A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1170

Chapter 1170: Chapter 1170 had a mouth, eyes, and a body!

Translator: 549690339

At the end of the Styx handprint, millions of feet away, at the top of the towering mountain, there was a magnificent statue. It was a middle-aged man whose face couldn’t be seen clearly.

He had his head lowered, as if he was looking into the abyss. A thick aura of death emanated from his body, as if he had become one of the origins of the Styx River.

Under the statue, outside the Black Temple, Wang Baole pushed open the wooden door of the temple and walked in with determination.

Regardless of who had entered before, regardless of whether there was an insurmountable danger after entering, Wang Baole had to enter. He had entered this place not for himself, but for his senior brother.

He had entered for the sake of the friendship he had once had, and to repay the debt he owed.

Danger and non-danger were no longer important. What was important was that Wang Baole felt that he should enter this place and do so.

That was why his footsteps were firm. The moment he landed, he crossed the threshold and entered the temple. The moment he entered… it was as if he had entered another world.

There seemed to be no difference between the inner sect and the outer sect. However, only those who had truly entered this place would know that the inner world was different from the outer world. The outer world was at the bottom of the Styx River, and the aura of death pervaded the air. However, within the temple… There was another universe, it was a world.

It was a very large, but very small world. The reason it was so large was because it was so vast that one couldn’t see the end of it. Divine sense couldn’t cover it all. The reason it was so small was because there was no other existence in the vast world, there was only a woman in Red who occupied a small part of the world, and a puppet in front of her.

Most of the puppets were dim. There were only three or five of them, and they were glowing.

There was also a ballad that spread from the woman’s mouth.

“One mouth, one look, one body, one soul, one flesh, one bone..

“All I see is a dazzling sight, except for the Dark Wood..

“One mouth, one eye, one body, one soul, one flesh, one bone..

“All I hear is Snot, except for Little Tiger…”

The ballad drifted in with a strange call. It sounded more like a requiem. When it landed in Wang Baole’s ears, he stopped in his tracks. Confusion appeared in his eyes, but it was quickly suppressed by him, he was even more shocked by the ballad.

The content of the ballad was… extremely detailed and terrifying.

As he looked around, he saw that in this world, the gigantic woman in red was singing the ballad as she took out the few glowing puppets in front of her. She seemed to be making them.

As for the ingredients… Wang Baole was familiar with them. They were the bodies of the dark sect cultivators who had entered the area previously. Not all the dark sect cultivators were present, but at least seventy percent of them were present. Furthermore, these dark sect cultivators.., each one of them seemed to be in a deep sleep, allowing the woman to do whatever she wanted.

The woman’s appearance was also terrifying. She had no nose, only an eye on her face, and a large, blood-red mouth. In the muttering ballad, Wang Baole’s pupils contracted as he circulated his cultivation. He was on top of the woman, i felt a strong sense of threat.

This threat, has nothing to do with the Heavenly Dao, but comes from the soul, as if his soul couldn’t help trembling at this moment, in this way to remind him, here… extremely dangerous!

It was especially so when Wang Baole saw that the puppet that the woman in red was making was made from… a cultivator who had just entered the area before him, a cultivator who had perfected the stars.

Wang Baole watched with his own eyes as the glowing cultivator was held in the red-dressed woman’s hand. With a casual twist, the cultivator’s head was yanked off, and as it was yanked off.., it was clear that some phantoms had appeared on the cultivator’s body.

There were cultivators, mortals, beasts, and plants. If Wang Baole hadn’t experienced what it was like to be on the fated star, he wouldn’t have been able to see through them. However, as he looked at them, he was shocked. He immediately realized that those phantoms.., they must be the previous incarnation of the cultivator.

What kind of existence is this? It can directly affect the essence of the soul. The head that was pulled off wasn’t from this life, but the true essence

There was no blood. It was as if the cultivator had been turned into a dead object that had been pieced together by some strange spell. The woman in red had pressed her head onto another puppet.

At the same time, the cultivator’s body was quickly disintegrated. His arms, legs, and body seemed to have become parts that were attached to other puppets.

