A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1195

Chapter 1195: Chapter 1195, punishment!

Translator: 549690339

The arrival of the purple gold civilization and the words of the purple gold ancestor instantly spread throughout the entire solar system, causing the hearts of all the powerful warriors in the Solar System to tremble. Streams of divine sense spread out, they rapidly flew toward the starry sky where the Purple Gold civilization was located.

“The Purple Gold Civilization?”

“The purple gold civilization that once invaded the God’s eye civilization?”

“Why did they suddenly come here? Why are their words so sincere?”

“Senior Wang… could it be…”as these divine thoughts intersected rapidly, they immediately transmitted their voices to each other, revealing a strong sense of shock and vigilance.


The purple gold civilization that had arrived was truly astonishing just by looking at its aura. Whether it was the elder who spoke or the vast starry sky revealed by the vortex behind him, they all represented this purple gold civilization, it far surpassed the Solar System.

This was especially so… when the god eye civilization had merged with the Federation, they had gained an understanding of the entire left Dao holy region. Naturally, they were not particularly unfamiliar with this purple gold civilization that had once plotted against the god eye.

They were very clear that the purple gold civilization was the first sect in the 19th region of the left Dao holy region. There were more than a hundred civilizations under their command. In the entire 19 regions, they were a colossus.

Although there were no star regions within them, their forefather was already half a step into the star region. With the array formation of the purple gold civilization, he had the qualifications to fight against the star regions within the region of his civilization.

Such an expert, such a force, had actually taken the initiative to merge with them..

This matter filled the hearts of all the experts in the Solar System with shock and suspicion.

The Martian colony governor, Lin You, the Golden Colony Governor, fellow Daoist Gui, the divine eye civilization’s sky-palm forefather, and the vast expanse Daoist Palace’s Qing Lingzi all charged out of the solar system at this moment, at the same time, the array of the Solar System also unfolds soundlessly and comprehensively, and there is Wu Mengling and Li Xingwen, as well as the Jin family progenitor, the spiritual sense all spread out, gazing out of the Solar System.

There is in mercury closed-door Zhao Yameng, also at this moment open eyes, looking at the direction of the Purple Gold Civilization, eyes thoughtful, looking at the earth.

She was not the only one. All the people who went out and spread out their divine senses were looking at Earth at the moment of shock. It was clear that the person from the purple gold civilization who spread out their divine senses, the person whose words were respectfully addressed as senior king, was in everyone’s minds, it’s a big wave.

Because of this title, they can think of, only one person can be!

This person was naturally Wang Baole, who had left the federation for more than ten years!

“He’s Back?”The question surfaced in everyone’s mind, and their emotions were different. The Galaxy in the Vast Expanse Dao palace was silent. His disciple, Qing Lingzi, didn’t know that Wang Baole had returned. His heart was trembling, it was obvious that Wang Baole’s intimidation had left a shadow on him.

The divine eye civilization was filled with respect and awe. All the powerful cultivators within bowed their heads. In their hearts, Wang Baole was their emperor.

The sky-palm elder sighed internally and chose to bow his head as well. Compared to them, the people from the federation were excited after making their own judgments and speculations.

President Wu Mengling’s eyes lit up. Li Xingwen’s smile came from the bottom of his heart. Lin You and fellow Daoist GUI were excited.

However, there were also some people who were extremely nervous and guilty.

Wang baole, who was sitting in his home in Earth’s ethereal city and talking to his sister, could clearly feel everyone’s reactions. He didn’t say anything and allowed the people from the federation to come into contact with him.

This matter could be considered a training exercise for the federation. If everything went well, it would be better. If it didn’t, it would be suitable for him to appear again. Therefore, at this moment, he only released his dao charm.., he circled around the purple gold grand ancestor who was bowing to him outside the solar system, indicating that he knew. After expressing his welcome, he retracted his dao charm and looked at Wang Baole, who was sitting beside him.

Sensing that Wang Baole was looking back at him, Wang Baoling instinctively sat up straight, her small face even more nervous.

