A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 386 - Primary Rank Three!

Chapter 386: Primary Rank Three!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

To the entire Federation, this was an extremely serious matter. Back in the day, the Martian Colony Governor reached Secondary Rank One though her achievements in the Martian City, which also placed her in the candidacy for the next Federation President.

Right now, the newly appointed Wang Baole, who was Primary Rank Four, was also building a stronghold. As a result, he garnered a lot of attention and drew so much discussion that it was indescribable.

In an instant, all the media outlets were covering the matter. The fact that they knew about the matter proved that it was an outcome that had resulted from a push by the Federation, Mars, and the various factions!

In reality, once the matter surfaced, it was hyped up by others and was discussed by everyone on Earth. The people on Mars were also very interested in the matter.

With the attention of the entire Federation, Wang Baole’s reasons for suggesting that a stronghold be built soon spread. There were two main points, the first being that a new catacomb had appeared in the New Mars Region, which proved that the Martian Colony Governor’s previous judgment that the Divine Armament wouldn’t give the Federation more time was correct.

If they didn’t act to stop it immediately, the appearance of more catacombs would result in disaster, putting Mars in immense danger. At the same time, it was merely a new city zone, and even though it was possible to dissolve the barrier in ten years, it would obviously still be too late!

Therefore, it was necessary to build a bigger stronghold to suppress the catacombs, and to gain complete control over the rate at which the Divine Armament Catacombs erupted.

The second reason was the Great Baole Array Formation that Wang Baole had suggested. This array formation was created by Zhao Yameng and the Ethereal Dao College according to Wang Baole’s ideas and cultivation techniques, which were eventually tried and tested. Once it was laid out in the scale of the stronghold, it would only take a maximum of three years to completely dissolve the barrier!

This way, the speed of dissolving would be so fast that it would slow the appearance of new catacombs even more significantly. Mars would be able to gain control of the situation within two to three years!

Each of these reasons for building a bigger stronghold could be tested, as they were backed by credible information, and could, therefore, be pushed forward. Naturally, this resulted in Mars and the Federation regarding it highly.

Without a doubt, the outcome that Wang Baole had promoted was extremely tempting to the Federation and Mars. Completely dissolving the barrier in three years meant that it was three times faster than what was possible before.

It may seem like it was only three times, but to the Federation and Mars, the time saved could be used to do other things. At the same time, a large amount of resources could be saved.

Despite that, if no one were to support the idea, or if there were many detractors, then the Federation would still evaluate the pros and cons—perhaps even using other methods to replace the proposal. After all, the new stronghold wasn’t a new city zone, and once built, it meant that a large number of Nobles would need to be assigned, and that was something that the Federation didn’t want to do.

However, Wang Baole was logical and had ample information that made his reason for building the city strong. He even gained the spotlight through this. Most importantly, perhaps due to concerns about safety, or because the views put forth by Wang Baole were aligned with the basis of her judgment, or for some other reason… the Martian Colony Governor, who seldom interfered with the internal affairs of the Federation, firmly chose to support the proposal!

She supported Wang Baole in building the array formation and transforming the city zone into a city!

The Martian Colony Governor’s attitude influenced the Federation significantly. More importantly, the four Dao Colleges also made their stance clear at this time to support the transformation of the new city zone into a new city. At the same time, they pledged their willingness to provide resources to construct the second Mars City for the Federation and all mankind!

The Senate followed after the four Dao Colleges. This time, the Seventeen Senator Coalition of the Senate announced their support for the building of the second city on Mars in unison. That way, the two factions that could equally influence the Federation had stepped forward, which made it even more likely that the new city could be approved for construction.

However, not all factions expressed their support. Soon, the Galactic Dusk Sect and Plume Manifestation Connate Sect, followed by the Five Generation Sky Clan, activated their resources to prevent the matter from going through. Their factions were powerful, and with the lack of their support, there were delays to the building of the city.

Despite that, they were all sly old foxes. The motives of the three factions were known between each other. Therefore, at that moment, the three factions immediately activated their resources, and even the military made a statement as well. Eventually, it appeared as if the three opponents found out about the background of the matter. They appeared to be acting for the greater good of society and switched their stance to support the proposal. In reality, however, countless exchanges were taking place beneath the surface…

Regardless, the Federation President eventually sent the order to deploy an assessment team to carry on-site assessments of the New Mars Region to make the final decision!