This scene caused Wang Baole’s pupils to contract once again. Before he could do anything, the woman in Red’s ballad suddenly paused. A faint smile appeared on her face. She raised her head, seemingly very happy. She looked at Wang Baole with her single eye.

“You have your mouth, your eyes, your body, your soul, your flesh, and your bones.”As her cheerful voice reverberated in the air, the woman in red raised her right hand and pointed at Wang Baole. Wang Baole wanted to dodge, but as the finger landed.., she didn’t give him any chance to dodge, and his mind began to rumble. In the next instant, he was horrified to see that his body had gone out of control and was slowly stiffening. Step by step, he walked towards the woman in red.

Eventually, he walked in front of her and stood behind the puppets. He didn’t move, and his consciousness gradually fell asleep. Everything in front of him started to blur.

Time passed slowly, and the red-dressed woman’s ballad became even happier. However, she didn’t pick up Wang Baole, who had turned into a puppet. Instead, she glanced at him from time to time. Whenever a light shone from a puppet’s body, it would happily grab it out, it would be disassembled and made, and the parts would be installed on the other puppets.

At that moment, Wang Baole’s consciousness disappeared. However, when his eyes lit up again, he was no longer in the temple. Instead, he was on a familiar battlefield.

There was no vegetation around him. He could see basins on the ground. He raised his head and saw that the sky was the starry sky. Not far away from the starry sky was a blue star.

It looked very familiar.

“Earth?”Wang Baole was stunned. The next moment, someone pushed him. Wang Baole was familiar with this person. It was… Jin duoming from the Federation!

“How about it? Do you want to trade?”Jin duoming winked at Wang Baole.

“Trade for what?”Wang Baole asked blankly. Jin duoming looked at Wang Baole in surprise and muttered a few words. He ignored him and turned to leave.

Wang Baole looked around as he watched Jin duoming leave. After a while, his mind gradually became clear. He recalled that he had previously obtained the qualifications to enter the lunar training in Ethereal Dao College, he had to build his foundation here.

Yes, Foundation establishment! Wang Baole was shocked. His eyes shone brightly as he looked around rapidly. With his cultivation at the perfected Qi condensation realm, he sped off into the distance.

Along the way, he saw the unique ferocious beasts on the moon. Be it the Moon immortal or the ferocious spirits that were filled with murderous intent, Wang Baole had no choice but to be careful. At the same time, familiar figures appeared one after another, they gradually appeared in Wang Baole’s eyes.

This caused Wang Baole to be completely immersed in this world. He didn’t realize that there was a problem here, nor did he realize that his current state was very abnormal.

At the same time, in the Dark River, under the statue, in the temple, and in the heaven and Earth where the red-dressed woman was, Wang Baole’s statue, which was originally dim, suddenly began to glow. It seemed to have matured, the red-dressed woman cheered. She raised her hand and grabbed the puppet that Wang Baole had transformed into. With Joy, she grabbed his head and yanked it outwards..

With that Yank, Wang Baole’s previous life’s shadows began to materialize. Be it the Celestials, zombies, deer, or the resentful weapon, they were all about to be yanked apart. However, at that moment, in Wang Baole’s previous life’s shadow.., the black wooden board was also pulled out by the other party’s divine ability. The red-dressed woman’s Yank… didn’t move!

The woman was stunned.

At the same time, in the world of the Moon that Wang Baole was immersed in, he, who was carefully working on his foundation establishment, suddenly jolted. The air around him shook violently, as if there was a strong force pulling at it, the pulling didn’t come from the ground, but from the starry sky, from all directions, and from all directions. Eventually, it gathered on his neck.

However, even though the other party used all his strength, he didn’t manage to break his neck. Gradually, the world calmed down. A look of struggle appeared in Wang Baole’s eyes. He shook his head, touched his neck, and a look of suspicion appeared in his eyes.

Who is tugging at my neck

In the next moment, the world shook again. It was even stronger, and the tugging was even stronger!


Writing the second chapter a little later

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