A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1185

Chapter 1185: Chapter 1185 law recalibration!

Translator: 549690339

The Underworld River churned as if it were moving along with the vortex in the void. Only when the dark sect cultivator disappeared into the underworld planet and the even more shocking figure in the sky moved further and further away did the vast underworld river slowly recover.

Gradually, the river stopped churning. Gradually, the countless souls that had been trembling in the river returned to the surface of the river again and again. After a long while, the sound of souls could be heard again.

The sound of souls contained seven emotions and six desires, the desire to live, and the unwillingness to die. This was the normal state of the Underworld River, and it was exactly the same as before the Underworld sect cultivators went in.

To a certain extent, the Underworld River could also be described as calm.

What was different from the calm here was the underworld star floating on the Underworld River. With the return of the Underworld sect cultivators, even if the losses this time could be described as disastrous, there were hundreds of them when they went in, and dozens when they came back.

However… Even so, after knowing that the Heavenly Dao had successfully obtained the remains of the underworld emperor, it still attracted the cheers and excitement of the Underworld sect’s cultivators. Even the voices gathered from the underworld star were transmitted to the outside of the underworld star.


“Glory! !”

“Refine the stone monument world again! !”

Waves of these voices surged out, spreading to the underworld river around the underworld star, into the void, and fused into… a figure that gradually appeared at the end of the vortex in the void.

That figure was none other than Chen Qingzi, who had come all the way here.

Perhaps at this moment, his original name was no longer important. Instead, he should be called… The Underworld sect’s Heavenly Dao, the new… Underworld Emperor!

He stood silently at the end of the vortex. After a long moment, he sat down cross-legged, no longer muttering to himself. Instead, he closed his eyes, and his dao intent spread out through the vortex… toward the living world at the other end.

In the blink of an eye, the cultivators of the myriad sects and clans in the area of the Weiyang Dao Domain began to tremble. No matter what they were doing, their hearts began to pound.

At the same time that their hearts began to pound, it seemed as if a voice… was echoing in their hearts.

“From this day forth, the cycle of reincarnation will be restarted. The laws will be refined, and the rules will be set. The living will live, the dead will die, and the dust will return to the dust. The dust will return to the earth..

“Anyone who creates another cycle of reincarnation will be killed

“Anyone who runs away after reaching the end of his life, will be killed

“Anyone who returns his private soul, will be killed

“Anyone who disrespects the Dark Dao, will be killed!”

These five words were like five bolts of lightning that exploded out in the minds of all of the celestial domain realm cultivators in the Weiyang Dao Domain. In the blink of an eye, the entire Weiyang Dao domain was shaken.

Before the cultivators could react, the same thing happened… in almost every myriad sect clan. A bolt of heavenly lightning that represented death appeared silently along with a fish-shaped black cloud, it suddenly descended.

Although it was just a bolt of lightning, its power was shocking. That was because… it was the punishment of the Heavenly Dao!

The punishment of the Heavenly Dao of the dark sect!

Even the galaxy could not withstand a single strike from it. It attacked directly, piercing through all nothingness, all barriers, and all the defensive formations. It landed directly on the body and the divine soul, causing all those who were struck by the Lightning to.., instantly… be destroyed in body and soul!

It was exactly the same as the last word of the four sentences… kill!

Because all those who were targeted by the heavenly lightning were..

Someone who had lost his lifespan, but had managed to escape.

Someone who had been killed and had borrowed the power of Wei Yang to reincarnate.

In an instant, at least a thousand cultivators from the Starfield died. The fish-shaped black fish that had appeared in almost every location in the entire Wei Yang Dao Domain also became a nightmare, causing the entire Wei Yang Dao Domain to be completely shaken.

There were also furious roars from the void that gathered around the fish-shaped black clouds from all directions. They turned into beetles that were formed from golden clouds. That was the Wei Yang Heavenly Dao, and it seemed as if he wanted to fight the Dark Sect’s Heavenly Dao!

