A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 535 - Immortal Platform!

Chapter 535: Immortal Platform!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“An eye?” Zhuo Yifan constricted his pupils as he looked towards the land of inheritance. Wang Baole seemed to be deep in thought. He felt that based on Zhao Yameng’s descriptions, the region did indeed look like an eye!

“That is… huge…” Wang Baole mumbled and was about to speak when a familiar, calm voice that he hasn’t heard for a long time sounded in his mind.

“This lady has good observational skills, only lagging behind me by seventy percent. She should be the unprecedented number one spirit body in the civilization of your Federation.”

Little Missy spoke nonchalantly. Wang Baole simply ignored her tone, his mind filled with surprise.

“Little Missy, you’ve finally awakened. Zhao Yameng is only the number one spirit body on the Federation, but you, Little Missy, are the number one elite! I haven’t heard your voice in so long, I’ve missed you so much!”

“What a glib tongue!” Little Missy snorted, but her tone was visibly less distant. Even though she appeared to be annoyed, she was still secretly glad to hear that.

“That is indeed an eye and is officially called the Eye of Infinite Techniques. It is a visual land, one of the Lands of Five Senses left behind by my father those years ago in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace!”

“In all those years, many marks were left behind by numerous mighty figures. Even though there is a certain danger, it is one of the two large inheritances in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace! The fact that the three of you were able to gain opportunities here definitely had something to do with me putting in spells and influencing the situation.” As she spoke, Little Missy grew increasingly arrogant. Wang Baole blinked, somewhat suspicious of her words, but he felt that he should remain obedient. Therefore, he hurriedly curried Little Missy’s favor.

He praised Little Missy for being formidable, extremely intelligent, with her charm surpassing everyone in the galaxy and her looks being out of this world… In other words, it was as mushy as it could possibly be. Little Missy humphed, but she didn’t interrupt…

As he continued currying Little Missy’s favor, Zhuo Yifan and Zhao Yameng looked at Wang Baole, perplexed. Wang Baole was so engrossed in the process that, to outsiders, he was standing there frozen with a dazed expression. Zhuo Yifan was about to shake Wang Baole on the shoulder but was stopped by Zhao Yameng.

Without speaking, Zhao Yameng looked deeply into Wang Baole’s eyes before turning to Zhuo Yifan, telling him not to disturb Wang Baole now.

Zhuo Yifan wasn’t dense either. After thinking about it, he stood with Zhao Yameng while waiting for Wang Baole to recover.

Wang Baole carried on currying Little Missy’s favor for a full hour. He was so mentally exhausted that he felt faint, as his mind was so active thinking about praises without repeating them. That was when Little Missy coughed slightly in his mind, as an indication that she was satisfied with what she had heard.

“All right, I know how much you look up to me. In the future, when you’re trying to tell me how much you respect me, don’t mention facts like that. Those aren’t praises but the truth. Ah, Baole, you have a shortcoming, and that is, you’re too honest!”

When he heard those words, Wang Baole was dumbfounded for a moment. After a while, after suppressing his surprise towards Little Missy’s words, he forcefully heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly opened his mouth to speak.

“Little Missy, how do you think we should leave this place?” As Wang Baole spoke, he felt glad that he was sending a voice transmission in his mind and not speaking in real life. Otherwise, he would have gone mute from all the talking.

“It’s easy to leave this place.” Little Missy spoke arrogantly and began giving directions. Wang Baole listened attentively, occasionally looking up to look at his surroundings, as if to ascertain the right direction to go to. Zhuo Yifan and Zhao Yameng had long realized what was going on, and they continued waiting without speaking as they stood beside Wang Baole.

Before long, Wang Baole’s eyes gradually brightened up as he listened to Little Missy’s directions. Finally, he took a deep breath and turned to look at Zhuo Yifan and Zhao Yameng.

“Follow me, I know the way out!” Wang Baole spoke excitedly and didn’t bother to explain what had just happened. Zhuo Yifan and Zhao Yameng pretended to not see what they had observed. After all, everyone had secrets. Even though they shared a strong relationship such that they were willing to put their lives in each other’s hands, it was also because of this that they respected each other’s secrets.

