A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 588 - The Anxious Xie Haiyang!

Chapter 588: The Anxious Xie Haiyang!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

At the same time, there were numerous cultivators, both male and female, from the second batch of Federation Seedlings who became members of the Panel for Blind Dates, Friendship, and Entertainment. Their outstanding looks created a hype within the panel.

After that, Jin Duoming invited some Dao Palace disciples to become members as well. This way, in half a month, coupled with the boost from the activity in the Panel for Gossip, the Spirit Internet became all the rage.

More and more disciples came to know about the Spirit Internet, and many of them had logged onto it and browsed through it. That was especially so as Jin Duoming had even organized a massive blind date session…

In less than two months, while Wang Baole was still stabilizing his cultivation, Jin Duoming had already created a whirlwind amongst the Dao Palace disciples. He also rose to fame, and at the same time, the Spirit Internet had been accepted into the Dao Palace disciple’s lives to a certain extent!

However, most of them only felt that it was for fun, not something they couldn’t do without. That was until Sect Lord Xu communicated with Feng Qiuran. After Feng Qiuran thought about it and approved it, Jin Duoming opened up the third and most important panel of the Spirit Internet!

That was… the Panel for Services and Transactions!

Numerous Federation-made products and Dharmic treasures appeared instantly on the panel. At the same time, there were also countless daily essentials and a variety of snacks. Jin Duoming focused heavily on daily essentials. He seemed to have done some research and found that the Federation’s immortal cultivation wasn’t looked upon fondly by the Dao Palace. The Federation disciples lacked in the quality of refinement materials, but not in terms of daily essentials.

Those items immediately caught the attention of the Dao Palace disciples. Many of them were surprised after buying and trying out those items. That was especially so for some products targeted to the females, like fashionable clothes and hygiene products, which became such hot sellers that even Jin Duoming couldn’t believe it.

At the same time, Jin Duoming also laid his eyes on the Dao Palace’s mission stone stele. With Sect Lord Xu’s support and Feng Qiuran’s silent approval, Jin Duoming copied the stone stele onto the Spirit Internet, such that all the disciples could take on missions through the Spirit Internet!

If that were all, it wouldn’t be considered significant. After all, in every cave abode, there was a small mission stone stele. Even though it couldn’t be used to complete a mission and record it, it could still be used to check on and take on missions. Therefore, what Jin Duoming did was to bring a little more convenience for everyone.

However, to Jin Duoming, he knew that the Spirit Internet that he had created had the fundamental goal of bringing convenience to people. It may just be a little bit more convenient, but that would mean victory for Jin Duoming as well!

That was because, to him, convenience was the most powerful weapon in the universe. Once everyone grew used to the convenience, it would be difficult for them to change or kick the habit, as they wouldn’t be used to it and would even find the change hard to accept.

That was indeed his plan as well. For example, the purpose of including news and gossip was to allow people to know everything that was going on without even stepping out or asking others. The blind dates and friendship panel achieved this goal as well. It integrated into the disciples’ lives, such that they were no longer individuals but a community.

That was especially so for the Panel for Services and Transactions, which brought convenience to everyone in the most direct manner. Therefore, the emergence and operation of the Spirit Internet had an extremely strong impact on the Dao Palace, who were merely superior to the Federation in terms of immortal cultivation but not quality of life. The impact was so strong that to a certain extent, it exceeded that of the Anti-Spirit Bomb!

This way, the Spirit Internet became all the rage in the Dao Palace. Needless to say, if even a few Nascent Soul realm cultivators curiously checked it out, those disciples were naturally attracted to it as well.

To a certain degree, the novelty and convenience brought to everyone by the Spirit Internet had already accomplished the first steps to integration. It could be imagined that once the Dao Palace disciples had formed a habit, the Spirit Internet would basically become a permanent part of their lives.

Now that everything was on track, the payment system for the use of the Spirit Internet was also launched. Different panels had different usage costs, and even though it wasn’t expensive to use it, Jin Duoming had managed to earn an astonishing amount of battle credits within a short period of time.

Wang Baole watched as the Spirit Internet grew from nothing into prominence. The threat that he felt also increased significantly, and the Spirit Internet and Jin Duoming became one of his most threatening opponents. However, Jin Duoming was someone who knew how to handle such matters well, and he sent Wang Baole some shares for the Spirit Internet.