“Mom and Dad Don’t like the way you’re dressed now.”Wang Baole could easily resolve the matter regarding Wang baoling. He retracted his gaze and said calmly.

“I’ll change in a while. I Won’t do it again in the future,”Wang Baoling said without hesitation.

Wang Baole nodded and continued.

“Don’t let mom and Dad Worry About You. Don’t Talk Back.”

“I… I Won’t talk back in the future. I’ll agree to whatever mom and Dad Say. I’ll be very obedient.”Wang baoling felt wronged and tried her best not to cry. However, she couldn’t hold it in after saying that, she asked in a low voice.

“But what if what they say is wrong? Brother, can… can I tell you?”

Upon hearing her call him brother, Wang Baole had some thoughts in his mind. Looking at his sister, who was very afraid of him, Wang Baole laughed involuntarily and raised his hand to touch her head.

“You can.”

“Really?”Wang Baole’s touch made Wang Baole’s eyes light up.

“Really, but you can’t let mom and Dad Worry.”

Wang Baole was about to cheer out of instinct, but when he saw Wang Baole, he retracted his head and held it in. He nodded quickly and obediently. Then, he rolled his eyes and saw that the table in front of Wang Baole was empty, therefore, he quickly got up and brought a bottle of ice spirit water for Wang Baole and placed it in front of him.

Looking at the ice spirit water, Wang Baole’s heart warmed even more. After a moment of silence, he suddenly spoke.

“You Like Him?”As Wang Baole spoke, he waved his right hand, and an illusory shadow appeared. It was the youth that his sister had secretly watched.

Wang Baole’s pretty face blushed. He was a little shy, but he still nodded.

Wang Baole thought about it. Different positions would determine different ways of handling the matter. If it was in the past, Wang Baole might have directly stopped it and chosen a person that he acknowledged. However, now that he was in his position.., he wouldn’t interfere with his younger sister’s decision. Furthermore, the youth was unpredictable. What was happening now didn’t mean that it would happen in the future. Therefore, he wouldn’t stop it, but he would make some adjustments.

In the next instant, Wang Baole’s Dao rhythm spread. He immediately found the youth who had just arrived home in ethereal city. He looked at the Karma thread that spread across the starry sky and waved his hand, instantly, the Karma thread collapsed.

As it collapsed, on the other end of the Karma Thread, on the planet where the divine eye civilization was located, a middle-aged cultivator who was sitting cross-legged and meditating changed his expression. He was about to get up, but in the next instant, his body withered like a deflated rubber ball, he fell to the ground and turned into ashes.

He wasn’t the only one. At the same time, more than a dozen cultivators of different cultivation levels within the divine eye civilization turned into ashes in that instant.

There was another person whose cultivation had reached the level of a spirit immortal. He looked familiar, but Wang Baole had forgotten his name. In his memory, he must have been a disciple of the sky-palm Grandmaster. His body trembled. He wanted to explain, but before he could say anything.., his body was reduced to ashes.

At the same time that this person died, the sky-palm Grandmaster, who was outside the Solar System receiving the purple gold civilization with the people from the Federation, shuddered. A shadow of his soul appeared above his head. One of the Shadow’s arms.., had been cut off by a dao rhythm!

As the arm was cut off, a mouthful of blood sprayed out of the mouth of the sky-holding patriarch. His body trembled, and he turned his head with a pale face. Then he bowed deeply in the direction of Earth in the Solar System.

“I didn’t plan this,”he said in a voice that filled him with awe and fear. “But I knew what I was doing, so I let you go. I’ll cut off your soul and arm, and I’ll cut off twenty percent of your cultivation base as a warning to others!”.

Everyone in the area immediately noticed his state of mind, and looked over in shock. Even patriarch violet-gold swept his hand over the sky thoughtfully.

“Fellow Daoists and seniors, please forgive me. My disciple has committed a taboo. As his master, I deserve to be punished, and I am willing to do so.”

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