A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 854 - Nine Spectrals Heaven!

Chapter 854: Nine Spectrals Heaven!

The Dark Dream he experienced previously allowed Wang Baole to learn many Dark Arts. However, it was hard for him to unleash them due to his low cultivation level. Now, as his cultivation reached the late-stage Spirit Immortal realm, many techniques could be used by him.

For example, the return of yang was a method to allow souls to gather on a certain object. And there were many restrictions when unleashing this technique. It required the souls to not resist at all and was considered a forbidden technique in the Dark Sect.

But to Wang Baole now, there was no such thing as a forbidden technique. As he unleashed his technique, the soul bodies of the twelve emperors trembled violently and became twelve rays of black light that headed towards the twelve puppets Wang Baole took out. Instantly, they fused together.

After a moment, the twelve puppets shook, and slowly, each of them dispersed auras equivalent to that of an early-stage Spirit Immortal. The auras were still not very stable and required more time to fuse. It was fine, though, as Wang Baole was in no hurry. After checking thoroughly and ensuring that there were no problems, he raised his right hand and waved it to store the twelve puppets.

After nurturing them for a short period of time, I’ll have twelve Spirit Immortal puppets!

And those millions of souls… Wang Baole was delighted in his heart. He felt that not only did his cultivation reach an astonishing level, he also obtained many rewards. So he happily stored those hundred thousand puppets and the millions of souls residing in them into his storage bag. Then, he took a deep breath and looked at his surroundings.

Normally, cemeteries would have some funeral objects buried along with the dead. This is the Divine Eye civilization’s imperial cemetery, and previous emperors were all buried here after they died. In that case, there must be many funeral objects. Wang Baole’s eyes glowed as he spread his Divine Sense out. With the power of his late-stage Spirit Immortal Divine Sense, despite the imperial cemetery covering a large area, it engulfed the entire place in an instant. After sweeping across the area rapidly, Wang Baole’s body jolted, and his eyes grew wide.

All of this… Wang Baole’s breathing quickened due to what he saw with his Divine Sense. In the next moment, his body took a step forward and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was in the sky above the palace. When he lowered his head, he immediately saw four huge mountains, which he had seen with his Divine Sense previously! The four mountains had the palace at their center, surrounding it.

The four huge mountains looked like mountain ranges, but under Wang Baole’s Dharma Eyes, their veil was lifted. The scene in his eyes sent shockwaves through Wang Baole’s soul.

The first mountain seemed to have assimilated as time passed and had completely fused into one. It was obviously formed by the stacking of countless Spirit Stones. Wang Baole didn’t notice it previously because the Spirit Qi within the Spirit Stones in the mountain had already completely dissipated, making it look like a regular mountain.

There are tens of millions of Spirit Stones at least… Wang Baole inhaled. He was shocked, and his body neared rapidly and took a closer look. He could only clutch his chest as he felt a strong sense of emotional pain.

I’ve come too late! If only I came here some ten thousand years ago… Wang Baole wore a gloomy expression, and he was unable to discern how he felt. After a moment, he looked towards the second mountain, which was formed by the piling of countless pills. It was just that… the pills had no more Spirit Qi in them, just like the Spirit Stones. They had already degenerated from within and lost their effectiveness.

Is the Divine Eye civilization full of fools? How could they be so wasteful? Were they extremely rich back in the day? Wang Baole felt extreme pain as he reached the pill mountain and stared at it blankly. After a moment, he went to the third and fourth mountains listlessly. The two mountains were a Dharmic treasure mountain and a battleship mountain!

When Wang Baole went to the former, his sense of regret intensified a bit. But because he was an artifact refinement master, he was very clear that Dharmic treasures that were decayed by time weren’t worth much. So although he still felt pain over the loss, he left after checking the mountain.

However… when he went to the last mountain and saw the mountain formed by the piling of countless battleships, Wang Baole became extremely depressed and heartbroken.

My god, that’s way too wasteful… Wang Baole wanted to cry but had no tears. That was especially so when he discovered that there were actually Dharmic Battleships in the mountain. When he discovered that there were up to a thousand of them, he seemed to be hit by an invisible fist, and his whole body shook for a while.

The Divine Eye civilization is definitely crazy. No matter how strong they were, they couldn’t possibly bury a thousand Dharmic Battleships with their dead. Which b*stard did this! Wang Baole became extremely angry in an instant, his heart bleeding from the sense of loss. But at the same time, he was suspicious. Because, logically speaking, the Divine Eye civilization couldn’t possibly be so strong. So, after checking thoroughly, he sighed.

