A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 999

Chapter 999: Chapter 999 — the intimidation of the Galaxy Bow!

Wang Baole stood there, not moving an inch. A serious look slowly appeared in his eyes as he stared at the stone sculpture.

The face of the stone sculpture was blurry, and Wang Baole couldn’t see its exact appearance. However, from its appearance, he could tell that it was a human cultivator. It was filled with the aura of time, and its clothes were extremely ancient. The sword on its back, though made of stone.., however, it exuded a sharp sword intent, and Wang Baole even felt a strong sense of danger.

It was as if if he were to take a few more steps forward, the sword Qi within the stone sword would explode towards him.

This could be clearly seen from the countless piles of sea beast carcasses that had been dead for an unknown period of time.

This scene made Wang Baole hesitate in silence. If it wasn’t necessary, he didn’t want to disturb the arrangement of the temple. After all, the stone statue and the stone sword seemed to possess the power to kill him.

This was just the remnants of the sword’s power, which had clearly dissipated by more than half after countless years. One could imagine that if it had been countless years ago, when the stone statue and the stone sword had been at their peak, they would have been able to destroy the world with a single strike of the sword!

If the original body had been here, he could have used the power of time to force his way in. However, there was still a difference between the clone and the original body. However, when Wang Baole shifted his gaze away from the stone statue.., as he looked at the temple that was filled with seaweed, his eyes slowly lit up.

There was no door to the temple. Standing there, one could clearly see that there were no deities worshiped in the temple. Instead, there was a teleportation array formation. The array formation was active, but it was different from the rotting whale array formation. There were thin threads on the array formation, they extended to the surface of the sea and covered more than half of earth.

They were not connected to all living things. Instead, they were connected to the gathering points of Spirit Qi on Earth. Spirit Qi was continuously extracted from them and integrated into the array formation.

If Wang Baole did not have a plan to allow the solar system to integrate with the God’s eye civilization, he could have ignored the arrangements here and chosen to leave. However, that was no longer possible.

Through his analysis and judgment, after the Solar System had integrated with the God’s eye civilization, the array formation would absorb an indescribable amount of spirit Qi in an instant as the spirit qi increased exponentially, when that happened… Wang Baole didn’t dare to bet on what would happen.

That was also the reason why he had been sealed in the ruins on Earth. After a moment of silence, Wang Baole rubbed the space between his brows and cupped his fists and bowed to the stone statue.

“Senior, this junior really doesn’t know if this place is good or evil to the federation. In order to prevent any mishaps, I wanted to seal the array formation and cut off all ties with the outside world. I was forced to do so. Please forgive me, Senior.” Wang Baole lifted his feet and walked forward. One step, two steps..

However, the moment he took his third step, the stone sword on the back of the stone sculpture suddenly buzzed. The Sword Qi suddenly erupted and turned into a long rainbow that charged toward Wang Baole!

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and retreated abruptly. He took seven steps back and left the restricted area of the Divine Temple. However, the sword Qi could not suppress its murderous intent. No matter how far Wang Baole retreated, it continued to approach him with a murderous aura, it was as if it would kill him even if it was at the ends of the Earth. Just as it was about to reach Wang baole, a cold glint flashed in Wang Baole’s eyes.

“Looks like it’s Evil!”As he said that, Wang Baole raised his right hand. Immediately, a gigantic bow appeared in his hand. The moment the bow appeared, the seabed rumbled. Even the solar system trembled and the sun dimmed, even the masked little Missy and the Galactic Patriarch, who were reminiscing about the past on the ancient bronze sword, looked in the direction of Earth.

“This is…”

“The Galaxy Bow!”The Little Missy’s eyes were solemn. As she spoke softly, deep in the ocean on Earth, opposite the stone statue in the Divine Temple, Wang Baole pulled the bowstring with his right hand. He let out a low growl, and his cultivation erupted completely, the nine ancient stars behind him shone, and the dao stars that formed emitted a blinding light. All the power of cultivation gathered, and the bowstring… was finally pulled open by Wang Baole!

Even though it wasn’t a full moon, it was about seventy percent pulled open. The gemstones that looked like stars that were embedded in the bow were also shining rapidly. One of them… lit up!

