A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 527 - My Name Is Thearch Armor!

Chapter 527: My Name Is Thearch Armor!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

They didn’t have pupils nor sclera. It was emptiness in the eyes of all those figures who had opened their eyes!

They didn’t have eyes! It was just two empty holes!

It was as if they only had eyelids. Therefore, they couldn’t see the truth when their eyes were closed. However, right now, as their eyes were opened, the hundreds of figures without eyes froze Wang Baole and Zhao Yameng in fear.

Even though they didn’t have eyes, they could stare directly at Wang Baole and company. That made them feel extremely bizarre, that they were constantly being stared at by these people without eyes.

It seemed contradictory to describe the situation that way, but that was exactly what Zhao Yameng and Wang Baole felt.

Deceit! Wang Baole calmed down and grew furious. Even though he felt that those figures were dangerous, as a Dark Child who had a hold of the Dark Art and had acquired the Dark Core, he had seen many ghost spirits in the Dark Dream. Right now, before him, these lifeless and deathless figures were also a type of spirit, based on Wang Baole’s judgment.

Therefore, he produced seals with his hands without hesitation. Instantly, the Dark Core in his body vibrated, and a chilly vibe was unleashed from his body, sweeping in all directions while a Dark Fire began burning from Wang Baole’s body. The fire spread through the surroundings, as Wang Baole raised his right hand and grabbed one of the figures before him!

It was the Soul Guiding Hand!

In Zhao Yameng’s eyes, she could clearly see that other than the chilly and bizarre fire that had suddenly emerged from Wang Baole’s body, there was another pitch-black hand that extended from the fire, grabbing one of the cross-legged figures in front of him.

It was moving very quickly and neared the figure instantly, but it gripped a handful of emptiness. It was as if the figure seemed to exist but yet was an illusion at the same time. The hand passed through it, but didn’t manage to grab hold of anything!

It’s not a spirit? That made Wang Baole tremble with shock again. He didn’t have time to think about other things as he leaped out with Zhuo Yifan on his back. Zhao Yameng also didn’t hesitate and followed closely behind at her maximum speed.

Instinctively, they dodged the figures that were facing them. However, they soon realized that as they dashed out, more and more meditating figures were appearing on this vast land!

Looking at the entire situation, there were perhaps thousands of those figures surrounding them, which made contact inevitable. However… every time they touched the meditating figures, they would pass right through, in exactly the same manner as the Soul Guiding Hand!

It wouldn’t have mattered if that was all. However, those meditating figures turned their heads in the direction that they were moving. The black hole in their eyes seemed to harbor a gaze, tracking Wang Baole and company continuously!

This feeling sent chills down one’s spine. However, as the figures continued to appear endlessly, and as Wang Baole and Zhao Yameng charged forward at high speed, they eventually decided to leap into the air instead of run on the ground. From mid-air, they continued rushing ahead thousands of meters. When they looked towards the ground, the figures covered a boundless area, and were all raising their heads, expressionlessly staring at Wang Baole and Zhao Yameng!

The sense of danger and frighteningly bizarre feeling also grew stronger as the number of figures increased. Wang Baole and Zhao Yameng looked at each other and noticed how solemn they each were. Even so, they didn’t slow down, picking up speed as they moved instead.

That was especially so for Wang Baole, who eventually grabbed hold of Zhao Yameng and charged forward at maximum speed. However, the area was too large. Despite Wang Baole unleashing his fastest speed, no end could be seen. Instead, the figures on the ground grew to an uncountable number. They raised their heads and looked at Wang Baole, their originally expressionless faces slowly changing and… forming a smile!

The scene of countless meditating figures without eyes staring at them with a smile on their faces was so indescribably eerie. If that was all, Wang Baole might have felt frightened, but could still remain determined. However, very soon, an even more bizarre thing happened.

That bizarre incident originated from Zhao Yameng, whom he was pulling along!

“What is your name?” Zhao Yameng, who had stayed silent along the way, suddenly began to speak as they were charging forward. There was a sense of doubt in her voice. Wang Baole was shocked, and as he turned around to take a look, his eyes widened.

Zhao Yameng’s eyes were bleeding, and a smile that was identical to those figures on the ground appeared on her face at the same time. That wasn’t what frightened Wang Baole most. He trembled in fear when he noticed that there was a wrinkled old lady behind Zhao Yameng, who was crouching there as she spoke into Zhao Yameng’s ears.

As if sensing Wang Baole’s gaze, the old lady raised her head and smiled at him.

However, Zhao Yameng didn’t sense any of this. In his anxiousness, Wang Baole wanted to attack, but at that moment, a fluid flowed down from his neck. It was blood from Zhuo Yifan, whom he was carrying on his back. Zhuo Yifan’s eyes were bleeding, and the unconscious Zhuo Yifan began to mumble…

“What’s your name?”

Wang Baole reacted quickly and put Zhuo Yifan down immediately. When he took a look, his body trembled as he instinctively took a few steps back, staring dazedly at the middle-aged woman who was crouching behind Zhuo Yifan. Like the old lady behind Zhao Yameng, she was also speaking into Zhuo Yifan’s ears.

“Zhao Yameng, Zhuo Yifan, wake up!” Wang Baole was anxious, but as he went forward to grab the two figures on the duo’s back, he couldn’t grab hold of anything. There was no way he could stop them. He watched as more blood flowed out from their eyes, and Zhao Yameng’s smile grew even creepier.

D*mn it! What kind of place is this? Wang Baole was about to be driven crazy and was extremely anxious. He grabbed hold of Zhuo Yifan and began shaking him vigorously, but Zhuo Yifan was like a puppet and didn’t respond. The only thing was his eerie smile, as he seemed to become more identical to the increasingly numerous figures that were appearing.

A rare wave of sadness appeared in Wang Baole’s heart. He hopelessly looked at Zhuo Yifan and Zhao Yameng, his heart filled with indescribable regret. He smiled pitifully as he took a few steps back, a look of ruthlessness appearing in his eyes. He fully unleashed the Dark Core in his body, and instantly, Dark Fire spread maniacally from his body. He was about to put in the last hurrah, but at that moment…

An even darker screen appeared in the originally darkened skies. Comparing them, the original darkness of the sky wasn’t as obvious, as the dark screen that just appeared represented the true darkness in the world!

One could see the boundaries of the skies with their eyes. The dark screen was like a curtain that instantly covered one of the three light rays that pierced through the cracks. After that, as the second and third ray were covered, Wang Baole suddenly heard a murmur by his ear.

“My name is…”

That voice seemed to have a unique power. When it entered Wang Baole’s ears, he trembled, and he uncontrollably began to lose consciousness. It was as if his mind and heart were being overwhelmed by this mysterious force, causing him to instinctively speak softly.

“What’s your name?”

As Wang Baole mumbled, he didn’t notice that the Dark Fire that he had just unleashed was slowly being extinguished. Standing on the black colored ground, other than Zhuo Yifan and Zhao Yameng beside him, there were countless figures appearing beside him. Their facial expressions were changing again, and even though their eyes were still a black hole, it made one feel that they were greedy. They surrounded Wang Baole and company but didn’t dare to go close. In that greediness, there was also a respectful fear directed to the people behind the trio…

That was especially so when they looked towards the figure behind Wang Baole, who had appeared unknowingly. That figure didn’t have a face nor limbs. More accurately, it was a frightening red armor!

“My name is Thearch Armor!” As the figures were staring at it, and as Wang Baole’s voice was heard, an arrogant, deep voice arrived by his ears!

As the voice emerged, the three light rays in the sky were completely covered by the dark screen. At that moment, true darkness enveloped the entire sky!

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