A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 791 - A Challenge From a Lesser Sect!

Chapter 791: A Challenge From a Lesser Sect!

Hearing Wang Baole’s response, Yi Nianzi furrowed his eyebrows slightly. He circulated his cultivation and dispersed his Spirit Immortal aura, combining it with his giant fish Dharmic Battleship. It became a suppressive force that engulfed the Soul Rift Planet.

“I didn’t hear that clearly, consider whether you want to repeat yourself!”

The suppressive force coming from Yi Nianzi’s body made Wang Baole feel a true sense of danger. At the same time, he was very clear about the status of the Green Kraken Legion within the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect. So, after being silent for a few breaths’ time, Wang Baole spoke in a deep voice.

“Swear what kind of allegiance?”

“From now on, you will only accept orders from the Green Kraken Legion and will voluntarily give up your control of the Soul Rift Legion.” After Yi Nianzi spoke this sentence slowly, he ignored Wang Baole. Instead, he stood atop his bronze giant fish as he continued.

“After becoming the Green Kraken Legion’s subordinate, all the needs of the Soul Rift Legion will be taken care of by the Green Kraken Legion. We will arrange for a large number of people to base themselves here. But you will have to give up your control of the Soul Rift Legion. From then on, you will no longer be the commander of the Soul Rift Legion. Instead, you will be the branch team leader of the Green Kraken Legion’s Soul Rift branch team. The main role of you and the Soul Rift branch team will be to refine Dharmic Artifacts!”

“Now, tell me your choice!”

“I refuse!” Listening to this point, even though Wang Baole didn’t want to offend the Green Kraken Legion, their high and mighty demeanor and what they said next made him understand that he had no other choice. So, he said that once again.

But this time, as Wang Baole’s words spread towards Yi Nianzi’s ears, he no longer spoke. Instead, he lowered his head to stare at Wang Baole. Wang Baole also raised his head to stare at him, and their gazes seemed to collide in mid-air.

Although the Green Kraken Legion was extremely strong and stressed Wang Baole out, he was no longer the same person he was when he first came to the Divine Eye civilization. It would be fine when he hadn’t formed an army previously. But now that he had the right to have his own army, and now that he already had his base, even the Green Kraken Legion couldn’t attack him by force under the rules of the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect. After all… the Long Nanzi of today wasn’t only extremely famous, he was also recognized by the patriarch as an artifact refinement master.

Moreover, Wang Baole’s Divine Justice Shield made it so that he was able to defend against Spirit Immortal mighty figures. Especially for early-stage Spirits Immortals… Wang Baole felt that he could now take them on!

Of course, it would be best if he didn’t need to attack. Wang Baole was also worried that his new version of the Divine Justice Shield would continue catching the attention of the patriarch. However, Wang Baole thought that it was unnecessary to tolerate Yi Nianzi just because he didn’t want to expose his new version of the Divine Justice Shield!

So when he looked towards Yi Nianzi, he narrowed his eyes and braced himself in case Yi Nianzi decided to attack. This was because he understood that although tolerating him could prevent conflict, if he still didn’t dare to retaliate when his bottom line was tread on, then… that wouldn’t be considered tolerating. Instead, it would be seen as cowardice!

The necessary retaliation was also another method for him to prove his worth, and it fit perfectly with his plans of making himself known in the Divine Eye civilization. At the same time, this would be acknowledged and praised by people, as it fit the mainstream values of the Divine Eye civilization.

However, as time slowly passed, even though a tense atmosphere continued to engulf the Soul Rift Planet and lingered in the surroundings of Yi Nianzi and Wang Baole, Yi Nianzi didn’t choose to attack directly in the end.

He was clear that although Long Nanzi’s cultivation wasn’t at the Spirit Immortal realm, his value wasn’t too far off that of a Spirit Immortal. Furthermore, he had the backing of the Ice Phoenix Legion, who had become very strong recently. There were even rumors that Chief Minister Xu seemed to think highly of Long Nanzi.

All these were factors that made him have some reservations in his heart. As for Wang Baole’s combat strength, he wasn’t worried. To him, Wang Baole was merely a Soul Conduit.

So… although Yi Nianzi had reservations in his heart because of Wang Baole’s connections, he didn’t feel that Wang Baole had the right to reject the Green Kraken Legion, and he felt that Wang Baole didn’t have the ability to bear the consequences of rejecting them.

Yi Nianzi thought that he needed to teach Wang Baole a lesson and show him what the right choice was, but he had the patriarch protecting him.

So, after staring for a moment, Yi Nianzi spoke coldly.

“You better watch out.” After he said that, he turned around and left the Soul Rift Planet after creating waves of fog with a flick of his sleeve.

