A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 608 - A Complete Suite of Premium Services!

Chapter 608: A Complete Suite of Premium Services!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At present, Wang Baole was crawling over to another Supreme Fire Stone more than a hundred feet away. He obviously viewed these stones as precious items. There were so few of them around that he hunted for a long time and only managed to find three such pieces. They were all rather small.

These are all extremely rare treasures. Wang Baole crawled over happily and picked up the Supreme Fire Stone. He examined the stone and became rather pleased.

Even though the environment was horrid, and Little Missy wouldn’t let him stand up at all—it seemed like her abilities required him to stick close to the ground to reduce the likelihood of being discovered, which meant he was being roasted alive and felt miserable—the hardships were worth it if he were able to pick up a Supreme Fire Stone.

Little Missy noticed the expression on Wang Baole’s face. She had been trying multiple times to teleport them out of this place and had failed just as many times. Frustrated, she couldn’t control the snort that escaped from her.

“Overjoyed over a few stupid stones? You should be better than this!”

“You don’t understand. This is a Supreme Fire Stone. Do you know what that is?” Wang Baole grew unhappy when he heard what she said. It was an insult to the Supreme Fire Stones. It was as offensive as calling him a fatty.

“Supreme Fire Stones can only be formed from the destruction of an entire star system. Its creation requires the most stringent of conditions. A single piece of it, no matter how tiny, is incredibly rare and valuable. This star system must have undergone some major destruction or catastrophe, followed by rebirth or reconstruction, for there to be so many pieces of it here!” Wang Baole said coolly as he shared his knowledge with Little Missy.

Little Missy might pretend to know everything, but Wang Baole had long seen through her disguise. It was all an act. She might pretend to know it all, but in actual fact, she only knew a bit of everything.

Little Missy was dazed by what Wang Baole had said. She was about to say something when Wang Baole interrupted her.

“I bet that there’s a limited quantity of Supreme Fire Stones on this planet. They’ve been scattered across the planet. It’s unfortunate that we can’t harvest them all. To be able to pick up these few is already an unexpected windfall.” Wang Baole sighed and stored the Supreme Fire Stone into his storage bracelet. He had checked the surrounding area while grabbing this particular Supreme Fire Stone, and there were no other stones in the area. It was regrettable but also entirely understandable.

He raised his head and was about to ask Little Missy how she was handling the teleportation. It was then that suddenly, Little Missy’s voice echoed in his head. There was a strange quality to her voice.

“You sure this stupid stone is extremely rare and precious?”

“Of course, it’s…” Wang Baole raised his eyebrow. He spoke, but he didn’t manage to get all his words out before Little Missy coughed.

“Lift your head and look towards your right. A thousand feet away. There’s one there.”

Wang Baole froze. He immediately lifted his head and took a look. There was indeed a Supreme Fire Stone in the distance. He was shocked. He recalled searching the area earlier, but there hadn’t been anything there. He crawled over. His body shook, and his eyes widened. His eyes almost popped out of his skull as he stared at the area a thousand feet away.

There… had been only a single Supreme Fire Stone a while ago. However, in the blink of an eye, a second, third, then fourth… piece appeared. That wasn’t the end of it. Within a span of a few breaths, Supreme Fire Stones seemed to have dug their way out from the ground and piled up crazily. It took but a moment… for a small mountain of stones to form!

There were so many of them that it was likely they numbered in the thousands. More Supreme Fire Stones continued to surface… A second mountain of Supreme Fire Stones was formed, followed by a third, then a fourth… Stones continued to make their way out from the ground and gather into a pile.

The entire process took an estimated half an hour. Wang Baole sprawled on his belly. It was as if he had just been struck by a bolt of lightning. He was in a daze and had almost stopped breathing. He watched, stunned, as eight small mountains of Supreme Fire Stones formed around him!

“This… this…” Wang Baole opened his mouth and stuttered. His head was buzzing. He had this feeling of incredulity overcome him. It made his hair stand. He began to sweat profusely, and his scalp prickled.

Even Little Missy was at a loss for words. In fact, reading too much into what was going on around them only terrified her further. After a long bout of silence, she took a breath in, then whispered.

