A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 862 - Fellow Daoist!

Chapter 862: Fellow Daoist!

As soon as Wang Baole issued his command, the Planet realm finger hovering above his head flared up with a blinding light. It dazzled like the sun as the light flooded the cosmos, sending glaring rays of light into the eyes of every cultivator at or below the Spirit Immortal realm. Their eyes burned, and their vision blurred.

Wang Baole had been nurturing the Planet realm finger for a very long time. It had burst into flames as it unleashed its power, giving a boost to its strength and the intensity of the light and power that it released.

Before everyone’s vision could recover, the broken finger had sped out like a shooting star, dashing across the cosmos as if it were burning through the fabric of space itself. It moved at an unimaginable speed, appearing in the middle of the Planet realm battle between the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s Sovereign Patriarch and his Heavenly Spirit Sect opponents.

It locked onto the left-hand elder and headed straight for his forehead. Everything was happening extremely quickly. Before the cultivators around the left-hand elder could see what was going on, they heard a scream from the elder and a thunderous rumble reverberating across the cosmos.

The cause of his scream was the Planet realm broken finger. The Planet realm power it held was immense and was amplified as it burned itself up. It was as if another Planet realm opponent had entered the fight secretly and sneaked up on them.

The destruction that such a sneak attack was going to cause was undoubtedly going to be terrifying. The howling left-hand elder had begun gesturing wildly, forming a flurry of hand seals and unleashing his divine power. His sect lord was similarly moving to stop the blow from landing. But they were too late. The Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s Sovereign Patriarch wasn’t going to let such an opportunity slip by. He activated his full cultivation and disregarded the Heavenly Spirit Sect’s sect lord as he blasted his full cultivation at the left-hand elder.

The left-hand elder was trapped in a corner. Wang Baole’s Planet realm broken finger appeared before him in the blink of an eye. He was still a Planet realm cultivator, though. One shouldn’t underestimate his capabilities. At that moment of immense danger, a flash of madness and resolution appeared in the left-hand elder’s bloodshot eyes. He decided to activate his planet. He wasn’t going to summon its illusory form, but… his planet’s true physical form!

A red planet emerged from his body. It might have been the size of one’s fist, but it was a real planet nevertheless. A fantastic mirage appeared behind the left-hand elder, shocking everyone on the battlefield. It was clear that the elder was throwing all his chips into the fight.

In a typical Planet realm fight, one generally would only go to the extent of summoning the illusory projection of their planet. They would only summon the actual physical planet when… their life was on the line. The battle between the three Planet realm cultivators had been going on for some time, and none of them had summoned their true planet form up until that point. Things had changed though… the left-hand elder knew that his chances of survival were zero if he didn’t do so!

The looming threat of death didn’t come solely from Wang Baole’s Planet realm broken finger, but from the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s Sovereign Patriarch too. Amidst his raging screams, he sent his red planet forward in a deafening charge. The cosmos rumbled thunderously as the red planet collided with the broken finger.

A deafening rumble of unprecedented proportions flooded the cosmos. The broken finger was powerful, but the desperate retaliation of the left-hand elder with his planet was equally incredible. The collision of both the planet and broken finger sent waves of spirit energy coursing through the battlefield. The broken finger collapsed and dissipated instantly. The left-hand elder, on the other hand, had also paid a terrible price for his retaliation!

His red planet began to shake violently as the broken finger turned to dust, and cracks started appearing on the surface of the planet. It had survived but with massive damages. Bits of rock and earth were falling off the planet’s crust. Blood spilled from the elder’s lips.

The threat hadn’t ended. The Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s Sovereign Patriarch growled and unleashed his full cultivation yet again. His head full of black hair turned white instantly, and wrinkles appeared on his face. He seemed to have aged suddenly. That was the price he paid for restraining the sect lord of the Heavenly Spirit Sect momentarily, giving him the chance to raise his right hand at the left-hand elder and point!

An enormous fingerprint materialized with a thunderous roar. The left-hand elder watched in stunned shock as it descended and landed on his fractured planet.

The cosmos thundered, and a deafening rumble reverberated across space. The left-hand elder’s red planet could no longer hold itself together. In the next instant… it collapsed utterly, shattering into countless shards of rock and stone that flew explosively across the battlefield.

The left-hand elder emitted a horrifying scream as his planet collapsed. His body seemed to shrivel and shrink into itself as the backlash of his planet’s destruction assailed him. He was like a balloon suddenly sucked clean of air. The power generated from his planet’s destruction hadn’t stopped the joint attack by Wang Baole and the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s Sovereign Patriarch, though. They were coming for his very soul, and it looked as if they were going to get it. But the left-hand elder was a tough character. Madness shone in his eyes as he blew up his shriveled physical body!

