A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 374 - To Not Commit Oneself Until Success Is Certain

Chapter 374: To Not Commit Oneself Until Success Is CertainTranslator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As he left with Wang Baole, Lin Tianhao had wanted to say something but stopped himself, until he could no longer bear it when the two of them reached the Mayor’s Office in the new city zone—which now had its initial stage completed. He cupped his fists at Wang Baole and spoke.

“Mayor, this Li Yi must be plotting something. Furthermore, when she came, she brought along thousands of escorts, behaving in an imposing manner as she interfered with each and every matter…”

“Now that Mayor Wang has given her control over the new city zone’s construction, I am worried that… problems will arise.” Lin Tianhao couldn’t understand what Wang Baole was thinking. Even though he felt that Wang Baole wasn’t one to let others take advantage of him and that those who opposed him wouldn’t be any better off either, he was still worried about Li Yi’s presence, and he softly reminded Wang Baole.

Seeing how much effort Lin Tianhao had put in, Wang Baole was heartened as he patted his shoulder. He sat down and took out a bag of snacks, cheerfully speaking as he munched on them.

“Tianhao, I know what I’m doing in my handling of the matter. What I need you to do next is to keep a close eye on Li Yi. Don’t stop her for anything. Instead, report everything to me as soon as you can.”

Lin Tianhao blinked in a confused manner. He wasn’t ignorant, and after hearing Wang Baole’s words, he thought about what Wang Baole had been through. Immediately, a look of realization flashed across his face as he finally understood that Wang Baole was trying to trick Li Yi into making a mistake.

Therefore, Lin Tianhao heaved a sigh of relief and agreed. He then discussed matters regarding the construction of the new city zone and left after receiving instructions from Wang Baole.

As he watched Lin Tianhao leave, Wang Baole patted his stomach in a satisfied manner and chuckled.

Li Yi, right now, the cave has been dug for you. What’s next is to see how you would jump into it yourself.

While Wang Baole was basking in delight, Li Yi was leading the escorts arranged by the four Dao Colleges, arriving at her designated workplace. She fell silent, as she still felt that something was amiss, but was excited to start work at the same time.

She understood that this was a golden opportunity for her!

In reality, she was extremely unhappy that Wang Baole had become the mayor. To her, she found it easier to accept Kong Dao as the mayor instead. However, as fate would have it, that pig became the person in charge of the new city zone, which made her feel indignant and disgusted.

This time, her goal wasn’t to become the vice mayor. Instead, it was to kick Wang Baole away and take charge of everything. This wasn’t approved by the White Deer Dao College, but Li Yi felt that the Dao College would support her if it became a reality.

The people from the Dao College obviously hate Wang Baole to the core. However, they are too pedantic, giving excuses about stability, and about how the time isn’t right… Everything is in the control of our own hands, and that is the greatest form of stability. As for the right time for things to happen… that is created by humans too! Li Yi sneered, unhappy that the Dao College didn’t support her views.

As a result of her goal and attitude, she immediately took initiative and grabbed hold of power when Wang Baole went into seclusion previously. She wanted a part in every matter, as her goal was to remove Wang Baole from power.

She had planned to do everything step by step and estimated that she would need a year’s time to slowly and successfully reach her goal. However, now that Wang Baole had relinquished his authority to her, Li Yi was agitated, her eyes revealing a look of bewilderment.

She was very clear that Wang Baole had become the mayor with the entire Federation as his witness. That meant that he had a strong backing and foundation, which made it difficult for the situation to change, unless…

“I just have to prove that his Eternal Fortress isn’t as perfect as others have imagined, and is no match for my Global Dharma City!” Li Yi mumbled. She understood that in order to achieve this, she couldn’t do it in an obvious manner, and should instead appear to abide by the rules on the surface while going against them in secret. It would appear that she was constructing the Eternal Fortress, but was actually waiting to ambush.

At the same time, she belittled the Eternal Fortress. In her opinion, she was the representative of the four Dao Colleges. Even though her Global Dharma City had failed in the assessment, it still lasted until the end. Wang Baole may have won, but his stronghold was destroyed eventually as well.

That was what made Li Yi so confident.

Once I have proven this point, the Dao College would naturally take action and collaborate with other factions to kick Wang Baole away, in order for me to smoothly ascend to the position of the new mayor! With that thought, Li Yi grew even more passionate as she immediately pushed aside her suspicions and became determined. She secretly made plans to pretend to be constructing the Eternal Fortress on the surface, while building her own Global Dharma City in secret!