Amidst the uproar, an even more majestic fish cloud that covered the entire Weiyang clan erupted with even more shocking heavenly lightning in the middle of Zuo Dao and the side sect’s holy region.

The heavenly lightning here was not one, but countless. Its target was the Weiyang clan who had reincarnated into this world. At the same time, more dark dao lightning gathered together, forming a river of lightning that charged… into the depths of the Weiyang clan, within the countless restrictive spell formations, the Weiyang clan had created… The Weiyang Reincarnation cauldron!

The cauldron was green in color, and was in a semi-illusory state. It was the essence of the Weiyang clan, which contained the souls of the entire DAO domain. With it, anyone who died could be resurrected according to the wishes of the Weiyang clan!

Rumbling could be heard as the river of lightning descended, and furious roars erupted out from within the Weiyang clan.

“Chen Qing Zi!”

“How dare you!”

The Divine Emperors were enraged, and they attacked in unison to block the attack. However, even as they tried to do so, the river of lightning that had descended erupted. Indescribable booms rang out, and the divine emperors were incredibly powerful, blood sprayed out of their mouths as they were forced back.

Although they were all injured, the divine emperors were peak mighty figures. As a result, the river of lightning was blocked, and was on the verge of dissipating. It was incapable of attacking the reincarnation cauldron.

However, it was at this moment… that a huge hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the starry sky of the Weiyang clan. It instantly transformed into a hand that radiated boundless aura of death, and caused the entire Weiyang Dao domain to tremble as it shot toward the reincarnation cauldron, it grabbed… toward it!

It moved with incredible speed, and its aura was powerful enough to suppress ten thousand daos. Even the divine emperors were shaken by the appearance of the hand, and their faces fell.

That was because… The dao contained within the hand was so powerful that it exceeded the limits of what they could do to stop it. It was no longer at the level of a divine emperor, and the hand was just about to touch the reincarnation cauldron.

A cold snort rang out from within the reincarnation cauldron. In the next moment… an old man appeared on top of the cauldron, sitting cross-legged in meditation. Behind him, golden light shone out for hundreds of thousands of meters, and the image of a golden beetle appeared, the cold-blooded Heavenly Dao stood behind the old man, looking very obedient. In fact, he was trembling, as if he held the old man in deep reverence.

The old man let out a cold harrumph, then opened his eyes. He lifted his right hand and pointed down at the incoming hand.

The void rumbled, and the starry sky collapsed. The incoming hand came into contact with the finger, and then shattered into pieces. However, the finger… also began to grow blurry.

When the cultivators from the Wei Yang clan saw that the hand had shattered, they became excited. The Divine Emperors also looked at the finger with respect in their eyes. No matter how arrogant and aloof they usually were, they all lowered their heads, they bowed to the old man sitting on the reincarnation cauldron.


This Old Man… was none other than the original patriarch of the Wei Yang clan, the person who had supported the rise of the Wei Yang clan and destroyed the dark sect!

At the moment, patriarch never paid any attention to the other members of the clan. Instead, he looked up into the starry sky. As he did, the void churned, and an enormous vortex appeared, within which could be seen.., the figure sitting cross-legged, and behind him… the Underworld River.

“You will not be able to destroy the never-ending cauldron of reincarnation today,”said patriarch never-ending. His voice was archaic, and contained the will of the passage of time.

“It doesn’t matter that you can not destroy the cauldron of reincarnation. From now on, all souls that are resurrected from this cauldron will be punished by the underworld. This is the law of the stone stele world!”said the Heavenly Dao figure from the Underworld sect.

The two figures exchanged a few words, then fell into silence. None of the surrounding cultivators dared to speak, and all of them were nervous and uncertain about the future.

After a long moment passed, Patriarch Weiyang suddenly laughed.

“Chen Qingzi, Allheaven has fallen, and the stone stele world has been cracked open by a cultivator from the outside world. It is now extremely fragile, and the mission of your dark sect can no longer be accomplished. You should know that I am not the soul your dark sect is looking for. Let me leave, and this place… belongs to you.”

“You are not allowed!”said the underworld emperor coolly from within the vortex.

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