They weren’t buried with the dead all at once but divided into many different times… Probably, after each b*stard died, they would bury Dharmic Battleships with them more or less… And the Dharmic Battleships basically all have cracks on them. They don’t seem to be corroded by time. It’s more like damage that they sustained when they were alive…

It’s probably like that anyway. After all, it’s unclear how long has passed since the civilization’s establishment. Wang Baole sighed as he went forward to pick out a Dharmic Battleship indignantly. After checking it thoroughly, he confirmed that the Dharmic Battleships had all completely died, and only their corpses remained.

And probably due to their previous injuries or the corrosion of time, they had already lost their value as materials. But if he just left like that, Wang Baole would be unsatisfied. So he stood there silently for a long while before suddenly raising his hand to grab towards the air. After taking out a Dharmic Battleship, he started trying to modify it.

Although it was already a corpse and had lost its value, Wang Baole’s mastery in artifact refinement gave him some ability to turn trash into treasure. After he disassembled some self-destructing battleships and incorporated them within the Dharmic Battleships, Wang Baole finally recovered some of the value of the dead Dharmic Battleship.

The value was displayed via the principle of recycling. It allowed the Dharmic Battleship corpse to recover part of its power for a moment and then self-destruct. However, the power was very weak, only 10% of that of a regular Dharmic Battleship.

But there were thousands of Dharmic Battleships there. Wang Baole would gain quite a lot if he modified all of them. So he gritted his teeth and took out his hundred thousand puppets. Because souls were residing in them, they were easier to control. Therefore, after three days, under the efforts of the hundred thousand puppets, a total of more than 900 Dharmic Battleships were modified by Wang Baole and became his self-destructing Dharmic Battleships.

Although their power is ordinary, they can still be used to scare people! Wang Baole sighed. That was probably the only thing Wang Baole thought was decent about the Dharmic Battleships, their appearance…

Under his modifications, although their explosive power was weak, the Dharmic Battleships still looked very scary and no different from normal Dharmic Battleships.

After comforting himself, Wang Baole accepted the result reluctantly. Then, after storing all of the Dharmic Battleships, he raised his head to look at the sky and took a deep breath.

If that’s it… it’s time for me to leave. Wang Baole turned his head to look at his surroundings and spread his Divine Sense out again to check the entire imperial cemetery once more. After he was sure he didn’t miss out on anything, he finally looked at the palace floating in mid-air.

It’s a pity that it’s all an illusion and doesn’t actually exist. Otherwise… I could disassemble and sell it. Shaking his head in regret, Wang Baole flicked his body, heading towards the sky. As he neared, he raised his right hand and threw a punch.

The sky rumbled, and a giant vortex was created by Wang Baole. On the one hand, his cultivation was extremely strong. On the other hand, he had become the emperor and was the owner of the imperial cemetery. So as rumbles sounded, he activated the imperial cemetery’s exit.

As the vortex appeared, Wang Baole, who was about to step out, suddenly stopped in his tracks and stared. Looking at the pitch darkness outside the vortex and feeling the auras dispersing into the vortex from outside, he couldn’t stop light from appearing in his eyes.

This aura… Wang Baole held his breath and spread his Divine Sense out first, incorporating it into the vortex to sense the outside world. When he noticed the void in the world he was in, the vast amount of mist spreading within it, and that the imperial cemetery statue he was in was constantly sinking, Wang Baole was stunned.

This is… the Dark Realm?

The Dark Realm was referred to by different names in different civilizations. For example, the Divine Eye civilization called it the Nine Spectrals. And to Wang Baole’s knowledge, it was the dark place that the Dark Sect opened up. Because of his low cultivation, he only knew about it and had never entered it before.

But now, after sensing the aura outside and double-confirming, Wang Baole became invigorated. With a flick of his body, he stepped out of the vortex and stood atop the constantly sinking statue, gazing at his surroundings. The moment his body appeared, it seemed as though a stone had been thrown onto a lake’s surface. He caused all of the surrounding mist to roll, and cries sounded in the originally silent world.

Wherever his gaze landed, all of the mist boiled and rolled intensely. It sped forth from all around and circled Wang Baole’s surroundings. It formed an even bigger vortex and spread even further.

It seemed to be… cheering for him, welcoming him, and worshipping him!

Which good samaritan used their immense strength to throw this statue into the Dark Realm… Wang Baole was very surprised in his heart. Because, by simply breathing, as the surrounding mist entered his body, the torn and tattered body under his armor actually recovered more quickly!

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