A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 395 - Choosing Humiliation Over Dignity!

Chapter 395: Choosing Humiliation Over Dignity!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Are you fearless because you have a strong backing? Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. If Chen Mu and company hadn’t sent manpower, he could still use this reason to punish and question them. However, since they still made arrangements for their cultivators to come despite their Core Formation realm cultivators and themselves not showing up, it was difficult for him to make a big fuss about it, even though it was clearly done in a perfunctory manner. After all, to a certain extent, they had fulfilled the orders.

Interesting! A chilly glow flashed across Wang Baole’s eyes. He had originally planned to find fault with Chen Mu and company after they had completed the construction of the city, but now, he could no longer wait.

I’ll give all of you another chance. If you still behave this way, then don’t blame me for unleashing my wrath. You really think that there is nothing I can do to you while you operate autonomously? Wang Baole snorted. He immediately sent out a command to gather Chen Mu and company, as well as the Core Formation realm cultivators in their respective factions to suppress the catacombs.

After the command was sent out, Wang Baole didn’t have much time to bother himself with it anymore. He immediately took action, and with the cooperation of Jin Duoming and company, he stopped the spread of the ferocious beasts, gradually encircling them.

Instantly, the snarls of the ferocious beasts reverberated in all directions. Jin Duoming and Kong Dao, who had been through the incident involving Li Yi, understood that after encircling them in the catacombs, they had to seal it immediately. Therefore, they put all their effort into the resistance. At the same time, they also noticed that Chen Mu and company were missing in action, and heard Wang Baole ordering for them to come once again. They looked at each other, occasionally throwing glances to Lin Tianhao, who was a distance away, and they saw the glow in each other’s eyes.

“I wonder how Wang Baole will handle Chen Mu and company this time… Speaking of which, it’s also difficult. Chen Mu isn’t stupid and has sent people here to help…”

“Most importantly, they are autonomous. In theory, even if Wang Baole is the City Lord, he has no power to command them…”

“Their duties as autonomous mayors have already been clearly listed. They are managed by both the Martian Colony Governor as well as the Federation, and have no authoritative links with the new city.” While the trio was resisting the ferocious beasts in the catacombs, they sent each other voice transmissions. Compared to Jin Duoming and Kong Dao, Lin Tianhao was clearly displeased with Chen Mu and company.

However, this sort of autonomous rule seemed like a protective identity token. Lin Tianhao could only sigh, thinking silently about how Wang Baole would handle the matter. In reality, they weren’t the only ones thinking about this. The other cultivators surrounding them were no fools. They had long understood that something was amiss, and were keeping close to find out how things would develop next.

It could be said that how Wang Baole decides to handle the matter would determine how everyone treated Chen Mu and company. To a certain extent, Wang Baole’s influence on the people could also be affected by this.

If he handled the matter perfectly, he would have solidified his influence. However, if he failed at this initial attempt at sparring, his influence on the people would be greatly reduced.

Li Wan’er, on the other hand, was now frowning. In reality, this was the scenario that she was dreading the most. According to her plans, there was no need for Chen Mu and company to resist Wang Baole head-on in this manner. She had tried persuading them, but the effects were minimal.

This current mission of suppressing the catacombs appeared noisy on the surface, with everyone resisting the beast tide with their utmost effort and the seal being put in place with the help of the Core Formation realm cultivators. However, in reality, everyone focused their attention on Wang Baole, wanting to find out how things would unfold.

With regards to this, Wang Baole, who was familiar with the high officials’ autobiographies, understood the whole situation like the back of his hand and took everything seriously. He appeared calm from beginning to end, and other than sending out the second order, he didn’t take any further action, instead, continuing his efforts to manage the catacombs incident.

The newly appeared catacombs may not have been large, but the number of beast waves that showed up was still astounding. They had been confined into a small area, and with the abundance of cultivators and Dharmic Artifacts, the ferocious beasts were continually killed. The beast tide within the cave was also beginning to show signs of receding, and the seal was about to be completed.

However, right at this moment, a deafening scream was heard, and a thick fog exploded suddenly from within the cave, destroying the half-completed seal and rising to the skies. In mid-air, the movement of the fog was transformed into a giant python, screaming as it emerged.

The instant that the black fog was transformed into the python, more black fog surged from within the cave. As it rose to the skies, it was like seawater, spreading furiously in all directions. Within it, numerous tiny black pythons could be seen, screaming as they moved.