In addition, Wang Baole didn’t hide away from the duo while carrying out this mysterious form of communication, and this signified the trust he had in them. Therefore, hearing Wang Baole’s words, Zhuo Yifan and Zhao Yameng followed behind him immediately. Soon, the trio was moving fast in mid-air above the Sea of Fire, with Wang Baole leading the way.

They flew for seven few days without taking much rest. Thankfully, they all had just achieved a breakthrough in their cultivation and had sufficient pills to sustain their speed. However, even so, they didn’t manage to cover a very long distance.

There was simply too much danger lurking around. Once in a while, a fire hurricane would erupt without any signs, moving mountains would appear suddenly before them, and Fire Gremlins showed up five times as well. Danger was everywhere, forcing the trio to either resist or reroute. However, thankfully, they managed to overcome it all.

That was especially so for the most dangerous encounter they had. On the fifth day of the trio’s journey, a large hand suddenly extended amidst the Sea of Fire, as if it was punching the skies. It grabbed hold of a floating mountain thousands of feet before the trio, pulling it into the sea.

Even though it was a distance thousands of feet away, the suppressive force that emanated from the large hand still pressured the trio, such that their cultivation was slightly destabilized. They also turned extremely pale from shock…

Of course, that wasn’t all. On the sixth day, as they continued flying vigilantly, they saw that a pond had appeared in an area of nothingness on their right. There was an alluring lady bathing in the pond while laughing cheekily and throwing glances at the trio.

Zhuo Yifan only took a single look and was instantly bewitched. His soul was almost sucked towards it. Luckily, Wang Baole was reminded by Little Missy and pulled the smitten Zhuo Yifan away, effectively avoiding a crisis.

There was also an incident that happened several hours ago. A sound similar to thousands of warring troops, produced by a cornett, was heard from a distance before them. From the side of his eye, Wang Baole could see an ancient battle cart, where there stood numerous giants with golden armor charging towards them.

Zhao Yameng paused and immediately put in place array formations while Wang Baole spoke hurriedly.

“Close your eyes!”

Zhao Yameng put all her faith in what she had just heard and closed her eyes without hesitation. Wang Baole dragged Zhao Yameng while closing his eyes as well. They could sense strong winds blowing before them as if someone was screaming at them. However, they resisted the urge to open their eyes until they sensed that the winds of the incoming impact that were about to crash into them suddenly disappear.

Several moments later, Wang Baole and Zhao Yameng opened their eyes, but they didn’t see anything before them…

However, they were shocked by whatever they just felt. After a while, Zhao Yameng spoke softly.

“If we didn’t shut our eyes just now…”

“There is no ‘if’.” Wang Baole shook his head. Based on his intuition as a Dark Child, he didn’t sense any signs that indicated that what just happened was the result of angry spirits. That was sufficient to conclude that either they were high-level spirits, or that the incident wasn’t caused by spirits but by a mysterious force that Wang Baole didn’t know of.

After a brief moment, he took a deep breath and continued the journey with Zhao Yameng, who remained silent. As the seventh day almost passed, Zhuo Yifan awakened. Recalling what had happened made him extremely frightened.

Three days passed after that. The trio experienced many other bizarre encounters, and they were mentally and physically exhausted. That was when they finally arrived at the destination pointed out by Little Missy.

It was an extremely tall mountain that couldn’t be engulfed even by the Sea of Fire. On the peak of the mountain was an incense burner so large that the trio were like grains of sand beside it. The trio was completely shocked when they looked up as they stood beneath the incense burner!

The incense burner gave off a sense of antiquity, and there were no restrictions in the surroundings. It seemed like it was a public area of the Vast Expanse Dao Palace many years ago.

“This place is one of the seventy-two Immortal Platforms of the Vast Expanse Dao Palace. Yameng and Yifan, work with me to channel your cultivation into this Immortal Platform in order to open it!” Wang Baole took a deep breath and suppressed the shock he was feeling. As he spoke, he raised his right hand and pressed it onto the Immortal Platform before him!

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