At the same time, Sect Lord Xu from the Galactic Dusk Sect also played a significant role. He sent shares of the Spirit Internet to both Mie Liezi and Daoist You Ran, and especially to his backing, Feng Qiuran.

Even those Nascent Soul realm cultivators received some shares as well. In this way, seventy percent of the shares were given away. The remaining thirty percent belong to Jin Duoming, but it was also temporary. According to Sect Lord Xu’s plans, if new Nascent Soul realm cultivators appeared in the future, they would automatically be given some of the shares and profits.

This wouldn’t have succeeded if someone else had executed it. However, the sly old fox, Sect Lord Xu of the Galactic Dusk Sect, had handled the matter very smoothly. After all, he was one of the founding members of the Federation’s Spirit Inception Era, as well as the leader of one of the sects. He was sly and very capable.

Even though he had some biases, he didn’t have any intention to rebel against the Federation. Therefore, this time in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace, he handled every matter while upholding the benefit of the Federation. Even Wang Baole conceded to the way he did things after he found out more about it through his channels.

It would be scary if someone like him were my enemy, and I would need to kill him as quickly as possible. Otherwise, I would have to guard against him all day and night. However, now that he is one of our own, it brings relief… Holding onto the shares of the Spirit Internet, Wang Baole knew that even though it seemed as if Jin Duoming was in charge of the Spirit Internet on the surface, the real person in control was Sect Lord Xu.

It was clear that the Spirit Internet was a powerful weapon prepared by the Federation this time around. Therefore, regardless of their goal, Wang Baole wouldn’t sabotage it. However, he was anxious seeing that Jin Duoming’s battle credits were growing by the day. Even though Wang Baole held ten percent of it, it was still insufficient, especially as Jin Duoming had started to send cultivation techniques back to the Federation.

In the span of a few short months, that fella had actually sent back twenty cultivation techniques!

This fella really wants to compete with me for the position of Federation President, huh? Little Duanmu, is this the radical solution you have thought about? You have made me anxious! I will bash you up the moment I return. Wang Baole was anxious, and when he thought about how he could really bash Duan Muque up with his combat capabilities now, he was suddenly very tempted by the idea.

Speaking of which, I should be the most powerful person in the Federation right now, right? Wang Baole blinked his eyes and grew excited.

As Wang Baole was tempted by the idea of returning to the Federation to carry out his plans, there was someone else in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace who was even more anxious than Wang Baole.

That person was… Xie Haiyang!

The emergence of the Spirit Internet made Xie Haiyang the biggest loser. The intelligence he held previously was replaced by the Panel for Gossip, while the business stream he owned was replaced by the Panel for Services and Transactions. That was especially so as on the Panel for Services and Transactions, there were already some Dao Palace disciples who were posting information about buying and selling services, and that was akin to destroying Xie Haiyang’s lifeline.

Cutting off my wealth stream is like killing my parents! Xie Haiyang’s eyes were reddened. In the past few months, he had led a difficult life and could only earn some income through a few of his connections. He could no longer lead a carefree lifestyle like he did previously.

Therefore, under this intense state of anxiety, he found Wang Baole.

“Baole, this Sect Lord Xu from the Federation is too capable. If this were to carry on, my business would fold. The position of Federation President would be handed to Jin Duoming as well. We need to join forces!” Based on Xie Haiyang’s interpretation, whatever the Federation was doing had made Wang Baole an ally. Unsurprisingly, Wang Baole agreed with Xie Haiyang’s words immediately. However, regrettably, as Wang Baole was someone from the Federation, he couldn’t destroy the Spirit Internet, as that would drive him to the limits.

Xie Haiyang seemed to be well prepared to handle the helplessness that Wang Baole felt, and he spoke immediately.

“Baole, I don’t want you to ruin the Spirit Internet’s business. Rather, we should form an alliance to create a better business so that we can earn some money together with the Federation. I, Xie Haiyang, am a businessman, and no one is my enemy. My only goal is for everyone to earn money together!”

“What business?” Wang Baole was tempted, and he turned to look at Xie Haiyang.

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