A chill flashed across Wang Baole’s eyes. He had no time to think about Chen Mu and company. He had a duty to fulfill now, and he immediately dashed out, his late-stage Foundation Establishment realm cultivation activated and Dharmic Armament saber in hand. In a few steps, he slew the giant python that was roaring in mid-air!

The moment Wang Baole acted, the four Core Formation realm Dao guardians from the four Dao Colleges looked solemn. They instantly surrounded Wang Baole. Of their responsibilities, protecting Wang Baole was most crucial, while resisting the catacombs was secondary. Therefore, they now stood guard around Wang Baole, before charging out and going against the giant python.

The Core Formation realm Dao guardians beside Jin Duoming and Kong Dao acted similarly. Everyone’s main objective was to protect their respective important figures, and there were now over ten Core Formation realm cultivators there. Therefore, as they acted in unison, the effect was shocking. As a loud boom reverberated, the glow from their spells lit up splendidly in various colors. The giant python that approached was unable to withstand it, and within a short period of time, it burst open and died.

Wang Baole’s saber beam didn’t have the largest effect, but with his initiative, he managed to have a strong influence in gathering others to act.

Soon, as everyone cooperated in unison, the new catacombs, which wasn’t large in area, was gradually suppressed completely. When all the black fog that emerged dissipated, and as the catacombs was sealed, Wang Baole heaved a sigh of relief. Standing outside the sealed catacombs, he looked at it while it was still glowing. He calmly conveyed another series of commands, including the order to build a base at that very location and make it part of the new city so that it could continually be suppressed.

Right now, there was a principle held by Martian City regarding a newly formed Divine Armament Catacombs. The principle was that in the second Martian City, the array formation would be used to destroy the barrier, forming the foundation for eliminating the beasts. With the appearance of every new catacombs, it would be suppressed, and a new base would be built in that location.

Even though this method seemed a little belated in terms of response, if it was carried out until the barrier was destroyed, it could solve the issue regarding the Divine Armament Catacombs.

After he was done handling the matters of the catacombs, Wang Baole turned his head and looked in the direction of the new city. The chill in his eyes intensified. From the time he arrived until the time the catacombs was suppressed and sealed, approximately two hours had passed. However, everything has ended, and Chen Mu and company still hadn’t shown up. It was clear that they had disregarded his second command.

“Choosing humiliation over dignity.” Wang Baole spoke softly. Jin Duoming and Kong Dao looked at each other without speaking. They could both sense a chill emanating from Wang Baole, one that couldn’t be suppressed anymore.

The surrounding people also realized it. They all remained silent, which made the surroundings of the sealed catacombs appear eerily quiet.

In this quietness, Li Wan’er appeared to have something to say, but she stopped herself. This was the case for Lin Tianhao as well. Based on Lin Tianhao’s thoughts, the autonomous power given to Chen Mu and company was sufficient to resolve everything. Therefore, he wanted to step forward and persuade Wang Baole. After all, finding fault with the trio right now could easily lead to inconclusive results. Once that happened, Wang Baole’s influence would be affected.

However, even before he could speak, Wang Baole’s cold voice reverberated in all directions.

“Everyone, please follow me to the three autonomous zones to see if catacombs have appeared there as well.” As Wang Baole spoke, he began heading to the new city. Lin Tianhao hesitated and didn’t speak; instead, he took a deep breath and followed behind. The four Dao Colleges were on the same side as Wang Baole and naturally followed him.

Jin Duoming and Kong Dao looked at each other and followed, and that was the case for others as well. They all wanted to see what would happen when Wang Baole crossed paths with the autonomous trio.

“City Lord Wang, there is no need to do this. I can handle this matter. You…” Noticing the situation, Li Wan’er hurriedly spoke. However, even before she could finish, Wang Baole, who was ahead, interrupted in a stern voice.

“Shut up! Li Wan’er, mind your position. You’re only the Deputy City Lord!”

As the words reverberated, the aura from Wang Baole grew stronger. Compared to Li Wan’er, who had perfected Foundation Establishment realm cultivation, Wang Baole didn’t let loose, and neither did he turn back. He immediately took out his cruiser and charged towards the new city. His destination was the zone Chen Mu was in!

Having been reprimanded, Li Wan’er was aghast with shock. She fell silent as she followed behind.

As the masses left, some still stood guard around the catacombs, continuing the task of handling the ferocious beast corpses. In the process, no one noticed that a piece of the ferocious beast flesh had quietly blended into the ground and disappeared.

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