear that this condensing figure had some restraint, which was why its aura was quickly restrained. It no longer spread outwards and affected the solar system. Instead, it condensed within its body. At the same time, its body also slowly solidified, it slowly became corporeal.

Its true appearance was revealed!

What appeared within the Sea of fire in the starry sky was shockingly an old bull that was emitting flames all over its body. This bull’s entire body was red, and as the Sea of fire churned beneath its feet, its size was 30,000 feet. And this… seemed to be the result of its suppression, it did not completely reveal its true form.

But even so, it still made the nearby starry sky seem as if it would collapse at any moment. The terrifying pressure that emanated from its body had already surpassed that of the stars, and even compared to the mighty figures in the galaxy, it did not seem to be too far off.

Such a terrifying existence was rarely seen in the starry sky. In fact, if it wanted to, whether it was the left Dao or the side dao sacred region, it could run amok. Basically, most of the civilizations in front of it.., were so weak that they could not withstand a single blow.

And its arrival was immediately noticed by the ancient bronze sword tip in the Solar System. The Dao Palace patriarch who was meditating on the third altar instantly noticed it. The old man’s eyes suddenly opened, revealing a look of shock and uncertainty, his breathing was also rapid. As his chest rose and fell, he stared fixedly in the direction of the old ox. His expression changed again and again, and his body slowly stood up. He was about to open his mouth to speak, but at this moment..

The Old Ox, who had descended from outside the Solar System, spoke first. He didn’t speak to just one person, but sent out a divine thought that affected the entire solar system. At that moment, no matter what anyone in the Solar System was doing.., his words, which were filled with the vicissitudes of life and carried a sense of authority, suddenly appeared in his mind!

“I, Yan Ling, AM here under the orders of the exalted Lord Blazing Flame to welcome the sixteenth young master, Wang baole, back to the blazing flame galaxy!”

This thought was like a storm, instantly filling the entire solar system. The moment it entered the minds of all living beings, the Dao Palace cultivators on the ancient green-bronze sword were all shaken. Even those who had been injured, unconscious, and recovering.., their bodies began to tremble unconsciously. As for the Galactic Patriarch on the third altar, his eyes narrowed instantly. His breathing quickened, and although he heaved a sigh of relief after learning of the other party’s background, his mind was once again focused.

He had thought that Wang Baole wouldn’t lie to him. Since he had said that he was the disciple of the blazing flame patriarch, he had to be. However, he hadn’t expected that Wang Baole’s Disciple’s identity would be even more shocking than he had imagined.

What kind of disciple… would make the blazing flame patriarch arrange for a galactic realm mighty figure to come and welcome him

I’m afraid that apart from welcoming him, he would also have to intimidate the heart of the Dao Palace… as well as the other political forces. He would have to make sure that all the political forces that had been paying attention to the Solar System’s integration with the divine eye would be restrained..

“All of this is ultimately due to the importance that we place on Wang Baole…”the Dao Palace patriarch was silent. The importance that he placed on Wang Baole also increased.

At the same time, countless citizens and cultivators from the Federation, as well as Lin Tianhao, Liu Daobin, and others who were familiar with Wang Baole, were all shocked as the voices in their minds surfaced.

“The sixteenth young master?”

“Wang Baole…”

“Although I don’t know the details of his identity, he sounds impressive. He must be extraordinary!”

“As expected of the guardian of the Federation! The founder of the Martian Special Zone! The old leader that I, Liu Daobin, have followed for my entire life!”

Amidst the uproar, Zhao Yameng’s mother, Li Xingwen, sect Lord Xu of the Galactic Dusk Sect, and Lin you all took a deep breath and looked at Mars from different positions.

Wang Baole had told them that he was leaving, and he had also told them where he was going. However, even though they were mentally prepared, they were still shaken.

The Old Bull’s terror and the words he had said with his telepathic thoughts had given them a clear understanding of Wang Baole’s status and the unpredictability of his future. Their determination, which had never been about to change, was now even stronger.

Even Zhao Yameng’s mother had an idea in her mind. She planned to talk to Zhao Yameng about her future with Wang Baole when she returned.

At the same time, she had made up her mind to take special care of Zhou Xiaoya. She had a strong worry in her heart. She was worried… that Wang Baole, who was moving further and further away, would one day grow too big and too fast.., he would gradually grow distant from the federation.

Even though she felt that the possibility was very, very small, as the Federation president, she had to consider it. The best way would be to make the other party worry about her. Other than her parents, she would also be able to join in, naturally, that would be her woman.

The hearts of all living beings were shaken. Countless thoughts rose in their minds. Wang Baole, who was on Mars, put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hands. He stood up and bowed deeply to his parents, who were looking at him with reluctance.

“Dad, Mom… I don’t know how long we’ll be gone for, but I don’t think it’ll be too long. You guys… Take Care!”

“Go, baole. You have to take care too…”Wang Baole’s mother suppressed her sadness and said softly. His father nodded at the side. He watched as Wang Baole’s bent back gradually disappeared from where he stood.

After he had completely disappeared, Baole’s mother couldn’t hold it in any longer. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

A soft sigh came from Wang Baole’s heart, who had appeared in the starry skies. He was reluctant to part with her, but he knew that stepping onto this path of cultivation was like sailing against the current. If he didn’t advance, he would retreat. Therefore, he could only continue forward, only in this way could he protect everything that he wanted to protect, and he could see the wider world.

At the same time, Wang Baole was filled with gratitude towards the blazing flame ancestor. He knew very well that the divine thoughts that came from the Solar System were his master’s love for him. This love was reflected in the fear of those who harbored ill intentions, it was also reflected in the peace of mind for his family and friends back home.

Wang Baole was satisfied with his master’s kind intentions. He stood in the starry sky, looking at the Solar System and earth. He vaguely saw the figure of a woman standing on the mountain peak of Ethereal Dao College, which had been rebuilt on Earth.

Her beautiful hair fluttered in the wind. It covered her face, but it couldn’t hide the gentle gaze in her eyes.

They seemed to be able to touch each other across the starry sky. Wang Baole looked at her for a long time, then nodded. He turned around and dashed… towards the outer Solar System!

He wasn’t worried about the federation this time. Be it the Alliance Agreement with the Vast Expanse Dao palace or the improvement in the level of the people after they had integrated with the God’s eye civilization, the federation was completely different from before.

It was even more powerful, and the blazing flame ancestor was also present. All of this allowed the federation to develop steadily for a period of time in the future!

Then… I’ll go and see just how vast and resplendent this starry sky is! Wang Baole was in high spirits. His eyes shone brightly, and his body transformed into a long rainbow with a loud bang, he traveled at an astonishing speed across the current solar system and appeared… outside the Solar System. He saw the vast sea of fire and the center of the Sea of fire. His entire body was exuding a terrifying aura… The old bull!

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