However, she also didn’t dare to make her movements too obvious. Therefore, she focused her attention on a corner of the Eternal Fortress, designating it as an area for the Global Dharma City. There was something that she wasn’t too clear about, and that was that Wang Baole seemed to be responsible for constructing the stronghold, but was actually facilitating the Qi Fostering Spirit Array Formation!

After all, this new city zone was constructed in order to form the array formation. This matter was considered a secret, and people who were Secondary Rank Three or below didn’t have the authority to know about it. Wang Baole was an exception, as he had a unique identity and was informed by the Martian Colony Governor.

Even though Li Yi also knew about it, she didn’t have a complete view like Wang Baole did. Naturally, she couldn’t possess the blueprint for New Mars Region’s array formation like Wang Baole!

In reality, minor adjustments had been made to Wang Baole’s Eternal Fortress so that the stronghold and the array formation could integrate with each other perfectly!

That meant that no matter how powerful Li Yi’s Global Dharma City was, it would be difficult for it to integrate perfectly with the array formation. This way, errors would be obvious.

Right now, however, Li Yi didn’t seem to realize that and was instead very excited for the day to arrive when she could prove that her Global Dharma City was superior to the Eternal Fortress.

Just like that, time passed. The construction of the new city zone officially began, with transformations visible every day. Areas of construction and plots of land were constantly being constructed at an astonishing speed.

It was also at this moment that Jin Duoming finally arrived. As the last vice mayor, he may be late, but he brought along an astounding amount of resources and manpower. The speed at which the new city zone was being constructed had visibly increased by the second day he arrived.

After meeting Jin Duoming, Wang Baole relinquished more of his power, passing Jin Duoming the responsibility to act like a housekeeper responsible for the internal affairs of the new city zone. He even told Jin Duoming that this was a chance for him to prove himself!

That surprised Jin Duoming. He felt that what Wang Baole said made sense, and since he had nothing better to do, he was enthusiastic about his job. However, after a few days, he felt tired and bitter.

There were simply too many things to handle and oversee in the new city zone’s construction process. If everyone worked equally hard, it wouldn’t feel so miserable. However, Wang Baole was the one who became the freest, having time to either cultivate or bring the donkey walking in the new city zone. Therefore, after bearing with it for a few days, Jin Duoming finally exploded in unhappiness, realizing that he didn’t even have time to flirt with the ladies anymore.

However, the way he expressed his unhappiness wasn’t to argue with Wang Baole. Instead, he sent an order to Trilunaris Corporation, assigning hundreds of management elites from Mars to become his assistants, helping him to manage the internal affairs of Mars. This way, he could relax and had the time to pursue Li Yi…

The way Jin Duoming went after girls in the past was to give them a ton of money until the other party gave in. However, this time, he decided to try a different method to see if he could move Li Yi, not by giving money, but by pursuing her with his capabilities.

He already had this idea when he was in the Martian City, and this thought had remained now that he was in the New Mars Region. He was around Li Yi every single day, which made Li Yi extremely annoyed. However, when she thought about Jin Duoming’s status, she rolled her eyes and bore with the annoyance, occasionally stirring discord between Jin Duoming and Wang Baole.

In response to Li Yi trying to sow discord, Jin Duoming always appeared to be angry at Wang Baole, wanting to go against him. In reality, however, he wasn’t the least bit affected, as he understood the implications of the matter, and didn’t want to be part of the battle between the two of them.

However, he still hinted to Li Yi that as long as she became one of his Dao partners, he would immediately roll up his sleeves and bash Wang Baole up.

This attitude of not committing oneself until success is certain made Li Yi grit her teeth. Seeing Li Yi’s response, Jin Duoming was heartbroken, as he felt that it was a beautiful sight. He decided to secretly support Wang Baole!

That was because the more he supported Wang Baole, the more powerful Wang Baole would be. At the same time, Li Yi would become more angry and annoyed, and that would perhaps make Li Yi agree to become his.

In order to agitate Li Yi even more, Jin Duoming didn’t hide his support for Wang Baole and instead made it very obvious to Li Yi.

“Can you see that with the resources I hold, whoever I help would be at an advantage. How’s this? If you become one of my three hundred Dao partners, I will help you!”

“You a**hole! Get lost!” Li Yi exploded at Jin Duoming angrily.

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