He used the power generated from his self-destruction to force back the joint attack and give his soul a chance to escape. In the next instant, his soul was slipping away from the jaws of death and retreating desperately from the battlefield.

“Long Nanzi!” Cries of resentment and hate emerged from the left-hand elder’s soul. They were filled with pure venom and madness. The losses that the left-hand elder had suffered were clearly immense. While his soul was intact, his physical body had been destroyed. What made things worse… was the destruction of his planet. His level of cultivation had plunged as a result of that, and he was never going to be able to advance to the Planet realm again!

His hatred for Wang Baole was beyond measure. He wasn’t going to let him get away with it. Wang Baole stood in the distance as venom and fury flooded the left-hand elder’s thoughts. An icy glint flickered in Wang Baole’s eyes. Then, something materialized above his head… a second broken finger!

“Try and curse my name again. I dare you.”

The left-hand elder’s furious screams fell silent instantly. He stamped down on the rage and resentment inside him and retreated hastily without looking back, putting a vast distance between the both of them immediately. His defeated, miserable appearance was a sore sight indeed.

The consequences of his planet being destroyed were showing. Waves of destructive spirit energy rose like a sudden hurricane and swept across the cosmos. It looked capable of leveling everything in its path. The battlefield seemed to look blurry all of a sudden. The Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s Sovereign Patriarch and the Heavenly Spirit Sect’s sect lord were both forced to retreat in the aftermath of the planet’s destruction. There was no way they could have continued their battle. They hastily tried to weaken the destructive aftershock waves from the destruction of the left-hand elder’s planet.

After all… even if they could survive the aftershock waves, nine out of ten of the remaining cultivators on the battlefield wouldn’t if they were to allow the destructive waves to flood the cosmos rampantly.

Such devastation was something that the leaders of the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect and the Heavenly Spirit Sect found unacceptable. The sect lord of the Heavenly Spirit Sect had brought along his sect’s disciples to this fight, after all. In addition, his sect was merely one of many sects involved in the invasion. It would be best if he could secure victory in their first wave of attack, but he wasn’t willing to pay the price of the loss of numerous lives on his end for triumph.

Deafening thunder rumbled and reverberated across the battlefield as the two leaders retreated and tried to weaken the destructive aftershock waves that were sweeping across the cosmos.

At that point, everyone else had just managed to regain their full vision. The first thing they saw was the trembling form of the left-hand elder as he made a hasty escape into the distance.

Horror swept across the Heavenly Spirit Sect forces, and waves of shock rose inside them. A commotion quickly broke out amongst the cultivators, and they started to retreat instinctively.

“The left-hand elder…”

“The left-hand elder has fallen?”

“Look at those red rocks all around us… Heavens, are those his Planet form?”

The cultivators from the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect were similarly struck by awe and terror. But they were the ones who were facing an invasion at the moment, so their shock was intermingled with fierce excitement. They advanced as the Heavenly Spirit Sect retreated, throwing themselves into battle fearlessly.

All of a sudden, the tides had turned. The Heavenly Spirit Sect’s sect lord let loose a howl of fury. His bloodshot eyes stared unblinkingly at the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s Sovereign Patriarch and Wang Baole, narrowing as his gaze fell upon the broken finger hovering above Wang Baole’s head. He stamped down the anger and madness inside him and, with a flip of his sleeve, summoned a hurricane that drew the surviving Heavenly Spirit Sect forces away into a rapid retreat.

The Violet Gold civilization’s first attempted invasion… had failed. They had suffered massive losses!

The cause of their terrible defeat was… Wang Baole’s participation in the battle!

The cultivators from the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect weren’t going to let the Heavenly Spirit Sect leave so easily. They made a furious charge at their enemies and continued fighting until the Heavenly Spirit Sect’s sect lord managed to send every sect member away with his divine power. Only then did they stop fighting. There was a brief moment of silence before cheers erupted across the battlefield. Those were the agitated cries of men who had just escaped from the jaws of death.

The Sovereign Patriarch of the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect, who had been keeping the fight going, was struggling to maintain his strong front. He threw a quick glance at Wang Baole and swallowed the blood that was pooling in his mouth without even twitching. An honest smile appeared on his face. Disregarding his status and his level of cultivation, he turned towards Wang Baole and extended a deep bow towards the latter in the presence of his disciples.

“Thank you, Fellow Daoist Long Nanzi, for your aid! Both myself and the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect are forever indebted to you!”

In the past, he wouldn’t have addressed Long Nanzi as his fellow Daoist.

He wouldn’t have treated Long Nanzi as an equal.

The change in his tone and form of address showed… the drastic change in his attitude!

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