“Baole, is this… is this your home? I mean, as soon as you mentioned Supreme Fire Stones, these stupid stones started appearing and gathering themselves in front of you… I had a quick look. They seemed to have come from a quarry. They’ve even been cut up nicely… Every piece is approximately the same size as the rest.”

Wang Baole looked around him in bewilderment. Little Missy’s words confused him. Perhaps he wasn’t only the child of Earth, Mars, and the Vast Expanse Dao Palace, but that of the Mi Luo Forest as well?

Wang Baole shook his head vehemently at that thought. He must have been misled by Little Missy. Whatever was going on was simply too bizarre and creepy. Wang Baole immediately recalled the multiple changes to his mission details in the sixth palace.

Someone wants me to be here! Wang Baole’s eyes flashed, and his breathing quickened. He tried to gather as many Supreme Fire Stones as he could take with him. After filling his storage bracelet to the brim, he finally took a deep breath. Then, he thought for a bit and shouted suddenly, “I still need a Star Fang Beast’s core!”

Little Missy immediately went on high alert after Wang Baole said that. As her anxiety reached its peak, the youth drinking on the distant volcano laughed out loud.

“Little junior brother, you’re not shy at all when asking for things from your senior brother. So be it, I’ll let you have what you want!”

Having said that, the youth raised his right hand and pointed. This time, his finger pointed towards the Star Fang Beast Clan’s abode. Within the abode, amidst the cheering Star Fang Beasts, two gigantic Star Fang Beasts at the Spirit Immortal realm suddenly trembled. They took a few steps back and raced into the distance.

The rest of the clan didn’t notice their departure. There seemed to be some form of power that was playing interference and preventing the beasts, including the Beast King, from realizing what was going on. As for the two Star Fang Beasts, even though they came from different directions, they were racing towards the same destination.

It was… located ten thousand feet away, where Wang Baole was!

Both beasts had attained phenomenal success in the Spirit Immortal realm. As a result, they were frighteningly swift. As soon as Wang Baole had uttered his request, he felt two incredible auras, each approaching from opposite directions swiftly. His heart began to race, and he fell to the ground immediately… It was then he saw two gigantic Star Fang Beasts appear, one to his left and the other to his right.

They had a fearsome expression on their faces and rotund bodies. The blades covering their entire bodies gave them a terrifying, vicious appearance. Their eyes were red as if they had gone mad. They raced towards his location!

“They really came…” Wang Baole trembled nervously. The beasts’ auras were too overpowering. He frantically called out to Little Missy, asking her to teleport them out of this place immediately.

“Wang Baole, you jinx! The teleportation can’t be activated. What else do you want me to do?” Little Missy yelled at him. Sorrow flashed across Wang Baole’s face. He knew there was no way for him to escape the beasts. He was about to say something when something out of this world happened!

The two Star Fang Beasts approached the area where Wang Baole was located, but they didn’t spare him a single glance. Instead, they stared at each other, then charged headfirst into the other!

It seemed that they wanted to savor the battle, as they had suppressed their cultivation. Their cultivation was literally sealed at the moment of collision, transforming them into ordinary beasts. They raced speedily towards each other, approaching in a blur, then smashed into each other violently!

There was a thunderous boom. There was no collateral damage since both Star Fang Beasts had sealed their cultivation. Blood dripped down their faces as they spat out mouthfuls of blood. Heavily injured from the collision, they fell to the ground with a thud. Their round bodies rolled over and stopped before Wang Baole, who was frozen in fear.

Wang Baole looked completely lost. Little Missy was in a daze as well. Something even more terrifying happened next… The grievously injured Star Fang Beasts began to claw out their own cores right before Wang Baole’s eyes. They placed their cores before Wang Baole, then their bodies twitched, and they finally breathed their last breath!

Even dead, their corpses continued to exude a terrifying aura. Wang Baole couldn’t breathe. The series of bizarre events that had happened was beyond his wildest imagination.

What was truly horrifying… wasn’t the beasts’ suicidal collision. It was the fact that they had thought to spare an ounce of their energy after that, as if they were worried he might not be able to slice their skin open. To circumvent that, they had thoughtfully dug out their own cores. They had offered a complete suite of premium services. It made Wang Baole break out in a cold sweat.

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