His words and his exit were the best warning. They also foreshadowed that Wang Baole would experience a series of actions meant to teach him a lesson. Wang Baole was very clear about this.

This Green Kraken Legion is being somewhat overbearing. Not only did they ask me to become their subordinate, they even wanted me to hand over my control of the army… If I did that, the army wouldn’t have any relation to me, and using it to improve myself and obtain the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons’ heritage would have become impossible. Looking at the back of Yi Nianzi, who had already left the planet, Wang Baole started thinking. After being silent for a while, he gave more orders to his puppets.

At that moment, wind blew from the north, sweeping over the ground and blowing over the mountain peaks. It blew Wang Baole’s long hair and clothes. Seeing his puppets making battleships at an insane speed and feeling the wind of the Soul Rift Planet, Wang Baole knew that a more violent wind would blow on his Soul Rift Planet in the very near future.

I wonder what the Green Kraken Legion will do to give me a warning… Wang Baole raised his head to stare at the heavens. After thinking, he had a few guesses.

Because my army has just been formed, there’s no army of a lower rank than mine within the greater sect army rankings. So, if the Green Kraken Legion wants to give me a warning, they can either suppress me from above, such as sending me on expeditions. Or, if not… a challenge from a lesser sect army? Thinking to this point, Wang Baole suddenly felt a sense of desire. But he understood that even if the Green Kraken Legion’s warning was a challenge from a lesser sect army, he definitely couldn’t underestimate them.

And the moment the violent wind appeared… was faster than Wang Baole predicted. The third day after Yi Nianzi left, a notice from the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect was sent to Wang Baole’s sect jade slip!

“The lesser sect Earth Cloud Sect’s Earth Cloud Legion, with the Green Kraken Legion as its guarantor, applied to challenge the greater sect Soul Rift Legion. This challenge has been acknowledged and approved by the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect. It will start in six hours, and the challenge time limit will be two hours!”

It was a challenge from a lesser sect army after all! A glimmer flashed between Wang Baole’s eyes. He was very clear that he couldn’t lose this battle. Once he lost… he would lose his status of being a greater sect army, and all his previous effort would have been in vain.

The good thing was that although three days wasn’t a long period of time, with sufficient resources, Wang Baole still managed to produce several hundred self-destructing battleships. They were also made with the theory of the old version Divine Justice Shields as a foundation, and all of them had a certain degree of reflection power. This gave him a certain level of confidence. But the most important point was… Wang Baole didn’t think they would send a Spirit Immortal for this battle!

At most, they will send False Immortals… And they will definitely prepare against my Divine Justice Shield. Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and immediately gave orders to his puppets. He had already prepared beforehand, so even though he only had six hours, all his orders were carried out in an orderly manner. Very quickly, all of the self-destructing battleships were ready for battle.

Moreover, only around a hundred battleships were floating in his surroundings. The rest were all hidden by Wang Baole. Unfortunately, three days was too little time for him to set up other tricks like his base’s array formation and so on. He also lacked resources.

The root of the problem is still the fact that I’m poor… Wang Baole sighed. After thinking, he sent a voice transmission to Fairy Ling You. He didn’t ask her to participate directly. Instead, he used her as a sort of insurance policy. If he really couldn’t withstand the attacks from his opponents, he hoped Fairy Ling You could provide aid.

Towards Wang Baole’s request, Fairy Ling You didn’t hesitate at all. While promising that she would assist him, she also immediately made arrangements. But Wang Baole didn’t have high hopes. After all… before the Green Kraken Legion made a move, they must have made preparations. Although the Green Kraken Legion couldn’t participate directly, they could still make it such that the Ice Phoenix Legion was unable to successfully provide aid.

However… giving me a warning isn’t as easy as they think it is. I’m actually looking forward… to getting enough resources from this legion, the name of which I’ve forgotten! Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. After taking a deep breath, he raised his head and looked at the sky, waiting silently.

Six hours passed in a flash. The moment the challenge started, a thunder-like rumble spread from the heavens. A giant rift was ripped open directly in the cosmos above the Soul Rift Planet. First, an intense ray of light shone from within the rift and exploded forth in mid-air above the Soul Rift Planet, forming a resplendent light web that immediately covered the entire Soul Rift Planet. Following that was a deep breath that echoed in the surroundings.

“Seal this place’s spirit-killing power!”

Immediately, the outer layers of the battleships surrounding Wang Baole, which contained a reflection force based on the Divine Justice Shield’s theory, were immediately sealed and rendered ineffective!

At the same time, within the rift in the cosmos, green battleships flew out one after another!

Let the challenge begin!

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