Even though it wasn’t fully lit up, it still gave off a faint glow, causing the area around Wang Baole to glow with the fire of the stars. The source of the fire was this bow!

Just as Little Missy had said, this bow… was indeed the replica galaxy bow that Wang Baole had found in the storage ring that contained the mysterious bottle and the paper figurine!

Even though it was a replica, its power was still earth-shattering. Even the current Wang Baole could only reach the full moon once in his strongest state after fusing with his original body!

His current clone could only reach seventy percent. Even so… the suppressive force that emanated from it still caused the rapidly approaching sword Qi to suddenly stop in front of Wang Baole, as if hesitating.

I’ll only destroy the power that emanates from the array formation, preventing it from activating itself. I Won’t do anything else

Wang Baole stared at the rainbow formed by the Sword Qi. He didn’t release the bowstring, but the ferocity in his eyes had already spread out his will decisively. After seven to eight breaths, the rainbow instantly fell backwards and returned to the stone sword, the suppressive force that emanated from it also disappeared.

Even though the sword Qi had disappeared, Wang Baole didn’t let his guard down. He maintained the state of drawing the bow and walked towards the stone statue. As he approached, the stone statue didn’t move. Wang Baole stepped into the divine temple, the stone statue didn’t change at all.

Seeing this, Wang Baole didn’t waste any more time. He raised his right foot and stomped hard on the array formation. As he circulated his cultivation, a loud boom reverberated. The array formation of the divine temple shattered immediately. The threads that had been released also broke, after checking it again and again, Wang Baole finally left the area around the temple. He retreated a few thousand feet before putting away the galaxy bow.

He didn’t want to use the bow easily. Once it was shot out, he would be extremely weak. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he had no other choice. He didn’t want to release it.

He could resolve this peacefully. Although he hadn’t destroyed the temple to prevent future trouble, he had met his requirements. Before he left, Wang Baole turned around and gave the temple a deep look. Then, he turned around and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already outside the last vestige at the bottom of the sea. The vestige was the small mountain with the stone door. Wang Baole narrowed his eyes slowly as he looked at the symbols on the stone door that had the meaning of sea suppression.

However, it was different from what he had expected. Perhaps it could be said that the confrontation with the stone sword outside the temple had caused some changes to the sea suppression mountain. Therefore, when Wang Baole appeared before the small mountain.., the stone door on the mountain opened on its own!

As it opened, a figure walked out from within the mountain gate!

Wang Baole’s pupils constricted. He saw clearly that the person who had walked out wasn’t a real person. He looked like an elder dressed in a green robe, but in reality, he was a wooden puppet.

The puppet held two items in its hands. One was an ancient jade slip, and the other was an array disk. As Wang Baole was on guard, the puppet placed the two items in front of Wang Baole. Then, it turned around and returned to the mountain gate, with a wave of its hand, the small mountain at the mountain gate instantly became transparent, allowing Wang Baole to see everything inside clearly.

The small mountain was a cave abode. Other than the stone tables and chairs, it was mostly empty. There was only an altar, but it was empty. From the decorations on the altar, it was clear that there had been some items previously, it had been worshipped.

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. After a moment of silence, he lowered his head to look at the array disk that the puppet had sent over. The answer was self-evident. The array disk had been worshipped by the altar, and the reason why the puppet had been honest was to tell him that.., there was no more teleportation array formation in the cave abode.

There was something strange about this. After the puppet had made the mountain gate transparent, it cupped its fists at Wang Baole and walked into the mountain gate. The mountain slowly materialized.

Wang Baole stared at all of this. He was silent for a long time. He raised his right hand and grabbed. Immediately, the jade slip and the array disk landed in his hand. He first swept the array disk, and instantly, hundreds of light spots appeared in his mind. These light spots covered the entire earth, every spot was a teleportation array formation.

However, most of the light spots were dim now, as if they had lost their use. The array disk seemed to be the core that controlled the array formations.

He gave this to me? Wang baole frowned and looked at the jade slip again. The moment he scanned it with his divine perception, a historical record appeared in his mind!

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