This time around, the assessment was merely a formality. After all, the various factions were incredibly intelligent, and they had long had a clear understanding of Wang Baole’s suggestion and the actual situation. Therefore, after the assessment, which, together with everything else, lasted a month’s time, the Federation finally announced the news to everyone.

They allowed the New Mars Region to be transformed into the second Martian City!

The scale would be ten times its original scale!

That made it the second Martian City, without a doubt!

As the news spread, everyone in the Federation was delighted. After all, the matter was groundbreaking, and at the same time, Wang Baole had made an even deeper impression on people’s minds.

The approval for the new city also meant that the status of everyone within the new city zone would be raised. This outcome made Kong Dao and the rest of the trio, who were sitting in Wang Baole’s office with him, whom was waiting to hear the result anxiously, when the Federation announced the news hear deafening screams of happiness from outside immediately.

“Success!” Wang Baole slapped his thigh hard and laughed agitatedly. Jin Duoming, Kong Dao, and Lin Tianhao, who were beside him, were also extremely exhilarated. A glow flashed across their eyes, and their breathing quickened as they all began to laugh happily.

What’s more, most of the unhappiness and grudges between them were resolved as a result of the hard work they have put in to reach their common goal. In their exhilaration, Jin Duoming clapped his hands, and immediately, female cultivators began entering from outside. They brought along wine and food in celebration.

Instantly, the area where the Mayor’s Office used to be was filled with activity, as well as people!

At the same time, the news about Wang Baole and company’s Noble titles was quickly conveyed. Just as he had judged, Wang Baole was immediately promoted to Primary Rank Three, from Primary Rank Four.

The advancement in his Noble title saved him at least ten years, and that was on top of the fact that he had to become a Core Formation realm cultivator first if he were to go the conventional path. A person who became a Primary Rank Three without reaching the Core Formation realm hadn’t been seen in the Federation for the past twenty years.

It could be said that Wang Baole was the only person in the entire Foundation Establishment realm who managed to become Primary Rank Three while still being at the Foundation Establishment realm! A Noble like that allowed Wang Baole to be on the same level as Lin You, to a certain extent!

After all, it was impossible to take another step forward right now. That was because the procedure to become Secondary Rank Two was governed by strict standards. One must be a Core Formation realm cultivator, and at the same time, not all Core Formation realm cultivators were Secondary Rank Two Nobles. The Federation wasn’t an absolute world of cultivation, and after thousands of years of regulations and laws, there were obvious classes. Therefore, it wasn’t surprising to be a Core Formation realm cultivator holding another Noble rank.

Furthermore, even if one was a Secondary Rank Two Noble, their duties also differed in terms of rank. Regardless of that, they still held power, authority, and dignity!

It could even be said that in the eyes of many, Wang Baole was already a high official. Though, in reality, his Noble title was still a leap away from that of the high officials within the Federation. Despite that, the journey of his advancement could be considered a miracle!

Even Lin You got a shock when he first heard from Lin Tianhao about Wang Baole’s plan to build the city. He could imagine how big a leap Wang Baole would advance this time.

However, that came with a cost as well. Lin You thought about it deeply, and also sent a voice transmission to Wang Baole to remind him that such a fast advancement would result in the jealousy of others. Now, in the Federation, there were already many who were suggesting to rein Wang Baole in. This meant creating challenges in the future advancement process of his Noble, and it was even possible that he wouldn’t be advanced in ten years.

In reality, there were many factions who had the same intention. However, Wang Baole didn’t care about all that, as he felt that they were all nonsense. It didn’t matter to him as long as nobody provoked him.

This time, the Federation was extremely generous, apparently as a result of the efforts of the various factions. At the same time, the returns that Wang Baole promised prompted the Federation to be generous for once, not only advancing Wang Baole to become Primary Rank Three, which held a lot of power, but also giving similar rewards to Lin Tianhao, Kong Dao, and Jin Duoming!

That was also the case for their subordinates, and everyone in the entire new city zone advanced!

There were also plans made by the Federation and Mars for the new city. The new city would be divided into six zones, with Lin Tianhao, Jin Duoming, and Kong Dao being the Mayors. This way, three other candidates for the Mayor position were needed.

At the same time, and perhaps most importantly, a Deputy City Lord was still lacking in the second Martian City!!

It was also at this time that a piece of news that shocked many was spreading among the powerful nobles…

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